Week: 8
Day: 50 (7 week 1 day)The ROYALS team
Everyone was seated around the dinner table eating in pure silence filled with tension from Antonio, Timothy and Asher's rivalry and let's not forget Timothy's outburst feelings adding a extra pinch of awkwardness to the already boiling tension.
(Royal Flush: Leo) Kori: the tension on this team s too much for me what makes it worst I am the only girl on this team so I am literally suffocating in this circle of boys I feel like a sandwich.
Mega phone: all contestants get ready for the day we have a shocking surprise waiting for you, your team leaders will come get you guys in an hour for everyone to meet.
An hour later
Everyone stand dressed for the day as the team leaders start their intro.
Veronica: hey guys welcome back to another episode of The Zodiac Mansion Season 5.
Kïng: today we have some exciting news for you guys...
Jake: and our cast behind us some might not like it and some might like it.
Jason: but today we are doing a team swap. Yes you heard right the teams will be shuffled some might not be with their old friends and some might still remain on their team.
Veronica: the reason? The teams are unbalanced so we are going to even it out. Starting with Timothy, we will spin this wheel and it will tell us if you will remain on your old team or become a member of The TROPICALS team.
(The ROYALS: Virgo) Antonio: I cannot get separated from my friend Timothy not when merge is this close why the f*** did they have to do this twist.
(The TROPICALS: Gemini) Grayson: I have been wondering when they were going to do this because I have been getting bored seeing the same people over and over and to be honest their ratings was dropping I bet?! it is probably why they are doing this because it makes no sense for them to do this now when they say merge is so close but I do not blame them I need some new faces to take to.
(The ROYALS: Pieces) Brice: damn I am impressed with this twist but at the same time I do not want to go to another team I like my team just how it is, I do not need it to change.
(The TROPICALS: Aries) Britney: I am not that mad about this twist I like it this could help us bond with some people from the other team before merge and not make everything awkward once the teams are no more and we live together I like it.
Michelle: there is 13 of us so how are you guys going to make that even?
Kïng: glad you asked that Michelle because we have a returning contestant come on out.
Some wearing a mask walked out.
Jake: reveal yourself.
Logan: surprise!!!!!! Miss me?!!
Grayson: Logan?!
Grayson ran and rapped Logan in a hug as the other TROPICALS team members joined along with The ROYALS team members on the side congratulating him on coming back.
(The TROPICALS: Leo) Logan: I have missed you all so much I never expected to missed being on TV so much hey mom do not worry I will take it easy this time. Anyways I mostly miss my friends Grayson, Michelle, Britney and Steven they were the ones I talked to most before I was injured.
Steven: it is so good to see you back healthy and in good shape.
Logan: I am happy to be back thank you all for the welcome.
Veronica: okay guys let's continue, Timothy we will spin this wheel and whatever team it lands on you will be a new member of or stay and we will do this for everyone.
Everyone was placed on their new team or stayed a member of their original one but here is the results...
New (Temporary) TROPICALS TEAM
1. Antonio (Virgo)
2. Kori (Leo)
3. Brice (pieces)
4. Ace (Aries)
5. Grayson (Gemini)
6. Michelle (Aquarius)
7. Britney (Aries)New (Temporary) ROYALS TEAM
1. Timothy (Taurus)
2. Carter (Cancer)
3. Asher (Aquarius)
4. Sebastian (Scorpio)
5. Logan (Leo)
6. Victoria (Scorpio)
7. Steven (Sagittarius)

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...