🌺Hair pin🌺

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~Joong Gil's POV~
I leave the garden where Ms. Koo is at, and I follow after the director to reach her office. "What where you saying just now?" I ask her. "I've told you, I thought a hobby would help with the insomnia." She replies back. "I've been handling that issue pretty well lately." I say. "Some scars will need more that one reincarnation to heal. Does it has something to do with my nightmares as well?" I ask. She stays quiet. "I have to know, what happened to me?What happened exactly that still causes me this much pain?" I add. "I don't know." She replies. "Cause you are the only one that lives your life. You know better than me if it's Karma that you need to pay or a scar that's yet to heal." She adds. I leave the office, I need to find out the truth.
I go to the records department, where you can find information about every being in the world. "Mr. Park, what brings you here?" Mr. Son, one of the workers asks. "I need to look for someone." I answer. "Did the director agree to this?" He questions. "Do I need permission of the director to see the book of another reaper?" I ask. "Yes, cause the privacy rules are the same at Jumadeung." He replies. "Then, I want to see my book." I say. "Ok, please wait a minute sir." Mr. Son replies while going to fetch my book. I wait for him. "So weird." He says returning with a book in his hands. "You can look at your last life, but the one before that one is locked." He says. "Locked?" I ask. "It isn't regular, but the only one that can see it it's the director." He adds. "But why?" I question. "Because she closed it with key." He replies. "Then, I'll take my leave." He says while handing me the book. "Wait, is there someone else who's book is locked?" I ask. "Give me a moment, let me check." Mr. Son says. "There is, there's someone else." He adds. "Is it... Ms. Koo?" I question, suspecting the answer. "Yes, it's indeed Ms. Koo." He says. Why am I not surprised? I thank him for his help and make my way back to my office. What does this means? If my book and Hera are the only ones locked... we must have certainly known each other in the past. Just what are you hiding Ms. Koo?

~Seungmin's POV~
I've been working at the hospital for the past week. I have seen my boyfriend a couple of times, but I haven't worked with him for the past week. I kind of miss that. Currently I'm doin some check ups on the kids of the pediatrics guard. They are so cute. "Now Seollashi please take a deep breath." I ask the 6 years old girl. I continue which the check up when a tall male figure appears at the door carrying 2 groceries bags. "Mr. Handsome Prince is back!!" The kids yell while running towards him. I brought Joong Gil here 4 days ago, and the children fell in love with him. They played for a while that day, and I really enjoyed seeing Ice cube being so soft and easy going with them, the complete opposite of what he is like in the daily life.
"Did you miss me?" He asks the children. "Yeeees!" They yell in unison. "Have you been good? Have you taken your medicines?" He asks them. "Yeeees!" They yell once more. Cute. "If I ask Dr. Lee will she agree with you?" He asks looking at me. The children do the same but they look at me with puppy eyes. "We've been good, right Dr. Pixie?" One of the girl asks. They gave me that nickname after I came to their check up wearing some pixie wings some time ago. "Yea, you've all been really good." I answer them. They smile. "Then I brought some sweets for the kids that have been good." Joong Gil says while handing the kids some of their favorite candies. "Thank you!" The children say. "And I brought something also for my hard working Dr." He says while walking towards me. He hands me a box that has a ribbon on top. "What's this?" I ask him. "Just something I've been wanting to give you." He says. My curioso grows. I open the box and looked mesmerized at the content. A hair pin. You might ask, what's so special about a hair pin? Well, I really like ancient culture. I've always wanted to have a hairpin like this one, I just told him about it once, can't believe he actually took the time to search for one. "Where did you get this?" I ask with excitement. "A real magician never reveals his secrets." He answers while putting the hairpin on my hair. "You look beautiful." He says. "I love you my handsome prince." I say a bit mockingly. He laughs. "And I love you too pixie Dr." He replies while giving me a quick kiss.

~Time skip~

I'm currently hanging with Junwoong. Today is Ms. Koo's day off. Turns out that grim reapers get one day off every year, the day they passed away. We just have to monitor the risk cases there might be for today, it shouldn't be this hard. "Let's see... everyone seems fine." Junwoong say. "Did Ms. Koo tell you where she was going?" I ask him. "She said she was going to meet a friend... but don't you think it's weird? I've never heard that Ms. Koo actually has friends, she's always either in Jumadeung or a the headquarters, and in none of them I've seen her interact with anyone but Mr. Lim, Mr. Park, the director, you or me." He answers. This is kind of suspicious in deed. "Where you talking about me?" Ms. Koo says while entering the headquarters, I almost have a heart attack due to the surprise. "No, we were just talking about the weather, right Dr." Junwoong quickly says. "Yes! That's right, the weather is quite nice." I lie. Ms. Koo stares at us. "Ok... I'll pretend that I believe you. I just came for my phone, I forgot it here." She says while taking the device that is laying on her desk. "Then I'll take my le..." she was saying but stoped when she looked at me. Is there something on my face? Did I wore to much make up? I start to panic. "Is something wrong Ms. Koo?" I ask her. She keeps staring at me and walks towards me. She takes my hairpin and looks at it. "This... where did you get this?" She asks. How am I supposed to answer? Yes my boyfriend who happens to be Mr. Park gave it to me... "It was a gift, from a friend. He knew that I like this kind of things so he bought it when he saw it once at the market." I lie. Ms. Koo keeps staring at the object as if it was the weirdest treasure she's ever seen. "Ok" is all she answers before giving it back to me and walking away. Ok, that was weird.

~Koo Ryeon's POV~

That hairpin... he once gave me a really similar hairpin... but it can't be... there no way that person gave it to her.

Hey!!! So here is the next chapter YEY! Today was a really great day since I got to go to some kpop events, I met the guys from Kingdom and got a free singed album. So that's why I decided to update the story to share my happiness with you. Next chapter will just be a spoiler, since the story is almost coming to an end. If you want to, feel free to skip the next chapter since it ain't really relevant, it's just to give you a preview as well as to get my ideas in order.
That's it for now. See you soon!!

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