PREVIOUSLY on THE ZODIAC MANSION S5: The TROPICALS team got together for a fun game night as Antonio had a outburst out of nowhere and Timothy being the good friend he is went to comfort him.
Victoria then dropped a bombshell telling Crystal and Poppy their alliance member vanessa is fake and that she is backstabbing them by coming to her (Victoria) about voting them as It was now time for their challenge. The ROYALS took back their crown by winning 10-8.
The TROPICALS was sent back to eviction ceremony to face their third eviction. The TROPICALS team all decided nominated Vanessa, Poppy and Crystal up for eviction, Poppy and Crystal seek Vanessa because they needed her vote to save crystal but they told her (Vanessa) that they only wanted to be friends again.
But Vanessa was not buying their "friendly" act knowing that they used her for "votes" already. Meanwhile Michelle and Britney itch a plan that if any of them get picked to play for veto they will try to not let crystal or poppy win at all cost and let the nominations remain the same.
A little showmance bloomed between Michelle and Logan before the veto competition, will we see more between them? Anyways! The veto competition was now in session as Victoria, Vanessa, Crystal, Poppy, Chloe and Michelle.
Crystal was the new power of veto holder but Michelle lost was not in vain as she hold the power to put up a fourth nominee, Crystal saved herself no surprise as Grayson was the replacement nominee for her place but Michelle used her advantage to put up poppy.
Now the nominee's are Vanessa, Victoria, Grayson and Poppy who will be evicted tonight?
Eviction Ceremony
End of Week 4
By the beach
Poppy: I cannot believe Michelle pulled that stunt I am gonna get my revenge when I am saved.
Crystal: I promise we will get her back once you are back in the game.
Vanessa walked up to them laughing.
Vanessa: oh gosh please! My stomach is hurting from laughing so much. How does it feel that the QUEEN B's alliance is no more? How does it feel to know that poppy will finally be evicted? Honestly I'm soooo happy that Michelle pulled that stunt I might think about joining forces with her later on in the game when you two are gone for good.
Crystal: don't get too cocky b**** we are not gone yet and we are not leaving anytime soon that's for damn sure come on poppy let's go talk to the others.
(The TROPICALS: Leo) Logan: so before eviction I thought I would have a chance to get to know Grayson better knowing we have not talked that much since coming on this Island.
Logan: so you were a medical student then you quit to come here win the money and then pursue your music career?
Grayson: yeah and now that all might shatter in a few minutes.
Logan: wow! I am just happy to see someone pursing their dream so seriously. You are from Dominica republic?
Grayson: I am half Dominican half Jamaican my mother is Jamaican and my dad is a Dominican.
Logan: so cool! So can you like speak Spanish?
Grayson: ¿Qué piensas? (What do you think?)
Logan: sí (yes) so awesome! What did your parents think about you moving away to pursue your dreams.
Grayson: they were heartbroken but they understand. The day I have a lot of money I am sending it all to them.
They talked for a while until it was time for the eviction ceremony.
Eviction ceremony
End of week 4
Everyone sat where they were assigned to as the royals team joined them.
Kïng: you guys know the drill already so let's get it over with.
Logan voted Poppy
Crystal voted Vanessa
Michelle voted poppy
Britney voted poppy
Luna voted Vanessa
Chloe voted VictoriaJason: the votes have been tallied and the person going home is.... Poppy.
Poppy: what?!
Vanessa: see you in paradise b****
Kïng: that is not all we have a surprise for you guys. You can come out.
Steven walked out as everyone gasped in shock.
(Bliss: Sagittarius) Steven: priceless I tell you priceless.
Kïng: Steven was not actually evicted Chloe was the one supposed to be evicted. He has been spying on you guys this whole time with Chloe as his insider.
Grayson: that I did not expect damn Chloe you did a good job keeping it a secret.
Jason: now that is out of the way is not there another thing we should be revealing to them?
Kïng: yes! I almost forgot we are not done here because it is double eviction.
(The TROPICALS: Cancer) Crystal: not only did they just evict my friend poppy, bring back somebody I wanted out of the game now they are saying it is a f***ing double eviction this is so crazy.
(The ROYALS: Cancer) Carter: I am mind blown to be witnessing all this twist happening on The TROPICALS team I am eating it all up poppy had it long coming if I was on that team I would have gotten her evicted already.
Jason: Victoria, Vanessa and Grayson are still the nominees get voting again.
Double eviction votes
Logan voted Victoria
Crystal voted Vanessa
Michelle voted Vanessa
Britney voted Vanessa
Luna voted Vanessa
Steven voted VanessaKïng: with a unanimous decision Vanessa you have been evicted.
(The TROPICALS: Virgo) Vanessa: at least I didn't go out in vain I took out one of my enemies in the game and that is a proud achievement for me I do wish I made it further in the game probably to MERGE but I am to have participated.
Goodbye messages for poppy
Steven: I come back and you are gone I did not even have to get my hands dirty to take out a trash like you see you at final night.
Michelle: finally you are gone and no offense you have been a leech to this team bringing us down I am betting 1 million we will start to win a lot of challenges now see you on final night.
Goodbye messages for Chloe
Steven: thanks for being my insider I am really sorry to shout at you I just was too excited to mess with poppy see you at final night and I hope we could become good friends after the show.
Luna: you were naive I was kinda wondering why you are still here? but guess you were just being used as an insider for a much bigger threat...... Steven now see you at final night my full focus is to get out Steven.
Goodbye messages for Vanessa
Crystal: bye b****
Britney: sorry Vanessa I had to break up the alliance you, poppy and crystal had if it makes you feel better I will do everything in my power to get out crystal just for you I hope we could get to know each other after the show because we rarely talk when you were here.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...