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"Okay" I'm on my back, I've been given an epidural some time ago and I look up to the ceiling as they take out my babies.

"We got baby number one" Addison announces, Felix squeezes my hand. I look over and I can tell it's taking everything in him not to rip apart anyone in this room, especially Addison since she's the one cutting me open.

"Is she alright?" I ask "why can't I"

"She's alright" Felix assures me "they are just being intubated" I nod my head, he wipes a tear from my eye.

"Here's baby two" Addison tells us

"How are they?" I ask Felix

"Perfect" he tells me just as Addison calls out "I have baby number three" I sigh closing my eyes being tired. I then hear yelling.

~Felix's POV~

"Felix" Addison orders "I need you to leave"

"What's wrong?" I demand, I hear my mates heart slowing down and those machine things start beeping loudly.

"There's a bleed" she tells me "I need you to leave so I can take care of your fiancée, alright?"

"Make sure she lives" I can't blow my secret, so I have to leave. When I do a nurse leads me to the NICU and I stare at my three daughters as Addison tries to save my mates life. Just then I see Demetri come in with the twins, their wearing these pink gowns.

"Hey" Demetri smiles "how's Lily? Resting?"

"She's in surgery" I look at the kids "want to meet your new sisters?" They nod their heads, I grab Rowan and Demetri grabs Crimson "these are your baby sisters"

"Why are they in the box?" Crimson asks

"It's to help them" Demetri informs us "see how tiny they are" they nod their heads "babies aren't normally that big so they need to stay in there a bit longer"

"Where's mommy?" Rowan asks

"Auntie Addy is helping your mommy heal" I inform them rubbing their backs "don't worry, mommy will be alright"

"Okay" nodding their heads but Demetri can see right through me. When visiting hours are over we go to the waiting area where we wait for Addison to tell us whether Lily will make it.

"Lily's a fighter" we look over to see Mark come over "always has been, she'll pull through" I nod my head. When the twins fall asleep, they fall asleep on me and I stare at them. Even though that blood whore Bella Swan gave birth to them, I see Lily in them.

Just then my head snaps up when I see Addison come out, I hand the kids carefully to Demetri as I walk over to Addison "she's fine" she tells me "we were able to stop the bleeding" I sigh nodding my head hugging her, not too hard but I do. Pulling back "you can see her now"

"Same room as before?" I ask

"Same room" she confirms

"I'll take the twins home" Demetri answers but I pay no mind seeing Felix leave.

~Demetri's POV~

I stare at my mate as she sighs sitting down, she looks like she's taking a moment to digest information. "Something bothering you?"

"No" shaking her head waving her hand

"If you want" I suggest "we could grab a drink"

"The twins" she reminds me

"Felix and mines younger siblings are visiting" I lie "they could watch the twins"

"Are you sure?" She asks

"Yeah" nodding my head, pulling my phone out.

"Alright" she stands "let me change first" I nod my head.

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