⏱ Time ⏱

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I meet with the rest of the RM team. "Where is Ms. Ryu?" I ask. Everyone looks at each other, she's lost.
"Let's split up" Ms. Koo orders and we do as she tells. I start running around the streets, searching for her. I'm not lucky... I can't find her. Suddenly everything freezes but me. It's as if time has been stoped, that means Ms. Koo must have found her. I keep running and finally see that Ms. Ryu was about to be hit by a car, she's standing right in front of it.
"Ms. Koo!" I yell while running to her. She starts walking towards Ms. Ryu, but a really familiar face appears in front of her.
"Will stopping time stop her from wanting to die as well?" He asks. Ms. Koo doesn't pays attention to him, she's focused on coming towards us. He must haven't noticed me.
"A pathetic person who took their own life. A weak and irresponsible person who threw their life away because they couldn't take it... How dare someone like that deceive me and work under me?" He harshly spits. This freaking dummy... if only you knew... I try to walk towards them, but Ms. Koo gestures for me to stay by Ms. Ryu's side.
"I've never deceived you." Ms. Koo replies.
"What exactly was the promise you and the director made?" He questions.
"Ask her yourself." Ms. Koo says still trying to walk past him.
"How much longer do you plan on violating the rules of Jumadeung?" He angrily asks.
"That's my job." Ms. Koo answers looking straight into his eyes.
"JUST LET THAT ONE DIE!" He finally explodes.
I can't take this anymore. I go towards them furious. I slap the man across the face.
"STOP IT!" I yell. He looks at me the angriest his ever been. He notices that it's me, but the look in his eyes looks betrayed, confused and angry at the same time. "How could you say something like that to her?!" I ask angrily.
"So... you've decided to follow this pack of clowns..." he says staring angrily at me. "You're taking their side?" He asks.
"I'm not taking anyone's side, but if I can save her, if WE can save her... it doesn't matters if I have to defy you, but I'll save that girl." I point sure of my words.
"Let's go." I tell Ms. Koo. We walk past him but he then says something that shocks me...
"If you save her, we are done." He spits. How could he? Just cause I'm saving someone who deserves to be saved... he'll break up with me? We don't have much time anyways... so it won't make a difference. But still... his words hurt, they hurt me way to much. Tears start forming in my eyes, but I'm rather angry than sad, I'm disappointed. Ms. Koo stares at me, unsure of what my next move will be.
"Do as you wish." I say, with out looking at him, I don't want to see him. Ms. Koo and I walk once more  to Ms. Ryu, but this man keeps surprising me at how much of a bastard he can be.
"I'll use the Reaper's Guarantee of Responsibility you promised me." He says. Ms. Koo freezes... she can't move. I know what his talking about, the day we saved Ms. Nayeong, they both signed that. "Save her." It's all Ms. Koo manages to say since she's completely frozen. I start running towards Ms. Ryu, but time unfreezes. Right before I could grab her, the car hits her.
She rolls over, landing on the floor. I fall to my knees. I've failed...
Ms. Koo starts crying like me, we both feel the frustration and desperation. I need to do something... this can't end like this. The cold hearted man I love disappears. I run to Ms. Ryu and perform first aid, I need to try at least. An ambulance arrives soon enough, they help me to treat Ms. Ryu and I leave with them to the hospital. My mind is not clear right now, and I know I shouldn't be working like this, but I need to try, I need to save her.

~Time skip~
It's already 1pm. The RM team has split up. Ms. Koo disappeared, Junwoong went to try and convince the company that relieved the article to correct it and Mr. Lim is at Jumadeung. I'm currently at the hospital. I've been overworking my self since I don't want to think of everything that happened last night. Ms. Ryu's sister arrived earlier. She's staying by her sister's side waiting for her to wake up. I keep checking on her every hour to see how she is doing, since I want no complications, but fortunately she seems to be doing fine.
Junwoong enters the room and Ms. Ryu's si stated starts yelling at him, almost as if everything was his fault, which obviously it's not the case. He promise her that we are going to fix the situation, none of us know how but we are sure about that.
I invite Junwoong to my office, curiously Mr. Lim is also there. "You don't look well at all." He says. "Don't talk about it, I don't want to." I reply.
"Still, remember you're human, you should take better care of yourself, don't you want to live a long life?" He asks. Mr. Lim, I am already not leaving a long life, so what's going to be the difference.
"Yes yes... I'll take care of that later." It's all I reply.
He just nods, not convinced by my response. "Where have you been?" He asks Junwoong. "I've been to news outlets, ask in g them to take down the articles but... you know." The mentioned one answers. We all nod.
"What about Ms. Ryu?"Mr. Lim asks. "She hasn't woken up yet. But she'll be okay, she was saved on time." I reply.
"Where is Ms. Koo?" Junwoong asks. "I don't know where she is, but I know what she's doing." Mr. Lim replies. Then he shows us a video of a YouTube streamer who was hating on Ms. Ryu. Ms. Koo clearly appears there, and she beats him into a pulp.
Junwoong takes out his phone to check on Ms. Koo's negative energy levels, and they are at 100%. "I've reported the situation to upper management for now. The director permitted us to punish a living person only when we've rescued a suicide case and if that person is the reason why they chose to take their life..." Mr Lim says seriously.
"But we haven't rescued Ms. Ryu..." I add with disappointment in my voice. Mr. Lim nods meaning I'm right. "Ms. Koo violated the first rule of Jumadeung, which is not to intervene in the affairs of the land of living." Mr. Lim says, then he sighs.
Articles are already being written about Ms. Koo calling her an assailant. He said he went to try to stop her when she just began, but that she wouldn't listen. Things are just getting more and more complicated... and I'm still running out of time

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