Week: 1
Day: 1(The ROYALS: Capricorn) Christopher: please tell me this is not where we are staying I packed my sun screen, my face mask and beauty products for nothing just please tell me this IS NOT where we are staying.
Christopher: they f***ing lied of course they had to.
Kori: I did not sign up to be stranded on a f***ing island.
Timothy: guys just chill we don't even know if we are staying here or what our first challenge gonna be.
*Aeroplane noises*
The contestants looked up to see a package being let off floating down towards them... A few minutes later it landed on the beach with everyone crowding around it.
Sebastian: open it already.
Timothy: okay but I have nothing to-
Ace: move!
Ace had a rock in hand banging it against the box.
Brice: it is not working.
(The ROYALS: Aries) Ace: way to state the obvious but I did rather do something than stand around like the rest of you guys I am trying to make you guys see me as a useful asset and you will not evict me first because it absolutely suck to be the first one evicted.
15 minutes later...
Asher: finally!
Asher opened it seeing a machete, shovel, a hammock and a tent with a note.
Note: took you guys long enough this was your first challenge and you all are behind. The challenge? Is the first team to build a shelter with a burning fire and everyone MUST have something in his/her hand to eat the last person on either team to have something in his or her hand to eat the team will face eviction.
Carter: the challenge is already happening who knows how far the other team is ahead of us.
Liam: I will get started in catching some fishes for us to eat.
Nikky: I will help you
Sara: I will get started on the fire Antonio can you help me? I need a pair of strong muscles.
Antonio: okay.
•Fire: sara, Antonio, kori and Timothy
*Collect wood: Timothy and Antonio
•Food: Liam, Nikky, Brice and Christopher
*Collecting: Nikky
*Catching: Liam and Brice•Tent: Sebastian, Ace, asher and carter
A few minutes later...
(The ROYALS: Gemini) Nikky: I was just relaxing but if we lose it is their fault because they cannot catch a single fish and our challenge started some minutes ago.
Nikky: guys!!! Hurry up we are gonna lose at this rate.
Brice: if you think this is easy without a fishing rod you come try it then.
Nikky rolled up her pants and went into the water seeing a fish with no hesitation she catch it.
Nikky: now let's pick up the pace shall we? We are so behind I bet the other team is probably building their tents by now.
(The ROYALS: Sagittarius) Sara: I knew my survival training would come in handy... Well my mother knew because she forced me to do it but that is besides the point we got a fire!
Antonio: finally!
Kori: there is no time for laying down let's split up to go see if the others need any help the more hands on deck the faster we finish.
Sara and Antonio went to help with food while kori and Timothy went to help with the tent which has not made any progress.
Kori: what have you guys been doing?
(The ROYALS: Aquarius) Asher: to answer your question kori nobody here knows how to step up a tent I am the only one trying to do it. I know who I will be nominating tonight.
Antonio: 8 fishes must be enough if not we will share it they never said we cannot share our foods they only said everyone must HAVE something to eat for the challenge to end.
Brice: then let's go get these babies on the fire because I am starving.
They all rushed back out near the shore where their fire was still blazing as they put their fishes over the fire to fry.
(The ROYALS: Leo) kori: at this rate we are so gonna lose I mean these guys are so slow like what the f*** you all are men and you guys are so soft look like a gotta take things into my own hands.
Kori told ace to move while she tries to put up the tent.
20 minutes later...
Kori: finally now let's go see if the others are finished.
They all rushed into the beach to see the others with fishes in their hand ready to eat.
Antonio: hurry up I am not going home because of you guys.
They took their seats and empty wood stumps built around the fire as they all shared their fish with them.
Nikky: now is not the time to celebrate yet it is time to eat because we do not now if we won yet.
Carter: true because all I can think about now is my stomach because I am so hungry.
Everyone started to eat their fish with hungry, tired and stressed look on their face.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...