Week: 9
Day: 57 (8 weeks 1 day)Everyone was dressed in their best fancy formal outfit officially being the top 12, making it to MERGE and permanently staying in the mansion they have been switching stays on their team.
Steven: congrats to us for surviving MERGE!!!!!!!!
Michelle: period!
Britney: now we just have to outlast 9 other contestants to make it to the finals together.
Steven: let's go mingle with everyone and see who else we can work with see you guys soon.
*Steven walked off to speak to other contestants sipping on champagne and enjoying luxurious food for the night's celebration of making it to MERGE as Victoria walked up to Michelle and Britney*
Michelle: what do you want?
*Victoria raised her hands in a surrender mode*
Victoria: chill girls! I am just here to congratulate you girls on making it this far there is not much girls left.
*They look around the dining room to see only Kori talking to Brice and Carter*
Britney: yeah there is not much of us left.
Victoria: that is why we must stick together so I am purposing we join an all girl alliance to get out all the boys there is 4 of us and only 4 can make it to the finals so it's better we just get rid of these sweaty boys so a girl can finally win again.
*Michelle and Britney look at each other*
Britney: we will think about it.
*The team leaders kïng, Jason, Veronica and Jason then appeared as the room went silent to listen to what they have to say*
Jake: we want to congratulate you guys again on making it to MERGE.
Jason: from this point forward it is every man and woman for themselves.
Veronica: you guys deserve to be here, I totally would not guess the top 12 would be you guys even though I knew some of you guys would make it.
Kïng: but let's move on an enjoy the night it is still young-
*A video of Logan and Luna kissing started to play*
Logan: why are you playing this it is suppose to-
Grayson: is it true?
Logan: no i- I mean they have no f***ing reason to be playi-
Grayson: ANSWER ME! Is it true?
Logan: yes
*Grayson fist connected with logan face knocking out his champagne class out of his and and maybe a few teeth too*
(Confessional: Gemini) Grayson: *starts to cry* I'm just trying to hold my angry and sadness in right now.
Grayson: is that why you friend zoned me?
(Confessional: Aries) Ace: I don't know what the hell is happening right now but I am so living for it, who knew Logan would be caught in a love triangle drama it is such a pity Luna is not here to go off on him too men like that bring disgrace to our gender, I am just sick at the thought of being the same gender as men like logan.
Grayson: how could you do this to me Logan?! I liked you so much and kissed you not knowing you kissed another girl behind my back.
Logan: it is not that big of a deal I just kissed her once and kissed you also... So I do not see the problem here you are not perfect no one is everyone makes mistake so I DON'T SEE THE F***ING PROBLEM IN KISSING BOTH OF YOU.
*Carter went over punching Logan in the face as he started to bleed*
Carter: you absolutely disgust me.
*Grayson walked away to claim a room to cry in but before he could walked away the lights went out*
Veronica: everyone stay calm because your first Challenge starts now.
Jake: we will explain the rules so...
*The lights came back on*
Jason: please each take a seat at the dinning table so we can explain the rules.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...