PREVIOUSLY on THE ZODIAC MANSION S5: everyone was itching with pure awkward silence from the tension between Timothy and Antonio, as the numbers dwindled the team leaders surprised the contestants with a team swap to shake things up and also break up old alliances. Another twist occurred... Logan return from injury to continue his fight for the cash prize, the contestants all tried to work with their new team members but because of the shuffle... It was difficult and to make this fair the team leaders invited a french-american artist to judge their artistic skills.
But this challenge was not about winning it was about giving back to the poor community, the TROPICALS team picked up the win by a landslide earning $2035 USD to donate to an orphanage of their choice. Kïng could not keep it a secret from his boyfriend who is a contestant any longer telling him that MERGE is NEXT WEEK!!! (which he was forbidden from telling anyone), Logan kissed Grayson but he likes Luna? Leaving him confused and questioning his sexuality. Nomination came around as Timothy, Asher and Sebastian was put up for Eviction.
Antonio decided to come to terms with his sexuality of being BISEXUAL but at the cost of Timothy's heart breaking, Antonio only wants to date Timothy to use him to bring his self to the semi finals and not Timothy's love.
Logan FRIEND ZONED Grayson after kissing him thinking he could stop the love triangle drama that is to come after kissing both Luna and Grayson good thing she got evicted right...?
With the stakes (double eviction) and MERGE next week, which two contestants will not make it to MERGE?
Eviction Ceremony
End of Week 8
Dawn (by the hut)
(The ROYALS: Scorpio) Victoria: I am so nervous for eviction today and I am not the one up for eviction I feel like something big is gonna happen, speaking of I have outlasted 11 other people and I only have to outlast 10 more to make it to finals I will deal with the other 3 on final night but in all seriousness I am so grateful to still be here in the running to win that cash prize of 2 million dollars.
Victoria: anyone else nervous and you are not even up for Eviction?
Logan: so nervous I do not want to see Asher go.
Carter: yeah you seem nice and I wanna get to know you more too.
(The ROYALS: Cancer) Carter: and get you on my side to help evict these losers one by one.
Asher: well I cannot change my faith and besides... Even if I get evicted you guys doing me a favor to go see my girlfriend.
Victoria: that is so sweet I hope she is doing okay I did not want her to be evicted too all the people I do not want to be evicted keeps getting evicted so I am praying you stay tonight.
Kïng: eviction is in a few hours get ready wearing your best dresses and suits because tonight is special and meet us at the eviction area.
Eviction Ceremony
End of week 8
Jason: welcome to the eviction ceremony you all look handsome and stunning.
Contestants: thank you/thanks!!!
Jakes: by now you all must be wondering why all four of us is here tonight.
Contestants: yes?
Kïng: as I said tonight is a special night that is why we have you all dressed up.
Veronica: but for now nominees take your places and the TROPICALS team will be watching, Carter, Logan, Victoria and Steven is the only persons can vote also the secret advantages tonight is the last night you can use them because it will be eligible for use.
Jake: because after tonight no one will have an advantage so if you want to use-
Carter & Logan: I want to use my advantage.
Carter: I would like to use my vote block advantage on Victoria.
Jason: Victoria you can no longer vote to evict someone.
Logan: and I would like to use my extra vote advantage on myself.
Kïng: you can now vote twice anyone else with an advantage to use?
Steven: yes! Michelle had the honor to give me her advantage and I would like to use my vote steal advantage on Carter.
Veronica: Carter you can no longer vote to evict someone but Steven you can now vote twice good luck everyone now get voting.
Logan voted Sebastian and Timothy
Steven voted Timothy and AsherVeronica: the votes are in and the first contestant evicted is... Timothy but there was a tie between Sebastian and Asher.
Kïng: it is up to all of you guys Logan and Steven to come to an agreement on who you guys to evict.
Logan: I say Sebastian there is no reason for him to be here anymore his boyfriend got evicted ages ago.
Steven: okay Sebastian it is then.
Jason: you heard them Sebastian you are the next contestant evicted.
Jake: I think this calls for a celebration because congrats to top 12.
All: and making it to MERGE!!!
Veronica: now there is no teams.
Kïng: every man and woman for themselves.
Goodbye messages for Timothy
Antonio: I think it is for the better that you got evicted because I had evil intentions towards you as a boyfriend and I hope you can forgive me one day.
Victoria: so sad you got evicted Timothy and you were one hot hunk see you out there I guess.
Goodbye messages for Sebastian
Logan: it is so unfortunate you had to be evicted like this but I am sorry for evicting you I guess, you were a threat to my game but not only mine so I wish you luck in the outside world it is not easy because I was dying to come back so see you on final night.
Carter: you are one of my favorite contestant in a
The Zodiac Mansion history if they have an all star season I hope they pick you for because you were iconic in your season and this season you were the best good luck and see you on final night.Episode 16
Original Word Count: 2138 Words
Rounded Off Word Count (each part of EP.16): 2150 Words
[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...