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"So here are the sperm donors" I show Felix the files of sperm donors the fertility clinic sent over. Two weeks ago I just started the fertility treatments to go through IVF, apparently I don't ovulate normally so here I am taking fertility drugs.

"Okay" nodding his head taking them quickly looking through them before showing me one "here's one, he's a football player and he has blonde hair with blue eyes"

"What's going on?" I see Demetri waltz in with Heidi and the twins, the twins run to us and grab some files.

"We're looking for sperm donors" I tell them "Felix picked a blonde football player"

"And what did you pick?" Heidi asks me

"I haven't picked one yet" I pick up a file, looking through it I see this person is a Historian with dark hair and dark eyes.

"Mommy" Crimson asks "if you do have a baby can it have red eyes like theres" she points to the vampires in the room, when she asks this the vampires all tense.

"Baby" I pick her up and set her on my lap "babies aren't born with red eyes, why don't you and Rowan pick one" setting her down I look to Felix "why did you all tense?"

"It's nothing" he tells me, but I just raise my eyebrow "It's just...children as young as the kids who has red eyes, they are considered immortal children"

"Why do I have a feeling this story will turn bad" I say

"Immortal children are a crime" Heidi tells me "to turn one is a death sentence, children who are turned their brain development will also stop"

"So if say a child has a tantrum" Demetri gives me an example "they throw a human tantrum, but an immortal child they would go on a killing spree"

"When you turn me" I look at Felix "what happens if I might want to kill" looking at the kids I feel a pain of hurt of the thought of harming my kids.

"We will make sure you learn control" Felix assured me "we won't let anything bad happen to the kids" then I hear my phone ring, checking it I groan putting my phone down I grab a pillow before putting it in my lap then throwing my head in the pillow I scream. 

When I stop I look up and I put my finger up when Felix is going to say something, I throw my head in the pillow screaming again before staying silent and looking up I smile "I'm fine, I'm totally fine" my phone then rings again and I was about to throw my phone when Rowan grabs it and he runs to the bathroom. We soon hear a flush and Rowan comes out smiling proudly.

"Oh baby" I get up, go to my son and grab him hugging him "I love you so so much" getting up we head back to the others.

"He just flushed your phone" Heidi points to the bathroom "aren't you upset"

"I would be" I say "if I didn't have a bunch of hormones coursing through me" we then hear a knock at the door "come in" in comes Jane and Alec.

"did you guys not pack?" Jane asks

"Pack?" I ask, Felix looks guilty "what does she mean pack?"

"We're heading to Seattle" Felix tells me "and" his phone soon rings, he furrows his brows before answering "hello?" his face darkens and turns to me "for you?" I take it wondering who it could be.

"Hello?" I ask

"Finally" I hear Charlie "been long enough"

"What do you want?" attitude in my voice

"I want to know when your coming to Forks" he says like it's obvious

"Why would I be coming back to that town?" I ask

"Because your sister is graduating and" I hang up then, giving the phone back to Felix

"How did that man get my number? Who is that man?" he asks

"My birth father" I grumble crossing my arms "he wants me to visit Bella because she's...graduating" I slowly say that, thinking it over I soon smile viscously

"Why does she look like she's about to do something wicked?" Alec asks, I look to Heidi

"Heidi? Would you mind watching over the kids for say like one week?" I ask

"Why?" she asks

"Let's just say Isabella is going to finally get a taste of her own medicine" getting up I go to my laptop which I brought when I first came here, I soon Face Time Paul when he answers I smile "hey Paul"

"Hey" smiling "been a while"

"I was hoping you could do me a favor" I ask, he looks at me "I need you to spread a rumor that gets to Jessica Stanley" the Stanley's are Forks biggest gossips "a rumor about Isabella and it can be anything"

"Oh you've finally snapped haven't you?" he asks

"I don't know what you mean" smiling wickedly, ending the call I soon book a ticket to Seattle. Looking up I see everyone stare at me "what?"

"Who was that?" Felix asks jealously

"A friend" is all I say "if your wondering, I didn't sleep or date him" 

"Are you heading to Forks?" Jane asks coming over and seeing the flight I booked

"Yes" nodding my head "let's just say Isabella's graduation will be one she won't ever forget" 

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