🌟Brave 🌟

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In the hospital's hallway, we faced Ice Cube and his team, their presence an unyielding barrier. Ice Cube's expression was stoically grave, his focus on Ms. Koo, emanating an intense aura. "Ma'am" Jungwoo said, trying to ask for what to do next. I looked at Ice Cube directly, he was staring at Ms. Koo. "Nayoungshi, let's go, HURRY." I urged Nayoung to flee with me, darting away from the daunting Ice Cube. Seizing the moment of distraction. Ms. Koo, with her quick thinking, teleported us to a different section of the hospital.

Our respite was short-lived as Ice Cube, with his unrelenting determination, reappeared, his expression even more severe. Ms. Koo, in a protective stance, used her powers again, whisking us away to another location. Adapting to the rapid teleportations, I guided Nayoung, taking sharp turns to confuse our pursuers.

I led Nayoung through less trodden paths, intuiting Ice Cube's imminent arrival. Diverting our course, I aimed for the secluded emergency exit, betting on its obscurity to evade capture. The silence that followed our footsteps was a tentative sign of success, guiding us to the potential safety of the exit. 

Panting from the relentless escape, I reassured Nayoung,  "Gosh, we need to find your husband quickly." Trying to control my breath, running so much got me tired. "Let's go." Her fearful eyes met mine as she nodded, urging us forward. As we made our way toward the psychiatric wing, our path was abruptly blocked. Nayoung's sharp intake of breath filled the tense air as I swiftly shielded her.  We started to walk our way to the psychiatric area when someone appeared in front of us. 

The figure before us was imposing and familiar. Nayoung's voice trembled from behind me, "Please don't kill me." Nayoung said behind me. His reply was chilling, "Why is an already dead person asking me not to kill her? Your life has already ended." His steps forward mirrored our retreat. Nayoung's pleas grew more desperate, resonating in the cold hospital corridor."Please, please..." Nayoung pleaded. 

"I'll escort you to the afterlife myself." declared Ice Cube, his voice devoid of empathy. With a sudden surge of movement, he lunged at us, closing the distance rapidly.

I stood firm, despite the chaos swirling within me. "You can't just take her life, not like this," I asserted, my voice a blend of determination and fear.

Ice Cube halted, a smirk playing on his lips. "Really now?" he taunted, his tone dripping with disdain.

Turning to Nayoung, I pleaded, "Trust me on this, Nayoung. Merge with me, it's the only way I can shield you." The urgency in my voice was palpable. Although I'd never attempted such a thing before, the stakes were too high for hesitation. Ignoring the potential consequences, my focus was solely on safeguarding Nayoung and ultimately, Woojin.

Nayoung wavered, the uncertainty clear in her eyes. "Hurry!" I pressed, my voice echoing in the tension-filled space.

Ice Cube's expression twisted in alarm. "No, stop her!" he commanded, but it was already too late. Nayoung and I became one, our consciousness intertwining. "You can't seize her if she's within me; I'm still alive," I declared, adjusting to the novel sensation of our shared existence. Nayoung's fears echoed in my mind, urging me to protect her.

Ice Cube's fury was palpable. He surged forward, intent on reaching us. I braced myself, eyes shut, anticipating the inevitable clash. However, instead of the feared impact, I heard a swift arrival. Mr. Lim had joined the fray, apologizing for his delay. "Where is Nayoung?" he inquired, scanning our merged form.

"She's... part of me now," I managed to say, the words feeling as surreal as the situation.

Mr. Lim's astonishment was evident. "How is that possible?" he exclaimed.

Time was of the essence. "I'll get Nayoung to safety; can you detain him?" I asked, urgency lacing my words.

"I'll do what I can," Mr. Lim assured, stepping forward to confront Ice Cube.

Seizing the moment, I dashed away, hearing the sounds of their conflict behind me. "Nayoung, you can separate now," I urged once we were at a safe distance. As she complied, the strain of our shared state hit me hard, manifesting as dizziness and an intense headache.

"Are you alright?" Nayoung's concern was evident in her voice.

Shaking off the discomfort, I responded, "We need to find Ms. Koo and Junwoong quickly." We made our way to another part of the hospital, hoping to reconnect with our allies.

Outside, we spotted Junwoong, relief washing over me as we approached him.

"Where have you been? We've been searching for you," he exclaimed as he approached us. He then noticed my unusual appearance and inquired, "What's with your eyes?" Confused, I responded, "What do you mean?" He revealed his phone's screen to me, showing that my eyes were emanating a brilliant blue glow. "Your eyes... they're glowing blue!" he observed, slightly taken aback. The realization dawned on me that this must be a side effect of recent events. "We don't have time for this; Mr. Lim is in trouble," I urged, propelling us into action.

We hurried to the alley known as the funeral alley, where we discovered Ice Cube, his hand tightly clasping Mr. Lim's throat. I wondered, with a mix of frustration and disbelief, what Ice Cube's obsession was with choking people. Ice Cube coldly declared to Mr. Lim, "You're gravely mistaken if you think this is the only price you'll pay for hiding a runaway soul." Ice cube said while choking Mr. Lim. "Let him go!"I couldn't contain my anger and shouted, "Release him now!"

An unknown force surged within me, driving me to rush at Ice Cube and deliver a kick that freed Mr. Lim from his grasp. Ice Cube hit the ground with a thud, his expression one of shock. My own surprise mirrored his; I was unaware of the source of this newfound strength and courage, yet I embraced it. Ice Cube regained his footing and lunged at me. "Don't make me hurt you." He said as he gripped me, trying to reach my throat. "Not this time Mr. Park." I retorted, narrowly evading his grasp. The sudden arrival of Ms. Koo momentarily diverted my attention, giving Ice Cube the chance to seize me and teleport us away.

Disoriented, I struggled to regain my senses, finding myself in Ice Cube's office. He fixed me with a stern gaze. "I wish it hadn't come to this, but you've left me with no choice. You're staying put until I decide otherwise," he stated before vanishing. Panic and confusion swirled within me as I battled dizziness and a pounding headache. The room spun, and a persistent beeping noise filled my ears. Desperately, I staggered to the door, only to find it locked. "I need medicine," I thought frantically, scanning the room for something to alleviate my condition. Then it hit me – the herbal mix could be my salvation. 

I recalled the leftover herbal medicine I had stashed after enduring the shock from the red bracelet incident. I believed it was on the bookshelf, tucked away with the book I had been engrossed in during my previous stay. Desperately navigating my way to the shelf, hoping the herbs were still there, I stumbled slightly, the dizziness overwhelming me. My fingers grasped the familiar bag; it was indeed there. Hastily, I consumed the contents, grimacing at the bitter taste, but relief washed over me as clarity returned. 

Suddenly, Ice Cube materialized before me. "I'll take you back." he declared, pulling me up and steadying me by the waist. In an instant, we teleported back to the alley where the RM team was waiting. Released from Ice Cube's grip, I slumped to the ground, still feeling the remnants of weakness. "You have two hours." he stated emotionlessly before vanishing again. 

Junwoong rushed to my side, concern etched on his face.  "What happened to you, are you ok?" he inquired urgently. Gathering my strength, I insisted, "I'll manage; we need to focus on saving Woojin." With his assistance, I rose to my feet, the herbal mix fortifying me. Mr. Lim, observing my determination, nevertheless expressed his concern, "You shouldn't push yourself further. I can stay with you here." Ms. Koo, with her typical stern demeanor, concurred, "You've already done your part for today. Rest now, Dr. Lee." I couldn't help but wonder, amidst my physical struggle, what developments had unfolded in my absence.

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