🌕 Let's go 🌕

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Only a few hours had passed since the emergency. I was now checking on the younger patient, Choi Junwoong, whose family had been notified and whose mother was expected to arrive at any moment. Witnessing a child in such a dire state is undoubtedly heart-wrenching for any parent, yet Junwoong was nothing short of a hero. His bravery had given another patient in the adjacent room a second chance at life. The concept of second chances resonates deeply with me, having been pulled back from the brink of despair by a stranger's kindness at a critical juncture in my life. It's remarkable how a simple act of kindness, like offering shelter from the rain, can have a profound impact on someone's life.

As I was completing the final checks, an eerie chill swept over me. Turning around, I noticed a woman standing by the door. Her distinctive attire and imposing aura hinted at her non-human nature. I chose to ignore her presence and focus on my duties, but my concentration was shattered when I witnessed Junwoong seemingly awaken. His eyes fluttered open, and he sat up, yet his physical body remained motionless on the bed. Was I losing my mind? What was unfolding before me?

"Am... am I alive?" Junwoong murmured, more to himself than anyone else. "I am alive?!" Panic gave way to elation as he lightly slapped his cheeks, testing his ability to feel. "I AM ALIVE!!!" he exclaimed joyously. "Thank you, God, thank you, Buddha. I'll attend church every weekend, I promise! I..." His voice trailed off as he caught sight of his own body still lying on the bed, leading to a moment of sheer panic. "What the...? Why are there two of me?!" he exclaimed.

His attention quickly shifted to the woman by the door. "You were on the bridge!" he accused, anger lacing his voice. Then, turning to me, his confusion was palpable. "YOU! You... who are you?" Before I could respond, the woman interjected with a commanding "Shut up," silencing him with a simple gesture that seemed to seal his lips.

When she allowed him to speak again, Junwoong tentatively asked, "Who... Who are you?" His realization dawned loudly. "This is the 21st century... judging by your outfit and overall vibe... you couldn't possibly be... a grim REAPER!?" he almost shrieked.

"Yes, I am," the woman calmly confirmed, displaying a badge similar to mine, identifying her role in this surreal scenario. My mind raced with panic. A Grim Reaper? But she wasn't here for me... was she? Overwhelmed, I struggled to process the reality unfolding before me.

(AN: The dialogue continues in a straightforward manner for clarity.) 

Jw: Then am I dead? 

KR: No. 

Jw: Then am I going to die soon? 

KR: NO. 

JW: Then... are you going to kill me by calling out my name three times? Please let me live! 

KR: Do you want your mouth shut again?

Junwoong quickly covered his mouth, shaking his head in fear. I, too, instinctively covered mine, still speechless.

KR: I'll make this simple for you both to understand, so listen closely.

Junwoong nodded, his attention fixed on her.

KR: The incident on the bridge was our oversight. The man you saved was our responsibility. We failed to intervene in time, leading to the accident. And unfortunately, you got involved...

JW: What about the man? Is he dead? Is he alive?

"He is alive," I interjected, instantly regretting drawing the ire of Koo Ryeon.

KR: As the nosy doctor mentioned, he is alive.

JW: So, I'm the only one who died...

"YOU ARE NOT DEAD!" both Koo Ryeon and I exclaimed simultaneously. "You're in a coma," I clarified. "And you will awaken three years from now," Ryeon added, revealing a detail unknown even to me.

Junwoong's frustration bubbled over as he lamented the unpredictability of life. "The company is still deciding how to handle your case. It seems we'll need to create a new role for you," she said, her gaze shifting to me.

"A role for me? Am I... dead?" I asked, my voice tinged with fear.

"NO ONE HERE IS DEAD!" Koo Ryeon's patience snapped. "You two, come with me," she ordered, heading towards the exit.

"Where are we going?" I inquired, rising to follow her.

"Jumadeung," she replied curtly.

"Why there?" Junwoong asked.

"And I can't leave my shift. I'm a doctor, and my presence here is necessary," I protested. 

Koo Ryeon responded calmly, "The director is considering your unique situations. It's been quite some time since we've encountered a scenario like this. As for your shift, don't worry about it; no one will notice your absence. I'll ensure it." With that, she left the room, and, with a mix of reluctance and curiosity, I followed her out.

What have I gotten myself into?

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