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We're just arrive when we see Edward fucking someone against the side of the house. Jessica Stanley I think is her name.

"I'm starting to like this wedding already" Felix whispers in my ear, I pull out my phone and take some pictures. Nodding my head we head inside, once we do we see Renee come down the stairs in tears. When she sees us she is shocked.

"I bet this is your doing" she points at me in anger, I look at Felix confused.

"What are you talking about?" I ask and we hear some moaning from upstairs. I head upstairs, Felix behind me and we see Bella on top of Phil. I take a few photos.

"Don't take pictures!" Renee screams drawing Bella and Phil's attention. Bella screams and Phil curses, just then Charlie, Carlisle and Esme come in. They stare at Bella and Phil shocked.

"Can't say I regret it now" I smile to Felix, I receive some glares "not my fault Bella's a nasty little whore"

"Bella?" Edward comes in then and we see the two look at their disheveled states "what"

"Why don't we give them some room?" Esme suggests, Felix carries me to where everyone else is. After an hour we stand when we hear wedding music play, I look at Felix who is also curious. We then see Charlie walk Bella down the aisle.

When it's over we head to the reception, here I mingle with a few people. Felix stays by my side the entire time not wanting to put me in any danger.

"Want to ditch?" Felix asks

"Sure" we leave but as we leave we hear some moaning, going over we see Bella being fucked against the house by Jacob Black. Pulling my phone out I take more pictures "how she did it is a mystery" I say loud enough that the two looked our way.

"What are you doing out here?" Bella asks fixing her dress.

"Loving that we accepted coming" Felix replies "now if you'll excuse us" when we leave we see Edwards head under some girls skirt "this keeps getting better and better" nodding my head I pull out my phone for more photos.

"Hey Edweirdo!" He comes out of the girls skirt with blood on his lips, we see a bite mark on the inside of her thigh. Looking at the girl we see she's dead "huh, I wonder how you'll explain yourself now" waving to him

"You won't say anything" he growls "or else"

"Oh yeah" I ask "Alec!" He soon drops down from the tree, he's been keeping a distance keeping an eye on us.

"Let's head home" Felix grabs my hand and we soon leave, but as Felix drives us away he rolls his window down telling Edward "if Bella isn't turned by the time we see each other next, your entire coven dies"

~Time Skip~

Demetri doubles over laughing hearing what we saw, pulling my phone out I show them but then Jane takes it "did you record a video?"

"Did I?" We look and see I recorded Edward drinking the woman "oh now this is just too good"

"Mommy" we turn to see the twins up "why is everyone laughing?"

"Because something funny happened at a wedding me and Felix went to" I tell them "I'll explain when your older"

"What are you two doing out of bed?" Felix asks

"Sorry daddy" Crimson says "we couldn't sleep"

"Can you tell us a story?" We are all frozen, we've never heard Crimson say daddy to Felix before.

"Sure" Felix gets out of his shock before me "what do you kids want to hear tonight?"

"Sleeping beauty" they say

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