🕰Forget 🕰

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Joong Gil's POV

It's been two days... two days since my Seungmin was gone... it feels like hell, and ironically, I am at hell. After defending Koo Ryeon Mr. Ha finally convinced the director's board to judge me and sentence me, but meanwhile I'll be staying in hell. If it was at any other moment, I wouldn't care at all, but since anything could happen to Seungmin right now I just want to go away.
"Park Joong Gil..." Mr. Ha says. "You shouldn't have done that. Why did you do it?" He asks. "WHY?!" He yells. I sigh, I remain quite, I'm not in the mood to be dealing with him. My mind is focused in one and just one thing only and that's obviously not him.
"Why did you let Koo Ryeon escape?" He points at me. "I did no such thing." I reply. He laughs sarcastically, obviously annoyed.
The director and the rest of the leaders walk in to the room. "Oh Director, you're here." Mr. Ha says. "This fool, Park Joong Gil helped Koo Ryeon escape, and beat all my guys to a pulp." He complains. I don't say anything.
"That's impossible." Director answers with a really calmed voice. "No. He really did." Mr. Ha accuses, almost as if he was a child blaming someone. "You said Park Joong Gil saved Ryeon?" The Director asks with a sarcastic tone. "Mr. Park despises Ryeon and the RM Team." She adds.
Well... she has a point... I hated them until a certain doctor changed my mind... I sigh once more. Everything that happens brings me memories of her, of her eyes, her smile, her voice... if I am to be put in hell, then I'll rather just stay here under arrest than going through the pain of not knowing what is going on with her... not knowing if she'll be able to gather her soul, not knowing if I'll see her once more...
"What do you all think?" Director asks the rest of the leaders. Since they all know how I've been trying to destroy the RM ream, the conclude that I couldn't have done "such thing" as helping Koo Ryeon. Also, since I used the Reaper's Guarantee of Responsibility to stop Koo Ryeon, the blame Can relay on me and Mr. Ha won't have any other option than letting Ryeon free.
"I know I did wrong ma'am, I'll accept the consequences of my acts." I say, since it has basically been decided. "You disobeyed a superior officer and cause trouble, this can't be over looked." Director says. I nod silently. "You'll spend a month alone in your current state and then you'll be demoted to a mere employee for six months. Do you accept your punishment?" She asks.
I breath in deeply. "Yes." I answer while nodding. "I accept." I confirm. Mr. Ha looks at me passed off. "Go back now, Ha Daesu." Director commands him. The mentioned one runs after her trying to convince her that I helped Koo Ryeon, of course she knows I did. But she also knows that this is what Seungmin wanted.
I'm left alone... I've never been afraid of being alone, I usually never mind, but right now... tears Tun down my face. The cold-strong man from minutes ago is gone, and the broken hearted one that wants Seungmin to come back is left.
I feel guilty, if I hadn't been an asshole to her at the begging, if I had treated her better, if I controlled my temper, if I was a better being... she might probably still be here. It's my fault... she never told me she was sick, she was hiding it from me because I never demonstrated her that she could trust me, I never encouraged her to trust me, to relay on me. I relayed on her, she showed me my past, she loved me either wise, she helped me overcome my nightmares and fears, she comes me down, she was just the most perfect woman in the world... and I couldn't even protect her, I let her die without seeing her once more... Now only god knows if she'll come back one day, but it could take days, weeks... months... years... or just an eternity. I can't even think about it... what if I loose her for ever? What if she wakes up and I'm not by her side? What if she doesn't remembers me? Well... that last one might be the best option. If she forgets about me then she can be reincarnated as a normal human, live freely, live happily, live long. She won't have to deal with a jackass like me...
Seungmin, I don't care if you want to forget me, if you want to erase everything that happened between us, but please... don't disappear.

Heeeey!! Did you miss me? I'm feeling better now, thanks for your patience and support. I'll be able to finish this story soon YEY! This journey of writing this book has been a new and fun experience.
You might not believe me, but I was really scared of publishing the first chapter back then, thinking no one was going to read it, and that you wouldn't like it... who would have said that this book will come so far?
I have good news and bad news...
I'll start with the bad hehe...
The story has less than 5 chapters left... and I won't give spoilers hehe.
Also, I don't know if I'll end it by this week or by the begging of the next one, but just be patient one more please.

Now the food news
At least tomorrow there'll be new chapter wuuuu!
I'm starting a new book-project, this new book has a lot of things about me, although it might look like a mere fiction book. One of the reasons I was feeling unwell will be explained in that book, it helped me relieve my emotions and be able to come back, so if you want to read a fan fiction with real life situations... look forward to it.
The last good news is that I'm thinking about giving you two different endings. So you can decide if you want to cry out of happiness or sadness hehehe. Just look forward to it as well.
That's all for now.
Thank you very much everyone! See you in the next chapter.

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