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"There must be a way, she can't just go disappear like that." Junwoong says. Currently the three members of the RM team are at the director's office. All of them are trying to figure out a way to bring the doctor back, since it's just extremely weird that she disappeared like that. Yes, there was a probability that it could happen like that, but, it was a really small one, something just doesn't makes sense...
"There must be something we aren't looking at... I might be the most down to earth, but Junwoong is right, there must be a way." Ms. Koo states. The director remains quiet, her head resting on her locked hands, as if thinking throughly...
"I agree with Ms. Koo, something doesn't seems to be quite right." Mr. Lim adds.
"Enough!" Director yells. "I understand your concern, but just being worried and saying those things won't help us to find a solution." She adds. The rest remain quiet. "Yes, it's weird that things happened like this, but if truly she wasn't ready to come back then I don't think there's anything we can do." She says.
"Is there any way a soul could banish and go somewhere else? Or can someone take a soul?" Junwoong inquires. Everyone stares at him. "Did I say something wrong?" He asks confused.
"Mr. Choi... you aren't so useless sometimes." Mr. Lim says. Junwoong doesn't knows if he should feel offended or say thanks. "There's only three options for a soul to disappear like that." Ms. Koo says.
"One, her soul wasn't ready to wake up and she disappeared because of that." Director says. "Two, someone from the escort team took her to the afterlife." Mr. Lim says. "Wait, but that's really improbably, the leader of the escort team is her boyfriend, he wouldn't just let anyone take her." Junwoong says.
"Exactly, but remember Park Joong Gil is going punishment in hell, even if he wanted to he wouldn't be able to help escort her. But as you said, it's really not improbably that someone from that team took her, since basically everyone now knows about them." Mr. Lim replies.
"Which leaves us with just one last option..." Ms. Koo says. "Which one?" Junwoong asks curiously seeing everyone become serious.
"She was kidnapped." Director says.
"WHAT?!" Junwoong asks basically yelling not understanding how it could be posible.
"But who could have wanted to harm the doctor? She might be a bit nosy and annoying, but she was friendly with everyone." Ms. Koo adds.
"Someone who either wants to take revenge on her or... wants to hurt Park Joong Gil." Mr. Lim responds.
"Actually... two names come to mind." Director says. The rest nod as if they already knew who she was talking about. Well, everyone except Junwoong who stayed as clueless as before.
"You have my permission to search for that soul with every method and resource there is. Just don't break the rules." Director says handing Ms. Koo a plaque with a symbol on it, it allows them to enter all the Jumadeung areas including hell. "Oh, and one more thing." Director adds. "Don't tell Park Joong Gil about this, in his current state he can't help and he will just become worse than he is now... if that's even possible." She finishes.
Everyone nods. Park Joong Gil had entered in a big depressing state, he wouldn't talk to anyone, he would just remain in his hell cell crying all day and mumbling non senses... he looked extremely pitiful.
"Ok, we won't tell him." Ms. Koo says while bowing and heading outside the office.
"WAIT! But what is happening?" A still confused Junwoong goes asking while running after her... But one thing was for sure, they will find the Doctor, doesn't matter what they had to do.

~Seungmin's POV~

I open my eyes. I don't know for how long have I been sleeping, I can't actually temper what happened. I am in a really dark room, just a really faint light coming from the opposite direction from where I am at. A figure is standing in the middle.
"You are finally awake." The person says. "Who are you?" I ask.
The figure walks closer to me, and although something looks familiar, the faint light doesn't helps me recognize who the person is.
"You don't remember me? Hahaha" the person laughs sarcastically. "You ruined me, you took away what was supposed to be mine, you ruined my future plans just for being on my and Park Joong Gil's way." It replies. I'm still unable to understand...
But then it hits me. Being informo of my ice cube boyfriend, hugging him since he was unable to do so... and then feeling as if I was being suctioned by something. It felt as if I was fading, then I felt asleep. Turns out I never "disappeared" someone just took me away.
"What do you want?!" I yell. "Shhhhhh... not so fast stupid doctor, it's not just what I want, it's what you are going to pay for destroying my life." The person says, clearly faking the voice.
"But just to solve one of your questions, I'm going to show you something." It's what's said before tuning on a lamp closer to where I am at. Finally reveling a face that I've seen before and I'm not happy to see again.
"YOU!!!!" I yell.

Hey!! Did you miss me? I'm finally back home after my trip. So finally I had time to update. What a turn of events right? Are you looking forward for the finale of this story? I hope you are.
The story will end this week, just for you to know hehe.
I'm still a bit sick, seems like I ate something not that good during the trip and my stomach has been upset with me...
Anyways, the trip I did was amazing, I got to meet T1419 and Kingdom in almost the same week.
I'm working on a story related to that, so if you like the "fan fiction idol" type, look forward to it. Since I'll be adding some gifs and things from my real personal experience hehe.
That's it for now, see you in the next chapter.
Love you all!

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