S5 EP.56| Doppelgangers🧑‍🦱🧑‍🦱

50 4 0

Week: 10
Day: 64 (9 weeks 1 day)

The second individual Challenge was ongoing with 12 contestants remaining in the game and their eyes set on making it to final four (the FINALE).

Logan: you good bro?

*Logan said going over to Antonio as they were told to take a short break during the challenge*

Antonio: yeah I'm good everything is okay.

Logan: I don't know... You seem... Like an emotionless robot to me, is this because of Timothy?

*Antonio turned facing Logan*

Antonio: don't mention that f***ing name!

Logan: okay! I'm sorry.

Antonio: I don't know what to do I mean- I liked him but I also wanted to use him to get far into this stupid game which I think ain't worth winning now that he's gone.

Logan: hmmm you know what I think? I think you should just let him go then you'll feel better and not worry about feeling guilty about what you did.

Antonio: that's what I've been trying to do but it's hard.

Logan: if that's the case then you really need to man up and apologize if your feelings for him is that real, whether he accepts you or not you need to respect his decision because you technically hurt him first so if you were to get rejected when we leave this place you can move on knowing you apologized and start to fix back your friendship if you want to stay friends.

Veronica: starting in a minute get back into position while we set up the cameras.

Antonio: thanks Logan you were a great help.

Logan: happy to help you now let's Finish this challenge.

(Confessional: Leo) Logan: he seemed to be beating himself up about Timothy and his relationship and him being the reason Timothy got evicted I couldn't just stand there and watch him, naturally I always want to help so I gave him a little pep talk to boost his confidence.

(Confessional: Virgo) Antonio: I've had a rough two weeks when Timothy got evicted and I've been blaming myself and worrying about what he would say but Logan helped me which I'm grateful.

An hour (of kissing) later

Michelle was declared the winner after getting the most points for identifying the others by kiss with Carter coming in second place and Logan in third place.

Logan: Congrats Michelle you deserve this win.

Michelle: thank you.

Veronica: congrats on your win Michelle but with Brice automatically up for Eviction for not doing the challenge you have the power to choose two other contestants up for eviction, make sure to choose wisely and good luck not getting chosen to the rest of y'all bye for now.

*Veronica left alongside Jason*

(Confessional: Aquarius) Michelle: I do have an idea on who I want to choose, I need to take out the zodiac that has a double here lowering their chance of winning and the person who has a double is Kori and Logan being two LEO'S, Carter and crystal being two CANCER'S, I won't evict my girl Britney but I can take out her double ace who's a ARIES and obviously I can't evict myself or Asher because I want my zodiac to win so I have 5 people to choose from.

*Steven, Michelle and Britney went to their room to talk strategy*

Steven: congrats on winning again but what's your plan for this Nomination coming up...

To b continued...

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