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That person kneels down to salute Yuni, she wags her tail happily. Yuni traitor! She knows I'm avoiding him, and in the first chance she has, she runs to him... thank you not thank you. He takes her leash and walks towards me. Great... what am I supposed to do now?
"Seems like she missed me." He says. I stare at him, I don't really want to talk to him. "Are you mad at me?" He asks. I avoid his looks and remain quiet. He might think I'm mad because of what happened that time at his office, but the truth is that one is the last of my problems. I don't know how to face him knowing the truth about him, that he was married, that he was happy... that he has never smiled that same way towards me, that he gave me the exact same hairpin he gave her back then, that I've seen him cry his soul out... it's just to much for a mere human like me.
He takes one more step forward seeing that I'm still not answering. "My love?" He asks. My mind replays the "my wife" scene in my head... please just leave me alone. "Please answer me... look, I know I shouldn't have yelled at you, I was just annoyed by something else and took it out on you, but it was never my intention to hurt you. You know that, right?" He says. I can't keep avoiding him for the rest of my life, I need to face my problems, specially with the current situations. I try to put myself together and smile, faking that everything is just a joke. "I'm not mad at you haha, I understand you must've been frustrated that day, so don't worry, I didn't took it by heart." I say... gosh, what a liar.
He steps forward and embraces me. "I haven't seen you in a while, I was worried, I thought you were really angry at me and didn't wanted to see me at all. I regretted it almost instantly after you left my office that day, but thought it was better to give you some space." He tells me. Indeed I didn't wanted to see him, but not for the reason he thinks. "Don't worry, I also thought about giving you space since you seemed to be so frustrated." I reply. He pecks my lips. For some reason, I feel like crying inside, this is all to much for me. "Are we ok then?" He asks with a little sparkle in his eyes. "Yes, we're ok." I answer.
We take a stroll with Yuni, I feel awkward, but deep inside I don't want to let go of him. "You haven't been to Jumadeung recently." He points out. "I just haven't been called to, Ms. Koo was a bit weird the last time I saw her, and you... well, you know better than me." I reply. He holds my hand and we keep walking. "Can I ask you Something?" I ask. He smiles, laughing a bit about the situation since it brings us a deja vu. "Of course, go ahead." He replies with a smile. "What will happen when I die? I mean... to us." I question. He stops walking and stares at me, the look in his eyes is confused and worried at the same time. "Why do you want to know that?" He asks. I quickly try to sound calm and convincing. "Just out of mere curiosity." I lie. He nods and restarts walking, taking my hand once more. "Most probably I'll be the one to escort you, I'll make sure of that. You'll go to the afterlife, and then you'll be judged. If you want to, you can become a Reaper like me after some years, that way we'll see each other again." He replies. Well, at least I kind of like the answer. "But why the sudden curiosity?" He asks. "Just... you know... thinking about the future. Seeing many souls leave, escorting some of them and just dealing with the whole Jumadeung thing made me think about it." I reply. He nods one more understanding. I hope things would stay this way for ever, just him and me, nothing else... but I know the reality says otherwise, and the future is already written.

~Time skip~

Ms. Koo has still been acting weird towards me, and the truth is, I can't judge her. I have the same hairpin her husband gave her, I'm currently dating her ex husband, and now I know about her past... this mustn't be something that she likes. Still, we have work to do together.
Currently our case is from an idol girl, Ms Ryu. I've recognized her, she used to be Ms. Koo's friend and maid in her past life, the closest friend she had. I've seen and heard all the struggles she's going through right now, or at least, a lot of them.
Firstly her family, which like mine it's not a really good environment to be at. Secondly, the stress of her career, wanting to be successful and to achieve her goals. Third, her agency which doesn't actually helps her. And fourth, the haters. She's a good liar though, she's able to hide her true feelings under a mask... The "I'm perfectly ok" mask. I know it, since that's the same mask I use every day, even lying to the RM team about my levels being high even though I'm fine. Everything it's a lie.
Ms. Ryu is brave despite of everything else. She's confronted a girl who's a bully inside of her just debuted group. As an older idol who used to be part of something like that, she knows that feeling, she helps the one who's being bullied and confronts the mean girl. Even when that girl tries to blackmail her she doesn't flinch. She's a really outstanding person. The more I see her, the more I see myself reflected in her... this case is getting harder and harder for me, and the fact that I'm running out of time doesn't helps at all.
After receiving a phone call from who seems to be her dad, she gets on the stage even when she's feeling bad. She starts rehearsing her song, but passes out at the middle of her presentation. "Ms. Ryu!" Junwoong yells while carrying her bridal style. "Let's take her back home, I'll check on her at the car, but she need to rest." I say while running after them. Ms. Koo agrees and we all head to the van. Inside I start checking her blood pressure and her vitals. Just by the look of it she's lacking vitamins and rest, she's overworked, so her body is exhausted. "I'll ask a colleague to bring me some supplements for her, for the time being let her rest." I instruct as we head to her home. Ms. Ryu, you'll be my last case, so let me save you please.

~Time skip~

We're at Ms. Ryu Choi Hui's home. I've felt with some idol cases before, it's way more complicated than what you'll think. They can't go to the hospital since that'll create scandals about their health and other issues, so most of the time, doctors are the ones who come to them. "Can I have a moment with Ms. Ryu?" Ms. Koo asks entering her room. "Yes of course. Let me just finish here." I answer her. She nods and waits for me to clean up all my stuff before I head out.
Outside a worried Junwoong and Mr. Lim are standing. "How is she? Will she be ok?" Junwoong asks me. "Yes, she need to rest for the time being, we should make sure that she eats something later today, she's lacking vitamins and energy." I answer. Junwoong sighs. "At least she's ok now." He says. "Why did you agree with her request to not take her to the hospital?" Mr. Lim asks. "I've felt with some idol cases before. I'm good friends with one or two groups. The problem for them, is that going to the hospital can create rumors about their health and the company mistreating them. They want to avoid those kind of things as much as they can, so usually they'll befriend one or two doctors who'll be in charge of checking on them every now and then." I answer. Mr. Lim nods.
Ms. Koo comes out from Ms. Ryu's room. "Choi Junwoong." She calls. "From now on you should stay with Ms. Ryu at all times. Make sure she eats something and follow all the doctor's instructions. Understood?" She commands. "Me?" A confused Junwoong asks. "You said once that Ryu Choi-hui got you through your military service." Ms. Koo says. "It's already difficult for her to tel anyone how she feels, not mention all those malicious comments... The only way she could handle it was to hold it and try to drown it out." I add. "Say tha you can do it." Ms. Koo orders Junwoong. "Okey... I will." He says with a little uncertain tone. "Get her something to eat please, I'll stay for now." I tell them. "Choi Junwoong, go." Ms. Koo commands. The mentioned one does as he is told.
"Why did you send Mr. Choi...?" Mr. Lim asks. "Didn't you see it?" Ms. Koo replies. "See what?" He questions. "Never mind." Ms. Koo says. A silence invades the room. "This might be our last mission." Ms. Koo says breaking the silence. "I think it's time for Mr. Choi to go back." Mr. Lim replies. This might be my last mission as well...

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