Week: 4
Day: 23 (3 weeks 2 days)(Bliss: Aquarius) Michelle: so production team told us.. me and Britney something but we must keep it a secret until it is revealed sorry guys you will just have to wait and see.
By the pool
Victoria: Vanessa seem fake if you know what I mean she has been trying to get me to vote you guys out.
Poppy: I do not believe this you are lying Vanessa is our girl she would not betray us.
Crystal: that is exactly what I was about to say we have told her everything and been nice to her this whole time and not once have we seen or caught her talking behind our backs.
(QUEEN B's: Cancer) Crystal: I mean it could be possible because I have not spoken to her from the start of this week and with my big heart actually trusting her? Okay! No no let me not jump to no conclusions yet I do not know the whole situation.
Vanessa: hey girls what is going on?
Poppy: do not hey girl me Victoria here told us you approached her in trying to get me and crystal out.
(QUEEN B's: Virgo) Vanessa: Victoria you snitch.
Vanessa: Victoria why would you do this? I am so-
Crysta: just answer the damn question did you or did you not approached her about working together to get us out?
Vanessa: I cannot take being falsely accused I am leaving.
Vanessa went into the house as crystal and poppy stomped after her with Victoria following closely behind.
Poppy: you are not getting away that easily after doing this to us b*** why can't you answer the f***ing question unless you did.
Vanessa: I did not do anything I am being Framed.
Victoria: if you are being Framed then what is this?
Victoria pulled out her phone pressing play as she and Vanessa's voice play loudly for everyone to hear.
Voice recording
Vanessa: honestly I do not think crystal and poppy respects me enough to vote my way all they think about is who they want out and do not care about who I want out.
Victoria: yes I understand and I do not mean to be rude but why are you talking to me again?
Vanessa: because I would like to join an alliance with you in getting rid of crystal and poppy, come to me later with your answer.
(QUEEN B's: pieces) Poppy: I actually am shocked I cannot believe this b**** she thinks we do not respect her as apart of our alliance and we are just using her to get out who we want and not who she wants out well I guess it is true but I honestly thought of her as a friend and obviously this is game but you betrayed us by backstabbing us.
Crystal: I actually cannot believe this.
Vanessa: you guys were the first to betray our trust because you were only using me to get out who you want then you would dumped me like trash I know your type.
Crystal: you know what I have been so nice to you and for you to say I am a type that use people then dump them is hurtful but instead of prolonging this drama why not go our separate ways.
Poppy: I agree you were too toxic and secretive.
Megaphone: sorry to cut the drama short but it is time for your second challenge.
Everyone was gathered by the beach for their next challenge seeing a huge hexagon platform over the water.
(The TROPICALS: Scorpio) Victoria: seeing this huge platform I am going to assume it is a water challenge hopefully we do not lose today's challenge because if we do I know I might be on the block today along with Vanessa but I will do everything to make them evict her and not me.
Jake: welcome to your next challenge called brawl battle one person from each team will stand on the platform you now see before you.
Jason: when it is your turn you will try to knock off the other team's member to score a point for your team the first team to 10 points win.
First round: Christopher Versus Vanessa
Christopher: I will go easy on you.
Vanessa: looking forward to......
Vanessa swing her stick (rest assured it was a play stick so it's soft). Hitting Christopher to the floor.
Vanessa: -it.
Christopher looked shocked by the force of Vanessa but in the end he picked up the victory for his team.
(STAR: Capricorn) Christopher: I gotta admit she was a fierce competitor I have never met such strong women before if she makes it to MERGE my eyes are on her for sure.
Round 2: Ace Versus Logan
Logan: show me what our got shorty
Ace: I will show you short.
Ace move in a flash sweeping Logan off his feet.
Logan: *cough* I gotta admit I underestimated you.
Ace: damn right you did now let's see if you can get me off.
It was a close battle but in the end Ace scored another points for The ROYALS.
Round 3: Nikky Versus Grayson
Grayson: I know you, you are from season 3. Well being a famous "past" contestant is not gonna make you win against me I will not be going soft on you.
Nikky: I am counting on it.
They battled it out Grayson did not go easy on nikky because she was a "girl" they were all about "gender equality" but in the end Grayson came out Victorious being the first to score a point for his team.
Round 4: Asher Versus Poppy
Poppy: are you ready to lose?
Asher: I never lose.
Asher walked up to poppy.
Poppy: what... Wh..what are you doing? Stay back!
He came up to her face lips inches from each other.
(STAR: Aquarius) Asher: before this challenge I had a talk with Nikky that if I am up against a girl I will be playing dirty that includes.....
Asher pulled poppy into a kiss dipping her into his arms but once he was finish he pushed her off the platform with his hands as he waved bye.
(STAR: Gemini) Nikky: I really did not expect this when Asher said he would play dirty I am mad but at the same time I would have done the same thing but I did not so me and him will have a little chat after the challenge is over about how far we can go and set some boundaries.
Round 5: Kori Versus Crystal
Crystal: finally some girl on girl action I have been waiting on.
Kori: be careful what you wish for
Kori wasted no time in attacking her opponent crystal as she dropped on one knee.
The ROYALS were the winners of this challenge because of Asher's dirty tactic winning 10-8.
Steven: is it time yet?
Producer: not yet wait we have a time we will reveal it but not now.
Steven: ugh! Can't you guys move any faster I can't wait to see their face.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...