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It's been two days... two agonizing days since that unexpected moment with Ice Cube at my apartment. Part of me is dying to see him again, while the other part wishes to burrow deep into the earth and vanish. "What was he even thinking?" I mutter to myself, frustration mounting. "And what were you thinking, reciprocating that kiss?!" My self-reproach intensifies. "Idiotic, utterly idiotic, Lee Seungmin," I grumble, thumping my head gently against the desk in dismay.

Suddenly, a voice interrupts my self-flagellation. "You really do look foolish doing that," it remarks. Startled, I glance up to find Ms. Koo in the doorway of my office. I scramble to my feet, straightening up. "Good morning, ma'am," I manage to say, trying to compose myself. "Whatever it is that's bothering you, shake it off. We have work to attend to," she states matter-of-factly.

Her words are a welcome distraction. Focusing on the RM Team's tasks might just be what I need to give me space and time to sort out my jumbled thoughts about Ice Cube and that kiss.

~ Joong Gil's POV ~

~ Joong Gil's POV ~

In my office, I was trying to catch up on the backlog created by the virus issue. Even though it's been resolved, the aftermath has left a mountain of tasks. I've been relentlessly working, barely pausing to eat—not that I need sustenance in the traditional sense. As I sifted through the paperwork, my mind wandered, unbidden, to the incident two days ago. The image of Dr. Lee, with her warm, honey-brown eyes and those lips that seemed oh-so-kissable, flashed in my mind. "WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!" I internally chastised myself. Am I turning into some sort of stalker or pervert? "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, PARK JOONG GIL!!" I mentally berated myself. Over 400 years as a reaper, and now I'm unsettled by a mere human—a compelling, attractive human.

"AGH! Stop it," I vocalized, my concentration shattering. "You've been acting stranger these past two days than you have in three centuries," the Director remarked, entering my office. I stood up promptly, greeting her with a nod. "Ma'am," I acknowledged her presence. She scanned my cluttered desk, papers strewn about in an organized chaos. "Goodness, with the virus situation, everyone's been on edge... you look like a bona fide workaholic," she observed, her tone lighthearted yet concerned. "It's just that there are so many pending tasks now, ma'am. We need to update the records for all the souls we escorted during the virus outbreak," I explained, trying to mask my inner turmoil.

"Yes, the escort team must've been overwhelmed," she concurs, then inquires, "Speaking of which, where's Dr. Lee?" I nearly choke, coughing violently. "You're not usually this clumsy," she remarks. Regaining composure, I manage, "She's been at the hospital, aiding the traditional way. I haven't seen her since there." My conscience screams, "LIAR!" "Hmm, sensible decision," she muses, heading for the door. "She'll join the RM team for a while, giving you space to complete those reports," she decides, then playfully warns, "And Joong Gil, stop mumbling to yourself, or your team will think you've lost it."

She exits, leaving me mortified. I need to regain control. "Let's act as if nothing happened," I resolve, refocusing on my work.

~Seungmin's POV~

In the RM team's office, Ms. Koo and I were greeted by Mr. Lim, who promptly offered us coffee. "Ma'am, doctor," he said, presenting the cups. "Thank you," Ms. Koo responded, eyeing him curiously. "You're being unusually generous today."

Realizing the season, she smirked, "Ah, performance evaluation time, right?" "Yes, ma'am. I'm aiming for a good review," Mr. Lim confessed, his eyes hopeful. Ms. Koo teased, "You're already skilled and dedicated. Ambitious, too, aren't you?" "I suppose," Mr. Lim chuckled. "And you, always avoiding promotions, fearless because you've nothing to lose?" "Is that a compliment or an insult?" Ms. Koo shot back. "A bit of both," Mr. Lim said, smiling, returning to his desk.

Curious, I chimed in, "Will I be evaluated as well?" "Indeed," Mr. Lim replied, "but your assessment will be slightly different, considering your dual roles. The Escort team will evaluate you, too."

My mind raced to Ice Cube, wondering how our recent personal interaction might color my professional evaluation. "Great," I muttered, half-joking, should I bank on our accidental kiss for a better score?

Junwoong burst into the office, urgency etched on his face. "Ma'am, the equipment in Ms. Shin Yena's room... the nitrogen tanks... I discovered a scheme using suicide for profit," he reported, his voice laden with concern.

We were all shocked by his revelation. The notion that individuals could exploit such despair for financial gain was abhorrent. "Look at this," Junwoong continued, presenting his phone. "It's similar to Ms. Yena's case. They use cryptocurrency for anonymity."

Analyzing the information, I realized the depth of their operation. "These are professionals," I commented grimly. Mr. Lim connected dots to a past case, "I suspect they were also behind the van incident."

Ms. Koo and Junwoong listened intently as Mr. Lim elaborated on how these predators targeted vulnerable individuals online, offering them a 'painless' escape. Outraged, I clenched my fists, "Despicable!" Junwoong, fueled by anger, was ready to take action. "We need to stop them!" But Ms. Koo, ever the voice of reason, cautioned, "Rash actions won't help. We must adhere to our protocols."

Their debate underscored the tension between our duties and the moral impulse to intervene. Though bound by the rules of our realm, the human desire to prevent such tragedies tugged at our consciences, leaving us in a moral quandary.

At the coffee shop, the frustration was palpable. Junwoong's exasperation with the authorities' inaction resonated in his voice. "It's maddening, everywhere, whether in the afterlife or the mortal realm, indifference prevails," he vented, sipping his coffee while I enjoyed my boba tea.

He had just returned from a fruitless visit to the police station, attempting to shed light on the suicide scam but to no avail. "Navigating this is complex; it likely involves perilous criminals... How do we proceed?" I pondered aloud.

Engrossed in his phone, Junwoong suddenly tilted the screen towards me, displaying a news article. "Look at this," he urged. The image captured two nitrogen tanks, reminiscent of our case, discussed in a minor note within the newspaper. The police, having stumbled upon them during an investigation, failed to grasp their significance.

This revelation shed light on a deeper, more malevolent scheme that was evading the attention of the law, highlighting an immediate need for our action. "Forget it, I'm taking this scammer down myself," Junwoong declared with conviction. "Ms. Koo warned against reckless moves," I cautioned him. "Doctor, if we stand by, more people will be at risk, while these crooks profit off their despair," he countered, his argument persuasive. "What's your strategy?" I inquired, intrigued. "Log into your social media, and post something that suggests you're contemplating suicide," he instructed.

If only he knew my adeptness in crafting such messages. "I'm yearning for oblivion, each day is an agony, steeped in regret. My past torments me; I dread facing another day. Why must I endure this ceaseless suffering? I feel so isolated, longing for death. #depressed #suicide #end," I composed effortlessly.

Shortly after, both our phones buzzed with a new message, curiously from a sender labeled 'Grim Reaper.' How audacious of them to assume such a title!

The message was straightforward: "Seeking a painless escape? Join this chat for information." Accompanied by a link, it beckoned us into a darker world. We entered the chat, adopting aliases; Junwoong went with "Jumadeung," while I chose "Ending." Inside, we found others inquiring about the method's safety and painlessness.

The so-called 'Grim Reaper' shared a video demonstrating the procedure on a rat, an unfortunate victim. Following the video, he inquired if we were committed to proceeding. Without hesitation, I affirmed, maintaining my cover to entrap him. Junwoong, after a brief pause, also agreed. Now, with the bait set, it was time to ensnare the rat.

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