Week: 8
Day: 52 (7 weeks 3 days)Brice was wishing kïng never told him that merge is next week because it is all he could think about and worst of all how can he keep it from the others..?
Timothy: Brice you okay?
Brice: yeah I am fine just thinking about what I will wear to MERGE when it happens- no I do not know when it will happen! I mean I am just thinking about semi finals yeah! That is what I am thinking about totally nothing else on my mind.
Timothy: okay......?
Night fall (by the beach)
Logan: I know we are not suppose to be talking to each other because we are on different team but I just wanted to see you once before and "if" I get evicted tonight.
Grayson: do not say that! You will make it through Eviction you just came back from injury.
Logan: yeah but we are facing a double Eviction and there is 7 of us so there is a 30% chance it might be me going home with someone else.
Grayson: in that case... I have nothing to lose...
Logan: what do you mea-?
Logan got cut off by Grayson's lips connecting to his.
Grayson: *blushes* sorry if that was rushed it is just that-
Logan kissed Grayson on the cheek.
Logan: it is okay I like that and I am a nice guy so I will not kiss you on your lips without your permission.
Grayson: are you saying I am not nice?!
Logan: no! That is not what I meant i-
Grayson cut Logan off again with a kiss.
Grayson: besides I do not like being nice with the person I like *laughs* it is funny how you get all flustered a mini a go.
Logan: I like you too I would like to see where our relationship goes after the show one step at a time.
Logan said holding Grayson hand.
Grayson: I would like that too.
Jake: welcome to another Nomination ceremony *sigh* I do not need to explain the rules so get nominating.
(The ROYALS: Taurus) Timothy: I am done with all this I just want to get this over with and win this time so sorry Carter but I nominate you.
(The ROYALS: Cancer) Carter: this week I am sure I am a target for some of my teammates but I will not go down without a fight not when merge is THIS close so I will nominate Timothy you are a threat I am just angry that no one saw it from the start of this season.
(The ROYALS: Aquarius) Asher: I am finally going to get the chance to take done one of their stupid alliance now that Antonio is not here to save you I am gonna nominate you Timothy.
(The ROYALS: Scorpio) Sebastian: I am upset that Christopher got evicted but at the same time I just want to take my mind off him because I can't lose focus of the real goal here and that is to win that 1 million dollars at final night and I will not let anyone get in my way sorry Asher.
(The ROYALS: Leo) Logan: I just came back from injury and here I am thrown into a Eviction I have no idea who to nominate so I am going to choose Asher for no particular reason.
(The ROYALS: Scorpio) Victoria: let's see I can't nominate Sebastian because he is a Scorpio like me but in the end only one of us can win that 1 million dollars and win for both of our zodiac so sorry Sebastian I will have the pleasure of taking the win for our zodiac and that 1 million dollars for myself.
(The ROYALS: Sagittarius) Steven: if you viewers have not notice yet I am the only Sagittarius remaining so I am definitely a force to be reckon with so the others better be scared because Sebastian you are my next target.
Veronica: first up for Eviction with 2 votes each is Timothy.
Jason: Asher
Veronica: and Sebastian good luck in veto guys.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...