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AN: You might want to grab some tissues, I'm cutting some onions here...

Days have gone by. There's just a week to go until Park Joong Gil can come out of hell. In the meantime, Director has been taking care of Seungmin, making sure she's doing fine and that everything is going smoothly.
The rest of the RM team learnt about Seungmin's situation so they've been visiting her every once in a while.
Today Junwoong will go back to his mortal body. He was expecting to go back and see Seungmin as his doctor, so that he could have a memory of the time he spent at Jumadeung at least... but now... things have taken a different path.
Junwoong came to say his last goodbye to the doctor, he believes she listens to him, the same way he listened to his mother's voice while being in coma. It might not be the same but it's pretty similar, he thought.
"They won't even make me a good bye party." Junwoong complains. "At least I want to suppose they will miss me... I hope you'll miss me too." He tells her. "I wished I could actually say a proper goodbye to you, you did way to much for me... you shouldn't have." He adds. "I'll pray for your soul to come back soon, everyone here misses you, even the director and Ms. Koo." He smiles.
He stands up and gets ready to take his leave. "Also... I don't know if they've told you, but now everyone knows about Mr. Park and you. I believe he'll be realized in about a week or so." He says taking his leave, but his stopped.
"What did you just say?!" I certain female voice asks. Junwoong turns around and can't believe what his eyes are watching. This must be a dream...
HE IS SEEING TWO DOCTORS AT THE SAME TIME! One is still lying down on the white bed, while the other is standing up informo of him with a worried and almost angry expression.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Junwoong exclaims scared and surprised. At that moment Koo Ryeon enters the garden with an annoyed face lecturing Junwoong. "Ya! I told you to not bother her and to not cause problems, so why in the world would you..." whatever she was going to say she stopped when seeing the same image Junwoong had seen moments ago.
"Do I really look that scary as a soul?" Seungmin asks sarcastically. "You... but... how?... when?..." A confused Mr. Lim says while also entering the room. "You've done it." Ms. Koo says with a smile. "She's done it?" A still confused and scared Junwoong asks.
"Hey! Did you miss me?" A happy doctor asks mockingly. "YAAAAAH!" Junwoong exclaims almost crying while running to hug the doctor that's as now ignorant of him.
"Welcome back Dr. Lee." Ms. Koo says while Junwoong stops suffocating the poor doctor with his hug. "Thanks... I believe." Dr answers.
"I see you are awake." Director says while entering the room. "That was faster than what I expected." She adds.
"I'm glad to be back, but no one has told me what happened to Joong Gil." Seungmin says. Everyone stays silent. That worries her. "Is he ok? Did something bad happened to him?" She asks panicking.
"Calm down, his fine." Director says trying to control her. "Thanks to him and you Ms. Choi was saved, but someone had to take the blame for the... inconvenience that happened during that matter. Mr. Park felt guilty for a lot of things that happened so he pleaded as guilty... his currently in hell" Director explains.
"WHAT?!!!" The doctor asks with surprise and a touch of anger to her voice. They stay silent. "I can explain it to you... follow me." Ms. Koo says. Director nods in approval.
The doctor follows the team líder outside of the room. They walk in silence. "Now that you're a soul, it's easier for you to go there." Ms. Koo calmly says. "You don't mean..." Seungmin asks fearing to know what she's saying next. "Hell." Ms. Koo adds as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Seungmin gulps. Of course she wants to see the man she's been craving to talk to for the past month, tell him that she heard every single word he said during the period she was in her "sleeping beauty" era. But coming to hell isn't exactly the way she was expecting things to happen...
They arrive to the entrance of one of the rooms in hell. From the outside the place looks scary, but not as much as she would have imagined. "Stay behind me until I tell you otherwise, understood?" Ms. Koo asks the doctor, she just nods.
Ms. Koo takes out a key and opens the door. The room seems gloomy, just with a faint light in the middle. That same light illuminates the body of a kneeling man with his face looking towards the floor. He looks depressed, sad... but secure at the same time.
"Stay here." Ms. Koo says while walking more towards the light. The doctor stops walking and stays put on the spot. She is trying to understand and evaluate the situation. One part of her wants to run and embrace the man at that exact moment, the other one is scared that he is going to be mad at her for not telling him the truth about her illness, and the other one is thinking that he literally looks sexy as hell at this moment... what a big dilema...
As Ms. Koo walks closer to him he raises his head to face her. "How are you feeling?" Ms. Koo asks him. He makes a faint smile. "This is nothing... compared to the pin you went through... compared to the pain I feel in the inside for loosing her too." He answers. This is the first time Koo Ryeon has come to visit him... they haven't talk since the day at the rooftop where Joong Gil helped her.
"Why did you do that?" She asks him. The director stays behind just watching and listening to everything. She feels sad. "Why didn't you tell me?" Joong Gil asks. "About you and me..." he adds.
Ms. Koo stays silent for a moment, thinking about what her response should be. "Even if we had been married once, the thread of fate between us has been severed. Even if there had been any feelings left, what could I have said to you when hundreds of years have passed? When you've found your new red threat, when you were starting to forget even the nightmares..." she responds.
He nods, understanding perfectly what she's talking about. "You're right. It wasn't because of my feelings when I went to rescue you. It's as a matter of my pride and her. My pride hurt you back then and was hurting you know... and I was hurting her too. When she told me she knew everything, I couldn't believe it... she knew about my past, about me loving someone else, about how our fate ended... and she still stayed by my side at every moment she had. She opened my eyes, she made me realize... I couldn't let her down, I had to fulfill her last wish... that's what she always wanted to do for others, it was my turn to do something for her." He replies.
