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~Felix's POV~

I watch as my mate and her children sleep before leaving, when I do I see Demetri in the hallway with Afton and Santiago smiling at me like they know something I don't. I narrow my gaze on them but they continue to smile.

"Why are you three smiling like that?" I demand

"Oh" Santiago shrugs his shoulders "just reasons"

"Reasons?" Crossing my arms

"Demetri just told us something interesting is all" Afton smiles, I look over to Demetri who is just whistling.

"I'm going to regret asking this" I say out loud "but what did he tell you?"

"Oh nothing special" Demetri answers "dad"

"Dad?" I ask

"Dude" Santiago says "you do realize that you have a new daughter right? That when she starts to date you'll lose your mind"

"No" shaking my head "I won't be losing my mind because there will be no dating"

"And if there is?" Afton asks

"Then you will be stalking all of her dates" I make it clear "making sure she remains chaste"
I can't believe I'm having this conversation right now. The guys in front of me start to laugh.

"Chaste?" Santiago asks "what? Are you going to send her to an all girls school when she hits puberty? Or what home school her?" The look on my face has them laugh even harder.

"What's going on?" Chelsea, Aftons mate comes over with Heidi and my now ex lover Corin.


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"Just talking" I tell them

"About what?" Corin asks taking my arm, I remove it and she looks hurt and confused. Right, she doesn't know.

"Felix found his mate" Demetri tells them "who also has twin girls"

"You found your mate?" Corin asks me, I nod my head "congratulations" she soon leaves, I look to the others and it's silent.

"So your mate has kids?" Heidi tries to make the silence easier "how old?"

"They don't look more than four" I tell them "a boy and girl"

"We were just saying how Felix will be very overprotective when the girl, Crimson that's her name hits puberty" Demetri says, Heidi hits his shoulder "what was that for?" Then Chelsea does the same with her mate.

"Why did you hit me?" Afton asks

"Aren't you three going to be like overprotective uncles?" We hear Renata ask, turning she comes over.


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"Thank you" Chelsea says bringing Renata over, out of all of us she's the silent one since she barely leaves Aro's side. With her ability to create physical shields, Aro keeps her by his side almost all the time.

"Hey Renata" Heidi smiles

"Hey" she waves her hand shyly "congratulations on meeting your mate"

"Thank you" I smile

"So where is she?" Heidi demands

"She's sleeping in my room with the kids" I say "yeah that sentence is something I don't think I'll ever get use to saying"

"You won't" Jane and Alec soon come over "since you'll be turning her soon, right?"

"Yeah" nodding my head

"Unless they want to have more kids" Santiago says which causes the girls to screech with excitement looking at me expectedly.

"Woah" I hold my hands up "I haven't even had a real conversation with her yet and you are expecting me to go and ask her if she's cool with having what five more babies?" Looking at them.

"No" Heidi shakes her head making a face, the girls look around then to me "we were actually thinking twenty babies" I cough on air then.

Looking at Demetri and Afton "you two, get your women babies" I turn and leave going back to my mate and kids.

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