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"And that's why you should stay here," I finish, trying to persuade Ice Cube to spend the night at my apartment. He's been insisting that he has work to do, but I wish he could just forget about work for once. "I have to work, and besides, you know I don't sleep," he replies, sounding slightly annoyed. He's busy cooking dinner, while I watch from across the kitchen counter. "If I recall correctly, I've seen you asleep twice, and on both occasions, you weren't troubled by nightmares," I remind him with a pout. "Touché," he concedes. "Please, just for tonight! We've been incredibly busy these past few weeks, and I've barely seen you. I just want us to spend more time together," I plead. Our schedules have been hectic, with my commitments at the hospital and his at Jumadeung barely allowing us any time for each other, though we do manage to catch up occasionally when I assist the escort team. "Eat your dinner first, young lady, and then we can discuss this," he says, placing a plate of delicious-looking pasta and chicken on the table.

"No! I won't eat until you agree," I declare, arms crossed. I've learned that a little stubbornness can sometimes make Ice Cube bend to my will. "If you don't eat, then I'll just teleport back to my office and spend the night there," he counters. I put on my best puppy-dog eyes and look at him pleadingly. "Please? Just one night, just tonight!" I implore. He gives me a slightly annoyed look. "If I stay tonight, do you promise to finish your meal and go to bed early?" he bargains. Finishing my meal is easy, but going to bed early? That's tough. Chronic insomnia makes it hard for me to shut down at night, and although working at Jumadeung helps quiet the voices and soothe the dreams about souls, it hasn't cured my sleeplessness. "You know I can't promise that. I've tried before; it just doesn't work," I respond, finally sitting down. "Then I will leave," he says matter-of-factly. Ugh, this Ice Cube! I love him, but sometimes he's infuriating. "Fine! I'll go to bed early if you promise to stay," I relent. He just smirks at me.

We finish our dinner, which was quite delicious. It's just around 8 PM, and I promised to head to bed by 10 PM, giving us a couple of hours to relax together. "I'll handle the dishes," I say, gathering the plates and heading to the sink. "Do you want some t—" I start to ask, turning around, only to find him directly behind me, bending slightly to be eye-level with me. He smirks and plants a kiss on my lips. I could never tire of his kisses. "Today, I want you to rest. You do far too much for a human, so let me take care of everything tonight," he insists. Flushed from the kiss, I simply nod, my heart fluttering uncontrollably. "Cute," he remarks, brushing past me to start washing the dishes. I stand there momentarily dazed, snapped back to reality by Yuni tugging at my hand and wagging her tail. "What is it, want your dinner too?" I chuckle, moving to prepare her meal and freshen up her water.

After a bit, Ice Cube and I settle down to watch an episode of "Flower of Evil," a series I adore. "Lee Joon Gi is such a great actor, and so handsome," I comment, which earns a mock glare from my boyfriend seated next to me. "Who's more handsome, him or me?" he challenges. "Mmhhh... tough call," I tease, enjoying the playful challenge. His expression shifts to mock betrayal, spurring a burst of laughter from me. "Of course, no one outshines my boyfriend," I reassure him, stroking his cheek affectionately. He relaxes, smiling. "For a second there, I thought I might have to eliminate the competition," he quips—a remark only he could make sound endearing.

As we continue watching, he inquires casually, "What did you think when you first saw me?" Now cuddled up together, he plays with strands of my hair. "What a devilishly handsome Ice Cube," I answer instantly, recalling our first encounter at the hospital. "Devil? I get the Ice Cube, but why devil?" he probes. "Why not? Devils and demons have a certain allure," I tease back, realizing too late how my words might sound. "So you think I'm sexy?" he teases, leaning in closer with a mischievous grin. Caught off guard, I fumble for a response. Before I know it, I'm playfully pinned beneath him on the couch, his gaze intense. "Then allow me to show you just what kind of sexy devil I can be," he whispers with a provocative edge, sealing his words with a kiss.

That night, the concept of sleep was forgotten, and I found myself thoroughly convinced—spending an unforgettable night with the most enthralling, handsome, and indeed sexy devil I've ever known.

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating earlier, as I've mentioned, I'm on a trip, so I really hadn't time to write, and I was lacking inspiration as well so that's why I took my time. Hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter.
Bye bye

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