❄️The tall cold man ❄️

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"Doctor Lee, please proceed to room 204 immediately; the patient is ready for a check-up," announced the speaker in the office. It was time to begin my usual shift. I grabbed my stethoscope and notebook, took a final sip of my morning mocha, and prepared to start the day. At 10 a.m., the hospital was relatively quiet, free from the usual rush of patients and emergencies. Luckily, more experienced doctors were also on duty at this time, providing reassurance.

Upon reaching room 204, I was greeted by Nurse Kim's bright smile and chocolate-colored eyes. "Good morning, Dr. Lee. Did you sleep well last night?" she inquired as she assisted the patient into the wheelchair, heading to the examination room. "I wish I could say yes, but severe chronic insomnia and intense dreams keep me awake," I replied while reviewing the patient's medical record. "I understand," she sympathized. "Ms. Oh, let's proceed with your check-up," she added, pushing the wheelchair out of the room.

Contrary to what some might think, I don't despise my unique ability to see souls, whether in my daily life or through my dreams. It's a gift that allows me to assist them in fulfilling their last wishes, ensuring they move on to the afterlife without regrets. Last night, a young girl, barely six years old who died in a car accident, expressed a wish to inform her mother that she was okay and would wait for her. Since her mother is currently in our hospital, I managed to convey her daughter's last message this morning. Despite her profound grief, the mother found some solace knowing her child was at peace and that they would reunite eventually. The purity of children's spirits even in the afterlife never ceases to amaze me. This ability, while burdensome, is a boon to my profession, allowing me to offer comfort to grieving families and closure to restless souls.

Following Nurse Kim down the corridor, a sudden chill ran through me as I accidentally brushed shoulders with a tall man dressed entirely in black. "I'm sorry," I apologized. He gave me a disdainful look but simply nodded and continued on his way, flanked by two women. I was momentarily taken aback but quickly regained my composure.

"What a handsome face!" Nurse Kim exclaimed, a bit too loudly. "Shh, remember we're in a hospital," I reminded her. "Right, sorry, Dr. Lee," she replied, quickening her pace towards the examination room. "A man as cold as ice, yet undeniably handsome," I mused quietly, following her lead.


"Why do I keep doing this to myself?!" I lamented in my office. My shift should have ended 30 minutes ago, but here I was, covering for Doctor Won, who had forgotten about his daughter's birthday party due to his scheduled night shift. My decision to cover for him was a testament to my good nature, yet here I was, lamenting the choice as sleepless nights were the norm for me due to my 'special' condition.

"Covering shifts too?" Nurse Kim asked as she entered my office. At 23, she epitomized the Korean beauty standard with her pretty features, big brown eyes, short straight hair, and pale skin. She was not just a colleague but one of my closest friends. "Me and my generous heart," I sighed, "Doctor Won had an event, so here I am. How about you?" I inquired, unpacking my dinner. "Oh, I'm covering for Nurse Min. She rushed off after a call about her mother feeling unwell," she explained. "Well, you're always welcome here. Any idea who else is on the night shift?" I asked between bites of my chicken salad. "Doctor Seo is in charge, along with Doctors Jae, Yoon, and Hyun. There are about eight nurses tonight, including myself," she replied, joining me for dinner. "Let's hope the night goes smoothly," I said, hoping for a quiet shift.

Two hours later, the quiet of the night was broken. As I sat, passing time by watching K-pop performances on my phone (I'm a big fan, just like the author!), an urgent message came through. "DOCTOR LEE, THERE'S BEEN AN ACCIDENT ON THE BRIDGE, two people almost drowned!" the nurse exclaimed. Suddenly, my wish for an eventful night had come true. We hurried to the entrance where the ambulance had just arrived. Among the victims were a middle-aged man, a homeless individual who had attempted suicide but was fortunately rescued, and a younger man, around my age, tall and muscular, who also seemed likely to survive. As we began treatment, I hoped fervently that they would make it through the night without any complications.

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