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"So what are the chances Bella will die today?" I ask my mate, the army is attacking today and I'm in the woods with the elite guard as we wait for Jane to give the signal. Right now I'm wearing a zip up corset, leather skinny jeans, a leather jacket with ankle boots. All black, like how the others all wear only black but they also have cloaks on.

"God willing" Jane looks to the sky "within the first ten minutes when the battle began"

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"God willing" Jane looks to the sky "within the first ten minutes when the battle began"

"Lilith?" Alec asks "as children, was Bella always"

"A clutz?" Demetri asks

"Accident prone?" Jane asks

"Danger magnet?" Felix asks

"Yes" nodding my head "but she was also grown up believing that anything she wants she gets, I mean she literally has two boys eating out of her hand"

"What was the deal with the twins?" Demetri asks changing the subject "no offense just why give them to you?"

"Oh she didn't" I tell them "about four almost five years ago when the twins were born Bella was going to give them to the father for him and his wife to raise, see Bella wasn't doing well on PE" remembering her teacher and his wife "the children's father his wife was sterile and didn't want to go through IVF, Bella who had just about slept with every guy in the senior class was brought in for detention because she was caught in a classroom with some senior"

"What happened?" Jane asks "how does the is lead to the twins?"

"Well the detention teacher was also her PE teacher, since no one else was in detention the twins father, Mr something I didn't know his name" shaking my head "well he offered to keep the fact that Bella was in detention off her transcript if she agreed to"

"Have the twins" Felix finishes my sentence

"Exactly, so for who knows how long Bella and the teacher had sex" looking into the distance "not wanting Renee and Charlie to find out they used my name, the only reason I found out about all of this was when the Bella's OB/GYN called to ask if she wanted to reschedule the appointment"

"I thought you said she stayed with you?" Alec asks

"She did, after she was caught she forced herself upon me saying as her big sister I needed to help her" shrugging my shoulders "I helped the twins, not her...well some months later Bella had the twins but I knew the teacher and his wife weren't fit parents"

"What do you mean?" Demetri crosses his arms

"This was during my stripper days" Felix growls lowly at that "it was a long time ago, before I was a bartender" shaking my head "well one of the guys I stripped for told me how the same teachers wife well she was never sterile her doctor was her stepfather and they lied"

"Why?" Jane asks

"Who knows, just that they did" leaning against the tree "I threatened to tell the authorities the truth if they didn't sign over their rights to me, Bella and the teacher"

"The wife?" Alec asks "what happened to her?"

"She and the teacher divorced, last I heard she was spreading her legs like Bella up in New York for some football player" this was a few months ago when I heard this "but yeah when Bella went home she acted like nothing happened"

"Would Bella try to get custody of the kids?" Felix asks, I laugh

"And risk Renee and Charlie disowning her? No" shaking my head "the worst she'd do is kill them" they stay silent "we're talking about the same girl who basically caused one half of a mated pair to be killed and tried to feed her own sister to a bunch of vampires, if the plan doesn't suit Bella she won't care"

"What do you think she'll do once she's immortal?" Alec asks "would she try to overthrow the Volturi?" I think that over, since that's a real possibility.

"Yes" nodding my head "now that she knows that there's a vampire government she'll feel entitled to becoming a queen" then I think it over some more "actually I have a feeling that maybe we should extend the date of when Bella should be turned"

"Why?" Felix asks

"Usually my feelings are spot on but, if Bella is kept as a human longer she'll screw up" I smile wickedly "trust me on this"

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