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Note: This is a short chapter, but still hope you enjoy it.

It's been a week since Ice Cube and I started dating, and it's been absolutely wonderful! Despite our busy schedules, we find time for each other. He often pops in during his breaks, and I visit his office when I'm at Jumadeung. We've also started escorting souls together, which means we spend a lot of time in each other's company. We've decided to keep our relationship a secret for now, as there aren't any rules explicitly allowing or forbidding a relationship between a medium and a reaper.

Currently, we're relaxing in my apartment. It's around 11pm. Yuni, my dog, is amusing herself with her toys on the floor, while Ice Cube and I are cozy on the couch watching a movie. "Can I ask you something? There's something I've been curious about," I say. "You just did," he replies with a playful grin. We both chuckle, and he prompts me to continue while pulling me closer into an embrace. "Why don't you ever sleep? I've only seen you sleep once. Don't you get tired?" I inquire. His smile lingers. "Why are you smiling?" I ask, puzzled by his reaction.

"It's just interesting," he comments, still smiling, "we've been dating for a week, and you've known me for a few months, yet this is your first question?" He teases. I fall silent, absorbing his warmth as he kisses my forehead. Then he becomes serious. "The truth is, I avoid sleep because it terrifies me," he confesses. Sitting up to face him directly, I wait for him to continue. "Whenever I fall asleep, I'm haunted by the same horrific scene: I see myself, or someone who looks just like me, committing acts of violence, drawing a sword against others. I know deep down it isn't me, but the nightmare feels so real." He pauses, looking away momentarily as if to shake off the memory. Meeting my gaze again, his eyes carry a hint of sadness. "So, I hate experiencing that nightmare. It's why I'm scared to fall asleep," he concludes.

I gaze at him, momentarily lost for words. As he pulls me back into a snug embrace, shifting to our previous position, he gently strokes my hair and asks, "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes..." I manage to reply, still absorbing his words. Curiosity tugs at me, and I venture further, "But what about that time I saw you sleeping? Were you having nightmares then too? You looked so peaceful and honestly quite adorable."

He chuckles softly, a hint of wistfulness in his tone. "To be honest, that was the first and only time in over three hundred years that I managed to sleep without being haunted by nightmares. It was strangely wonderful, and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to replicate that since."

We fall into a comfortable silence, letting the movie fill the space between us. As the credits roll, I murmur, "I should probably head to bed..." Attempting to sit up, I find his weight gently holding me back. Looking up, I realize he has fallen asleep. Seeing him so tranquil, just like that one time, his face a picture of serenity and contentment, I decide not to disturb him. Instead, I adjust to make myself more comfortable, settling with his lap as my pillow.

"Good night, my handsome Ice Cube," I whisper affectionately, closing my eyes. As I drift off to sleep beside him, my reality feels every bit as sweet as the most beautiful dream.

Time skip

Joong Gil's POV

Gently as I stir awake, the morning sun casting a warm glow through the window. Pausing for a moment, I orient myself, realizing I'm still at Seungmin's apartment. Beside me on the floor, Yuni, her loyal dog, remains asleep, while Seungmin rests peacefully on my lap. Remarkably, I've managed another night free from the torment of nightmares. Feeling refreshed, I carefully rise, trying not to disturb her slumber—she looks so serene asleep.

I make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water, Yuni stirring and padding after me. I kneel to greet her, stroking her fur. "You'll take good care of your mom while I'm at work, won't you?" I ask softly. She responds with a happy wag of her tail and a gentle lick to my hand. It's time for me to head to work; my team will be wondering about my absence.

I grab a pen and a small notebook from the counter, scribbling a note for Seungmin, wanting her to find a piece of my thoughts when she wakes:

"I had to leave for work. Remember, you have your hospital duties today, and I'll arrange for someone to pick you up and bring you to Jumadeung at noon. Looking forward to seeing you later, my beautiful girlfriend."

I place the note on the living room table, ensuring it's in plain sight. As I step out, a sense of protectiveness and affection fills me. I'm determined to safeguard her happiness and well-being. She's become an integral part of my life—my partner, my priority. And I am committed to protecting what's mine.

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