*🌺I'll take her🌺*

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After the incident, they gave me some ointments and a cold patch for my arm, which helped a bit. Ice Cube had to go back to the meeting, so I ended up sitting next to him, courtesy of a chair the director had someone bring over for me. And yeah, my arm still hurt quite a bit. I found myself gently blowing on it, hoping to soothe the pain just a little more. Even as a doctor, I wasn't sure if this kind of injury—caused by whatever that bracelet did—fell under the normal protocol for burns.

"The meeting won't be too long. Can you handle it?" Ice Cube asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, the pain's dialed down a bit, so I'll be fine," I assured him, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

He just nodded, that ever-serious expression plastered on his face. But despite his stoic exterior, I couldn't help but feel a bit concerned for him too. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, making it difficult to get a good look at his wrist. I thought I caught a glimpse of a red mark on his left wrist earlier, lighter than mine but seemingly irritated all the same. I wondered if he was in pain too.

The meeting kicked off, and right away, it was about Junwoong stirring up trouble in his new team. Classic. The Edition Team leader was like, "Why should we take him back after his outburst?" And then it went back and forth, no team wanting to take him, each one coming up with some reason or another. Ms. Koo and Mr. Ice Cube were clearly not thrilled, but they stayed quiet.

"What about tech support?" someone suggested. "He doesn't do computers," was the snarky comeback. The director wasn't happy with how things were going, you could tell. She was about to make a decision when Ms. Koo jumped in, offering to take Junwoong. That caught everyone off guard, especially Ice Cube, who looked a mix of surprised and annoyed.

After a bit more back and forth, the director decided to shift focus. "I'd like to introduce someone," she said, glancing my way. Great, just what I needed. Up front and center. I got up, shooting Ice Cube a look that screamed "Help me!" but he just smirked. Oh, he's gonna pay for this. I swear, revenge is coming, Mr. Ice Cube!

Walking up to join the director, I felt like all eyes were on me. "Meet Dr. Lee Seungmin, a medium," the director introduced me to the room. "She's the one I've talked about before. She'll be joining Mr. Park on the escorting team for the next day. After that, anyone interested in having her?" The room went quiet. Great, I thought, feeling the embarrassment creep in. Am I about to be passed around like Junwoong?

But then, out of nowhere, two voices piped up. "I'll take her," said Ms. Koo and Mr. Ice Cube simultaneously. Wait, what? Ms. Koo always seems like I'm the last thing she wants to deal with, and don't even get me started on Mr. Ice Cube.

The director looked as taken aback as I felt. "She's already with my team, no need to trouble the RM team manager with her," Ice Cube chimed in. Trouble? Really? I was seconds away from marching over there and showing him just how "troublesome" I could be.

"I object, Escorting Team Leader," Ms. Koo shot back. "I was the one who brought her here, so it's my responsibility to look after her." Cue another intense staring contest between the two.

Finally, the director cut in, "Alright, I've made my decision. Dr. Lee will split her week between the escorting team and the RM team. That way, she can be of the most use." She gave a satisfied nod.

"As if she was helpful at all..." I caught Ice Cube muttering under his breath, clearly annoyed.

Well, this just keeps getting better and better. Here I am, stuck in the middle of a tug-of-war I didn't sign up for, with teams fighting over me like I'm some sort of prize—or problem—to be dealt with. But hey, at least I'm wanted, right? Even if it's by the guy who thinks I'm about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

One day, I swear, I'll get back at him for every single thing he's done. But for now, with the meeting over, the director wrapped things up. "Okay, back to work, everyone," she announced, and the room began to empty. Before she left, she threw me a reminder, "Dr. Lee, you've still got 30 hours on that clock. Be careful." Yeah, as if I could forget with this wristband burning a reminder into my skin.

Mr. Ice Cube came over, looming like a cloud with a chance of rain, "Let's go," he said, setting off without waiting for a reply. As we walked, Ms. Koo happened to cross our path, and the atmosphere charged like a storm was brewing. "Koo Ryeon," Ice Cube called out, his voice carrying a mix of seriousness and something else... regret, maybe? But before she could get far, he corrected himself, "No, it's Team Manager Koo now," his gaze fixed on her retreating figure.

Ms. Koo paused, turning slightly but not enough to face him. "I should've recognized you that day," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. The tension between them was thick, hinting at a past I couldn't even begin to guess at. "Let's try not to cross paths, unless it's work-related," he added, his voice cold. The silence that followed was heavy, loaded with unsaid words.

"Let's go," Ice Cube broke the silence, continuing on his way. I muttered a quick "Sorry" to Ms. Koo before chasing after him.

Back in his office, we settled on opposite sides of his desk. "How are you feeling?" he asked, a rare moment of concern. "It's sore, but I'll live," I replied. He suggested using the ointment from Jumadeung, claiming it would speed up my healing. Curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself by his side, insisting on checking his wrist too.

"What are you doing?" he asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice as I pushed up his sleeve to reveal a similar red mark on his wrist. "I'm a doctor. It's what I do," I retorted, applying the ointment to his less irritated but still marked skin. He seemed about to protest but then resigned himself to silence.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, focusing on treating him properly. "Not as much as yours," he admitted. After finishing up and bandaging his wrist, I couldn't help but feel a bit proud. "There, all done," I announced, cleaning up.

For a moment, in that strange, tense truce, it felt like we were just two people trying to make the best of a bizarre situation. But I couldn't shake the feeling that with Mr. Ice Cube, you never really knew what the next moment might bring.


This woman, Seungmin, is a bundle of contradictions—infuriating yet somehow compelling. Her resilience is striking; she's been through so much, and much of it, I regret to admit, stems from my actions or inactions. The memory of the pain she endured because of a moment's oversight on my part weighs heavily on me.


Upon entering the meeting room, the sudden, sharp pain at my wrist was an alarming reminder. "WHERE IS DOCTOR LEE?!" I blurted out, causing confusion among my fellow team leaders. The pain was intense, a clear signal that she was too far from me. My concern skyrocketed, fearing how much worse the pain must be for her.

Bursting out of the room, what I saw infuriated me. Seungmin, on the ground, writhing in agony, and there was Soo In, taking delight in her suffering. Powered by a surge of protectiveness, I pushed Soo In aside and scooped Seungmin into my arms, alleviating the distance-induced pain for both of us. For a human, I knew the pain she felt was torturous, akin to enduring relentless strikes of lightning followed by the sensation of being scorched in boiling oil.

End of Flashback

And here she is, despite her own discomfort, applying a healing ointment on my wrist. Her concern was evident, her gentle hands careful as she treated me. "Does it hurt?" she inquired, her voice laced with genuine worry.

How could I express that yes, it hurt, but the ache in my wrist paled in comparison to the torment she must have endured? "Not as much as yours might have hurt," I conceded, acknowledging her visible injuries.

To my surprise, she laughed—a light, carefree sound that seemed so out of place given our circumstances. Were our roles reversed, frustration would undoubtedly be my reaction. Yet, here she was, not angry, but offering aid and comfort. I found myself utterly fascinated by her resilience and grace.

"All done," she announced with a hint of pride, her task completed. As she cleaned up, I felt an unfamiliar sense of gratitude. "Thank you," I managed to say, still somewhat unsure of how to navigate this unexpected dynamic between us.

Seungmin, with her unique blend of strength and kindness, was turning my world upside down.

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