(Taurus) Thea: I am so excited to meet the others I have been craving a change in my life and the opportunity is finally here my name is Tasha, I am 25 years old and I am here to make friends and hopefully win.
(Virgo) Vanessa: I am here to be a b**** at home everyone thinks I am this barbie spoiled princess so I will show them spoiled I know they are watching f*** you Tyler anyways sorry for that intro my name is Vanessa and I am a 17 years old social media influencer.
(Leo) Logan: the name Logan I am a 21 years old surfer I really liked nick from season 2 he was a surfer like me I hope he is in this season so he can teach me some of his skills.
(Gemini) Grayson: hey guys I know you do not know me but do not you dare sleep on me if you think for one second this cute face you see is gonna be a pushover you are sadly mistaken but anyways my name is Grayson and I am 26 years old the oldest one here and I am bisexual.
(Pieces) poppy: hi viewers I am poppy from Trinidad and Tobago here to show that not only American's can be in and win win reality shows I will try my best to give challenges my all and stay true to myself and not be a fake b****.
(Cancer) crystal: hi my name is crystal I am 20 years old and I heard my all time crush Carter is going to be in this season eeeeeeeek!!! I cannot wait to meet him.
(Aquarius) Michelle: being back here gives me deja Vu I was evicted before the semi finals in my season but that will not happen this season I am gonna do better at the strategy up my sleeve you will just have to wait and see.
(Aries) Britney: I thought they would not call me back for another season but apparently I was wrong so I am going to take this opportunity and try to make it to the final four because *whispers* if you make it into top four in any of the season from the past and season 5 you get a spot in ALL-STARS i do not even want to win I just want to make it to top four.
(Libra) Luna: I am back and with no sister in sight no one will stop me from winning now that the cash price has doubled to 2 million I am gonna collect that check and twerk in your face Yuna.
(Scorpio) Victoria: I do not know why I was called back for another season I did hesitate giving my answer "yes" or "no" but when I heard that the cash prize would be 2 million how could I refuse such a offer? Like hell I was gonna make that 2 million go down the drain without fighting for it.
(Sagittarius) Steven: back on another The zodiac mansion set last time I was evicted before the semi finals but that is not happening this time. my season was definitely second on the list of craziest season with season 3 at first this time I will do anything to win when I say anything I mean anything so I will definitely be bringing home the win for my zodiac speaking of even I have to cut through my partner to win I will do it.
(Capricorn) Chloe: I am Chloe a sweet 18 years old here to make piece and love not here to fight or anything just here to have fun and do my utmost best in the challenges ahead.
Kïng: this team is boring and remind me why they put us to host the same team.
Jason: I do not know and I do not care b**** all I know I want to get the season over with so I can be far as possible away from you.
Kïng: you feel I like being close to you I would not mind if there was a big fight on set and they had to cancel this season right now"
Jason: 🙄 I am looking forward to see what this team brings to the table I hope they come with the energy like THE ROYAL GEMS team
Kïng: for this once I will agree with you I do not want to lead a boring a** team.
Total word count:
1438 words (original)
1550 words (rounded off)

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...