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~Lily's POV~

"Congratulations" the OB/GYN tells us "your pregnant" I smile, tears well in my eyes.

"Really?" I ask, Felix and I decided to go with one who has dark hair and brown eyes. I wanted to pick one that looked like Felix the most.

"Yes" she smiles "it's still early so we won't be able to see the baby until our next visit" nodding my head she leaves to give us some space.

"I love you" I tell Felix, his eyes widen. Right this is the first time I said I love you.

"I love you too" Felix and I kiss, breaking apart I smile up at me mate "come, I've been getting nonstop texts from a lot of people asking if your pregnant"

"Well let's not disappoint" I say

~Time Skip~

"Congratulations" the queens hug me, like everyone they have been holding back their strength since they didn't want to hurt me or the baby.

"Thank you" smiling pulling back, I soon had tears well in my eyes and the queens look at me concerned "it's nothing"

"Sweetie" Athenadora asks "what's wrong?"

"I just can't believe that I'm about to be a mom again" wiping my tears away "time will go by so fast, first their walking, then talking, next their daring, then college" my voice breaks "oh where did the time go?" I cry and Sulpacia hands me a tissue and I blow in it.

"Mi amor?" I see Felix in the door way with the kings looking at me, then the queens who have been rubbing my back "what's wrong?"

"Nothing" waving my hand "just hormones" I cry some more "oh time will fly so fast"

"Alright" nodding his head "the kids were wondering if we could go to the park" I cry some more.

"The park?" I ask "one minute they'll be on the jungle gym and the next their dating!" I cry into Athenadora's shoulder.

"Go" Sulpacia says "we got this"

(Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the other ones, just couldn't think of much for this chapter)

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