Week: 4
Day: 27 (3 week 6 days)Everyone was tense about the veto competition especially Vanessa, Victoria and Crystal knowing that most of the house hate them.
By the beach
Logan: I did not notice before but you are actually beautiful Michelle.
Michelle: thanks nobody has ever said that to me.
Logan: glad to be the first I hope we get to talk more and maybe become more than friends.
(Bliss: Aquarius) Michelle: hold up Logan you are moving way to fast there buddy it is inhumane to move that fast. I am not ready for no relationship even though you are cute and all so we will take it slow if you cannot hear read my lips S-L-O-W.
In the forest
Britney: *whispers* if one of us is chosen to play for veto or even both of us, one of us needs to wins it and discard it.
Michelle: *whisper* so we can get out crystal or Vanessa good plan now let's go win that veto.
Veto picking ceremony
Crystal: okay I am here to pick a person for veto and it is... Poppy.
Vanessa: my turn so I pick... Chloe.
It was now Victoria's turn to pick a contestant for veto and she picked...
Victoria: Michelle.
Jason: good luck in veto competition.
Veto competition: ship wreck
The challenge was to search for them to be the last one standing in the ice bath while the team leaders spins and whatever it lands on they all have to do and they might be some secret power on it too.
Jason: let's spin that wheel kïng.
Kïng: what will Crystal get?
The wheel spin and landed on.... Hot sauce.
Kïng: you have to take three shots of hot sauce and if you do not do it you will have to leave.
Crystal: let's just get it over with because I am freezing.
She took all shots of hot sauce.
Jason: poppy it is your turn, what will you get?
The wheel spins and landed on... Strip.
Jason: as it said you will have to strip only wearing your panty no bra no clothing.
Poppy quickly strip leaving her boobs for show.
(The TROPICALS: Leo) Logan: holy cow! Those are some big boobs I am shocked at the size I totally was not able to keep my mouth closed.
Victoria was the first one to leave because she couldn't handle the cold, followed by Vanessa because she got "If none of you step out all of you will be wearing a embarrassing outfits for entire next week" then Chloe decided to follow because she did not want to get hypothermia because of a stupid veto she said she didn't need it anyways.
Kïng: okay Michelle for a secret advantage will you step out?
And.... She did!
(Confessional: ) Michelle: sorry Britney a secret advantage sounds more fun to have and plus I have been waiting to win a secret advantage.
Seconds later poppy decided to step down because it was her friend and she is up on the block so poppy let her win it.
Jason: congrats crystal you are the new power of veto holder think about your decision and meet us in a few minutes for the veto ceremony.
Veto ceremony
Crystal: alright I am the power of veto holder and I have the power to save one of the nominee from eviction how about I let the other nominee save their breathe because I decide to save myself. Team leaders since one of the nominees have been vetoed it is up to you to choose a replacement nominee for eviction.
Kïng: and that replacement nominee is.... Grayson nothing personal.
Jason: so it is official the final three up for-
Michelle: wait! I have decided to use my advantage.
Michelle's advantage: to put up a fourth nominee for eviction at any point in the game.
Jason: and who do you decide to put up for eviction?
Michelle: poppy sorry but you have been here too long you need to leave.
Kïng: what a shocker there is now a fourth nominee for eviction, the nominees are Victoria, Vanessa, Grayson and now Poppy because of Michelle's secret advantage given to her in the veto competition but how will this change the game?

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...