🩺Doctor 🩺

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~Joong Gil POV~

In my dream, I was in a place that looked like old Joseon. I saw two men talking seriously. One said, "There's nothing more to say, seeing as how they went over the wall." Anger surged in me for reasons I didn't understand.

I confronted them, and quickly, violence erupted. I ended the life of the speaker, and then his companion tried to defend himself. Despite his efforts, I was better in combat. "Who are you?!" he shouted. I responded with my sword, and as he fell, he pleaded, "Sir?... please don't... don't kill me." But it was too late; my actions were final.

Walking away under the night sky, my sword dripped with the consequences of my actions. I declared, "It's to late. I'll take down anyone who dares to utter such insults, no matter how many bastards there are." Then, a woman's figure appeared, calling, "Joong Gil," which jolted me awake.

Back in reality, I was confused. I saw Ms. Koo's image, but Dr. Lee's voice was in my ears, begging for help. This wasn't just a dream. Feeling a strong sense of danger surrounding Dr. Lee, I got up quickly. With a sense of urgency, I prepared to find her, realizing my deep concern for her safety. My feelings for Dr. Lee, more than just professional, propelled me to act.

~ Seungmin's POV~

I gradually regained consciousness, my head pounding with pain. Confused, I scanned the room for clues, my memory foggy. Then it hit me – the betrayal by Betamale! Panic surged as I realized my hands and feet were bound, rendering me helpless. Desperation set in; I needed to escape, to call for help. Beside me, Junwoong was in a similar predicament, unconscious and bound. I attempted to shout, but only muffled noises escaped through the tape over my mouth. Frantically, I writhed, trying to either free myself or at least alert Junwoong.

Gradually, Junwoong's eyes fluttered open, meeting my gaze with equal alarm. Both of us fixated on the window, witnessing Betamale meticulously seal every exit with plastic, trapping us further. Junwoong managed to utter a stifled curse. "DAMN IT!" Betamale spared us a cold glance before continuing his ominous task, sealing our fate with each strip of tape.

"What are you?" Junwoong managed to ask, his voice strained. Betamale chuckled darkly. "Me? I'm Betamale... and also the Grim Reaper," he revealed, his tone dripping with mockery. My heart raced as fear gripped me tightly. Betamale approached, his presence menacing. I recoiled, trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

"You don't get it, do you?" he taunted, igniting a small flame in a bowl, casting eerie shadows across his face. "They're both me." He confessed to using the Betamale persona as a convincing front for luring his victims.

"But why? Is it just for the money?" Junwoong pressed, voice laced with confusion and anger.

"I've made more than enough money," Betamale nonchalantly responded, stepping closer to me. His proximity was suffocating. "Then what's your real motive?" Junwoong demanded.

Kneeling to meet my level, Betamale's face twisted into a grotesque smile. "I crave life," he whispered ominously, the twisted joy evident in his expression. "Watching others teeter on the edge of death, engulfed in fear and desperation, reignites my will to live," he confessed, his fingers brushing against my cheek in a threatening caress.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Junwoong's shout filled the room, echoing my own silent vow of vengeance against this monster.

He straightened, glaring at Junwoong. "You've messed up everything!" he snapped, his voice laced with anger. Junwoong retorted, "You're one crazy bastard, aren't you?!" The man lunged at him, seizing his face with a rough grasp. His sanity was clearly frayed. "Hearing something like that all of a sudden... makes me feel so good." he cackled, his laughter echoing madly around us.

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