Week: 2
Day: 19 (2 week 5 days)Asher, Sara and Kori was chosen to be up for eviction yesterday but surprisingly everything was quiet.
(Star: Scorpio) Sebastian: I now feel bad for nominating Asher because he just got together with Nikky and might be getting evicted tomorrow night.
Sebastian: hey Asher how are you feeling?
Sebastian sat beside Asher who was sitting on a wooden stump by the bond fire near the beach.
Asher: *sigh* I do not know how to feel we are in an alliance together with more than half our team so I know someone betrayed me but it is all good I will go home proud that I even made it this far.
Nikky came over to where Asher was as Sebastian knew what she wanted so he left her to talk to him alone.
Nikky: I promise I will not vote against you and if I win that veto competition I will use it to save you.
Asher: I know you will not vote me and I think I might be saved because I think everyone hates Kori and Sara more.
Nikky: if you get evicted I am gonna be heartbroken 🥺
Asher took nikky's cheeks in his palm as they made eye contact.
Asher: where I am from we have a saying "the strongest always prevail the weakest works the hardest and try"
They kissed sharing a moment with each other thinking if it is the last time they are gonna see each other they might just spend the time with each other.
(Unseen: Taurus) Timothy: I want Sara out she cannot win this veto competition that is why I am hoping I get picked to play it some people might have put up Asher because of his outburst but I see Sara as a backstabbing snake who cannot be trusted.
Veto picking ceremony
Jake: first time playing veto for you guys so here is the rules...
After explaining.
Jake: okay Asher you pick first.
(Star: Aquarius) Asher: I just want to pick Nikky to play the veto competition with me so if I do not win she will win and use it on me because I cannot trust anyone to win it for me and then use it on me because I know someone from my alliance nominated me.
Asher: Carter
(The ROYALS: Sagittarius) Sara: I am not about to be evicted because someone played dirty nope it is not gonna play that way I am gonna win this veto no matter who is playing with me or who I pick.
Sara: Antonio
(The ROYALS: Leo) Kori: it seemed to work now on to the next phase of not letting her win veto and get everyone to vote her out.... Somehow.
Kori: Nikky.
Veto competition: ice breaker
The contestants was put to their knowledge test and if they got one wrong their out.
1. How many seeds can a watermelon have once fully grown (farthest estimate is eliminated from the challenge) ?
✓ Correct Answer: (150-160)
Asher: 200
Sara: 180
Kori: 140
Carter: 106 ×
Antonio: 120
Nikky: 165Jake: Nikky you are the closest and Carter you are the farthest estimate the correct answer is 150-160. Next question two will be eliminated.
2. What is the length of a day (in hours and minutes) when you combined mars and Jupiter's?
✓ Correct answer: 34 hours 33 mins.
Asher: 29 hours 56 minutes ×
Sara: 33 minutes
Kori: 19 hours 1 minutes ×
Antonio: 42 hours 6 mins
Nikky: 40 hours 13 minutesJake: Kori you are the closest to the answer which is 34 hours 33 minutes Asher and Kori you are eliminated. only three of you guys left the farthest estimate for this question will be eliminated.
3. How many bananas can a monkey eat in a day?
✓ Correct Answer: 5
Sara: 8 ×
Antonio: 4
Nikky: 5Jake: Nikky you guessed correctly that means Sara you have been evicted. The closest estimate for this question wins.
4. How many votes did Thea received against her in the first eviction ceremony?
✓ Correct Answer: 4
Antonio: 6
Nikky: 5Jake: congrats Nikky you are the new power of veto holder.
Veto ceremony
Nikky: I am happy to be standing but now let's hear it from the three lives that hangs in the balance why I should save each of you starting with Asher.
Asher: thanks Nikky I think you should use it on me not because I am your boyfriend I know most would say you should but you should use it on me because I have been a good player in the game so far and I do not know why I am being targeted but if you decide to use it on someone else I admit I will be angry and a little sad but I will not let it ruin our relationship.
Nikky: thanks Asher. Sara?
Sara: you ard gonna use it on him anyways so I am not gonna waste my breath.
Kori: same girl same.
Nikky: well then it is no surprise that I decide to use it on Asher Jake and Veronica since one of the nominees has been vetoed it is your responsibility to choose another replacement nominee.
Veronica: and that nominee is.... Brice sorry.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...