S5 EP.3| Nominations👀

167 5 0

Week: 1
Day: 3

Kïng and Jason revealed themselves to be The TROPICALS team co host and leaders and also announcing that The TROPICALS lost the first challenge

Kïng: can you guys not liven up a bit you guys were all alive a few minutes ago do not be so down you see me working with him and I am not complaining if you know who we are.

Logan: of course we know who you are you are season 3 winner from one of the best season in THE ZODIAC MANSION History.

Jason: I did not know you were such a fan boy of our season. anyways you know how this works but this season is a little different you will be nominating the person you want to see up for eviction.

Kïng: after you all have nominated we will announce the results of the three contestants with the most votes is going up for eviction.

Jason: and is our first three contestants revealed to be playing in our power of veto competition. First up Thea you can go nominate.


(The TROPICALS: Aquarius) Thea: I feel like you should nott be here crystal you just want to relax while everyone does the work around here Sorry none of us is wearing a maid outfit.

(The TROPICALS: Virgo) Vanessa: I do not vote with the majority I try to always flip the votes so I will nominate Michelle you had your chance like what two seasons ago bye!

(The TROPICALS: Leo) Logan: I do not know who to nominate crystal or someone else Crystal is kinda cute so sorry Luna I have to nominate you I watched your season and hated you the most so I will nominate you.

(The TROPICALS: Gemini) Grayson: I definitely know who to nominate and that person is crystal you have been no help to this team on top of that you cost us our win we would not be here if it weren't for you.

(The TROPICALS: pieces) poppy: I am stuck between Logan, Michelle and Steven which one irritates me the most? definitely Michelle I will nominate her because no one slaps me and get away with it and do not think for a second I have forgotten about you guys after Michelle is gone Logan and Steven you guys are next.

(The TROPICALS: Cancer) Crystal: I hate the team they put me on why could not they put me on a different team I will nominate Grayson because he expects me to get these nails dirty hell to the f***ing no.

(The TROPICALS: Aquarius) Michelle: I came here in a good mood today only to have that ruined by poppy she is so annoying she is like a spoiled 16 years old begging her daddy to get her the new iphone 13 so I will nominate poppy she needs to go pronto.

(The TROPICALS: Aries) Britney: at least I am not the target so I will nominate poppy she is gonna be a problem in the future if she does not go tomorrow night.

(The TROPICALS: Libra) Luna: I will nominate Grayson because he is like a nagging mom telling you to go clean your room if crystal wanted to help she would maybe she was not feeling the vibes to do any hard work.

(The TROPICALS: Scorpio) Victoria: it is not even a full day since we all have been on this Island and there is already drama but I will nominate against crystal she should have helped us with the challenge we would have won.

(The TROPICALS: Sagittarius) Steven: I hate the b**** poppy she acts like she is the boss around here it just enrage me to see people like that in my sight so I will nominate poppy She. Needs. To. Go!!!

(The TROPICALS: Capricorn) Chloe: I do not want to get involved in their drama I just arrived on this show I just want to enjoy my time here so I will nominate Thea she thinks she is the leader of this team.


Kïng: the votes are in I will now announce the results.

Jason: we will announce the results. The first person up for eviction with three votes against her is crystal.

Crystal: no surprise f*** you to whoever voted for me.

Kïng: the next person joining crystal up for eviction is... poppy.

Poppy: I knew this would happen.

Jason: the last person joining them up for eviction is... A tie between Grayson and Michelle.

Kïng: what will happen is the remaining 8 will vote again for who to put up for eviction if you guys still cannot decide the decision will go to... Us as team leaders so good luck.

15 minutes later...

Jason: well we do not have to move the Decision to us as team leaders because you guys have chosen to put up along with poppy and crystal for eviction... Grayson.

Grayson: why me?

Kïng: well you guys have the rest of the day and night to discuss, form your alliances and come back for your veto competition tomorrow to see who will win it to either save one of the nominee or discard it.

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