🧊Ice Cube 🧊

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At the hospital's entrance, the mood was reflective. Mr. Woojin, having been rescued timely by Ms. Koo and Nayoung, was now stable. I was feeling much better, while Ms. Koo was recuperating from the intense pain inflicted by the ring's punishment. Two members from the escort team were there, ready to guide Nayoung to the afterlife. 

Nayoung expressed her gratitude, "If it weren't for the RM Team, I don't know what'll have happened. You guys saved both, Woojin and I." Mr. Lim, with a hint of modesty, responded,"It was nothing." 

Nayoung, with a content smile, assured, "Thanks to you, I can go now, knowing he'll be okay." She said with a smile. As she prepared to leave, I offered a parting wish, "Have a safe trip." Junwoong chimed in, "Take care." Nayoung smiled one last time before turning around and walking after the two Escort team members.

As Nayoung walked away with the escort team, Junwoong seemed to struggle with his emotions, pretending to have something in his eye. "I think there's something in my eye." 

"They'll meet again one day. Woojin and Her." Mr. Lim remarked, his voice laden with sentiment, watching Nayoung's departing figure.

I noticed Junwoong's emotional struggle and teased, "Are you crying?" Denying it, Junwoong replied, "No, I'm not." But Mr. Lim, observing closely, confirmed, "You are definitely crying." Trying to maintain his composure, Junwoong retorted, somewhat irritated yet visibly moved, "I'm NOT CRYING!" His denial only made the scene more endearing.

~Somewhere else~ (No one's POV)

~Somewhere else~ (No one's POV)

In a secluded room, the atmosphere was tense. The Director, with a composed demeanor, held the report in her hand. "I got the report." she began, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I heard there was some friction between your team and Ryeon's." she continued, addressing Ice Cube, who stood before her, embodying stoicism. 

Ice Cube, with his typical icy exterior, responded, "They obstructed the work of the escort Team." His voice was devoid of warmth, his stance rigid.

The Director leaned back, pondering. "It's indeed important to follow the rules, but don't you think you could have been more flexible?" she probed, her gaze penetrating.

Ice Cube's response was curt. "All souls have stories. Why should they be an exemption?" His words were like steel, unyielding.

The Director's inquiry took a more personal turn. "This case didn't require your presence Team Manager Park, so why did you choose to go?" she inquired, her eyes searching his.

Ice Cube glanced downward, lost in contemplation. After a pause, he confessed, "I wanted to see for myself the people they were trying to save." His voice carried a hint of introspection.

"Is that so?" the Director responded, intrigued by his admission. "So what do you think?" she pressed.

Ice Cube's expression darkened, a mix of frustration and disdain surfacing. "I despise them more than ever." he declared, his tone biting.

Curious, the Director prodded further, "Why do you think so?" 

Ice Cube's critique was sharp. "I can't understand why they choose death so easily, when it takes only a few words to give them the will to live again." Ihe articulated, his frustration evident.

The Director paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle. "Think of how they must be feeling to choose death, because no one ever said those few words to them before." she suggested gently. 

Her words resonated with a profound truth. "I can guarantee you, that there isn't anyone anywhere who chooses death easily." she concluded, her voice soft yet firm. Ice Cube looked thoughtful. After a moment of silence, she dismissed him. "You can leave, I'll think about the situation later on." Acknowledging her decision, Ice Cube replied, "I'll take my leave them ma'am." and exited the room, leaving the Director in her contemplative silence.

Walking through the corridor, Ice Cube was lost in thought, reflecting on the RM Team's inception, a decision he had always opposed, his conviction unyielding. Encountering Ms. Koo, his tone was icy as he reminded her of her obligation, questioning her judgment over her deal with a Reaper for the sake of saving a soul and a "foolish" doctor. "You haven't forgotten your pledge, have you?" He coldly asked. "How will you have me fulfill it?" Ms. Koo asked back. "I can use it in whatever I want, whenever I want. I can't believe you asked for a Reaper's guarantee of responsibility just to save a single soul and a foolish doctor." 

"Are you sure you can handle it?" He asked. Ms. Koo's silence in response only propelled him to continue his solitary walk, pondering Dr. Lee's recklessness in merging with a soul and confronting a Grim Reaper. 

In a secluded moment in his office, he had acted to protect her from herself, driven by a necessity to safeguard her from the potential harm of her own actions. Her transformation during their encounter, marked by the vibrant change in her eye color and her fierce demeanor, hinted at the severe consequences of her actions. Despite his intentions to distance himself, his thoughts inadvertently drifted to her well-being. This internal conflict, masked by his outward disdain, hinted at a complex layer of concern he harbored beneath his surface of contempt.

As the days passed, my life fell into a routine, punctuated by the absence of Jumadeung's peculiar yet thrilling chaos. My curiosity about the other realm remained, fueled by the director's vague advice to focus on the living. I found solace in my hospital duties, relishing the joys of pediatric care and the rhythm of surgery.

Yet, amidst the busyness, thoughts of Ice Cube and our last confrontation lingered, an unexpected yearning for our banters. Despite his frosty exterior and quick temper, glimpses of his vulnerability hinted at a deeper, unspoken turmoil. The serene image of him sleeping, so contrary to his usual stern facade, suggested a hidden gentleness, a stark contrast to the relentless reaper I encountered.

In the meantime, I kept a watchful eye on Junwoong's condition, liaising with his devoted mother, whose daily visits spoke of unwavering love. Her resilience was admirable, yet her health wavered under the strain of constant vigil. Through gentle persuasion, I managed to oversee her health, ensuring she maintained her strength for her son's eventual awakening. This balance of my medical responsibilities and the intriguing allure of Jumadeung's shadowy world continued to shape my days, weaving a complex tapestry of duty and curiosity.

In my office, engrossed in paperwork, the sudden appearance of Ice Cube broke the monotony. His familiar critique of my office's size greeted me, a strange sense of déjà vu filling the space between us. 

"It's still small." It's my first time seeing Ice Cube since our last incident. I don't know what am I supposed to do. "You are extremely quiet today. Has the cat got your tongue?" He mockingly asked. Seriously, is this man bipolar or something? Silence hung awkwardly until his teasing broke it, hinting at a peculiar ease in his demeanor that I hadn't expected. "What do you need?" I responded, masking my surprise with a cool tone.

"Director's asked me to bring you back. You'll be working with the RM team today, and tomorrow's morning you'll work with me since it's your day off." The arrangement seemed meticulously planned, a reminder of the intertwining paths our professions had taken.

"Shall we go then?" Without warning, he whisked us away with his signature teleportation, leaving a trace of vertigo in its wake. We landed in his stark office, the transition now almost routine. His instructions were clear: wait for the RM team manager. As I made to leave, a playful impulse struck me. "See you around, Ice Cube," I quipped, bestowing on him a nickname as cool and enigmatic as his demeanor.

His puzzled reaction was a small victory, a crack in his icy facade. "Ice Cube?" he echoed, a flicker of confusion crossing his features. "Yes, you're just like an ice cube," I affirmed, stepping out with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation. In this game of wits and wills, it seemed I had finally scored a point.

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