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As I waited outside the Director's office, the air was heavy with anticipation. The door swung open, and Ms. Koo emerged, her expression laden with contemplation. Her words, hinting at a collaboration with the escort team, meant interacting with Team Leader Park again. Internally, I sighed at the prospect.

The journey to the RM's office was a silent one, filled with my thoughts on the upcoming collaboration. Stepping into the RM office for the first time, I was struck by its stark contrast to the polished, orderly spaces of Jumadeung I was accustomed to. The office, though functional, had a lived-in feel that spoke of endless work and too little time for upkeep.

Junwoong and Mr. Lim, engrossed in conversation, paused as we entered. Their greetings were warm, a small comfort in the uncertain atmosphere. "Good morning," I greeted back, trying to focus on the task ahead rather than the looming interaction with Ice Cube.

Ms. Koo, all business, laid out the new case details. Despite the room's disarray and the complexity of our mission, her presence brought a sense of order and purpose. We gathered around, ready to delve into the work that bound us together in the shadowed world of Jumadeung.

~ Time skip ~

In the forlorn neighborhood, its winding streets lined with desolate homes, the air of abandonment hung heavy. Junwoong's quip about the eerily quiet surroundings mirrored our thoughts as we navigated the area's steep inclines and derelict buildings. 

"Do people still live in this kind of neighborhood?" A tired and annoyed Junwoong asked. "Most of them must've left because of the redevelopment project." My comment about the likely exodus due to redevelopment seemed to resonate, adding a layer of understanding to the desolation.

"How much farther?" Ms. Koo asked interrupting Jungwoong's bickering. "It's that house" he replied while pointing at a house on a corner.

As we approached the designated house, its nondescript facade did little to prepare us for what lay within. Junwoong's unintentional entry, mistaken for a supernatural feat, lightened the mood momentarily, his confusion over his "newfound powers" drawing a collective amusement from us.

"Do I have... super powers?" Junwoong inquired amazed. I chuckled in response. "Good for you, I'm so jealous." Mr. Lim sarcastically said. "Is being dense your special ability?" Ms. Koo mocked while walking in. I laughed while following them.

The house's interior, cluttered and neglected, told a silent tale of decay. "Let's start by cleaning up a bit, then we'll go search for Mr. Lee." The sight of scattered refuse and forgotten belongings spurred Ms. Koo to action, suggesting a clean-up before our search for Mr. Lee commenced. Her words struck a chord with me, given the shared surname with our subject, fueling a personal resolve to aid in his peaceful transition. 

"We'll need some cleaning equipment, he doesn't seems to have a lot here." Acknowledging the lack of cleaning supplies, I voiced the need for appropriate tools, prompting Junwoong to volunteer with a burst of enthusiasm. "I'll go! I'll be back soon." His swift departure, aimed at fetching what we needed, left us in a momentary lull, punctuated by Mr. Lim's remark on his energetic nature, a light-hearted observation in the midst of our solemn task. "Jeez, what a lively man." 

~ Time skip ~

After Junwoong vanished, Mr. Lim used his abilities to acquire the necessary cleaning supplies. With the area now spotless, a sense of contentment settled in, illustrating how a neat environment can uplift spirits. 

"Let's go look for Mr. Lee." Ms. Koo initiated the search for Mr. Lee. Fate intervened, bringing him directly to us, accompanied by a visibly injured Junwoong.

"What happened to your face?" Concerned, I inquired about Junwoong's injuries. "Did you get into a fight?" Ms. Koo asked. "Did you not fight back?" Mr. Lim kind of mocked. 

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