Seungmin listens to his words, and more tears form in her eyes. "So his not mad..." she thinks.
"I hurt both of you deeply. I misunderstood you all this years and blamed you for something I shouldn't. Now I understand." He adds. "As for her... O just wished I could say sorry, I wished I could turn back time and treat her better, give her the love and life she deserved... she was always there for me but I failed to protect her, she protected me until the very end, but I couldn't do anything for her... I'm a bastard, if she comes back, and I know she will, I'll rather for her to forget me, to restart her life and be reincarnated... instead of being tied to me once more." He says, tears form in his eyes since he really means the words he is saying at the moment.
"I don't think she agrees with you." Ms. Koo says. "What?" Joong Gil asks raising his face. "Come here." Ms. Koo instructs and Seungmin walks to the light. She's crying since she listened to Joong Gil's words... she doesn't blames him. She feels hurt hearing him say all those harsh words to himself, believing that she will hate him.
Joong Gil can't believe it either... the woman his been craving madly to see, is now standing in front of him. This must be a dream, he must have gone insane...
"Stupid ice cube." Seungmin says. "I'll leave you two to talk." Ms. Koo says leaving the room.
"I can't believe it..." Joong Gil says with even more tears in his eyes... his loved one is standing in front of him, she's calling him, she came for him.
"Why would you say all those stupid things?" Seungmin asks once more, while running towards him and finally embracing him. Only god knows how much she's been wanting to do that, how much she wished this moment would come soon, and he was thinking the same way.
Since his hands are restrained, he can't embrace he back, but using the rest of his body he tries to demonstrate her how much he missed her.
"I'm sorry... it's all my fault... I was so stupid..." he says while crying deeply feeling her next to him. "It's not your fault, what could you have done? It was fate, don't blame yourself stupid Ice cube." She replies crying as well.
"Are you hurt? Are you ok? Have you been well?" She stats asking while cupping his face. "I've been fine, the thing that was hurting the most was not knowing if you were ok, if you were awake, is you were in pain... that was the real hell." He replies.
"Don't worry, I'm back, now I'm here, and I won't ever let go of you anymore." She says to him. She kisses him, passionately and desperately, that kiss that both of them needed more than anything else in the world.
"Have they hurt you?" She asks him while braking the kiss. "That's not important now..." he replies. But the bruises on his face, the blood that can be seen in his checks is enough proof for her that indeed he's been tortured... her heart aches.
"Don't lie to me..." she tells him. "Seriously, I'm fine, this are just minor things." He replies trying to reach her to kiss her once more. She notices and gets closer so that he can reach her. Out of all the things in the world, this most be the best one... that until something feels weird.
"What's happening?" He asks. Seungmin has started to glow somehow... but at the same time her image is slowly fading... she smiles sadly. "SEUNGMIN! WHATS HAPPENING?!" He asks her what nice more, he tries desperately to break free from his restraints, something is happening to her and he has the feeling that it is nothing good... "LEE SEUNGMIN HOLD ON!" He yells, he cries desperately not knowing what to do.
Ms. Koo enters the room when listening to his screams. She sees the figure of the doctor fading more and more... "LEE SEUNGMIN!" She yells while running to her. She tries to use her powers to stop what ever is happening, but it's useless.
"KOO RYEON PLEASE! I'm begging you! Help her! Save her!" A desperate Joong Gil yells.
Seungmin then remembers the words the director told her... "You'll have to stay still though, cause until your mortal side disappears, you must not go around. If you do so... well... your soul might break into pieces and it'll take longer for you to wake up, or you might not make it." So that's what she meant by that... she should have waited longer, but she couldn't control herself when she heard Joong Gil was in hell. Now she'll have to pay the price. She starts crying desperately too, knowing what's about to happen.
"I'm sorry..." she mumbles, she looks at her hands which are almost invisible now. She tocuches his face once more, while Koo Ryeon is still trying to form her soul back. "No! Don't leave me! You can't leave me!" He cries out.
"Don't worry, it's ok." She says, while stopping Ms. Koo from using her powers farther since it will be useless anyway. "I need to try." Ms. Koo says, still trying her best. She might not be the closest person to the doctor, but she doesn't wants her to disappear either.
"DIRECTOR! SOMEONE!! HELP!!" Joong Gil yells once more. "I love you..." Is the last thing that's heard before an extremely bright light blinds them and the figure disappears...
"LEE SEUNGMIIIIIIIIIN!!!!" Joong Gil cries out, his voice seems as if he was being ripped apart, and actually that's how he felt. "No..." Ms. Koo mumbles crying falling to her knees. "This can't be happening." She adds.
Joong Gil cries uncontrollably... this time he has lost her... definitely for ever... and her last words for him still ring inside his head. He was a coward once more, and he never told her "I love you too"... he would rather die now.
His only hope is gone, his love is gone. She stupidly came worried to see him, cause once more she cared more for him and for herself, once more it's him the reason she's hurt, and this time it's the worst pain he could have caused her. He's miserable... he should have disappeared instead of her. Now her memory will haunt him as a nightmare, but this time it's him who killed her...

If I cry you cry with me... hehehe.
Anyways, see you.. maybe?
Don't worry, this isn't the end... or maybe it is?

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