S5 EP.70| Marry Me?! 🤣

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*Ace, Carter, Britney and Brice sits before the camera with big smiles in their final outfits*



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Veronica: Hey Y'all welcome to The Zodiac Mansion Season 5 Finale

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Veronica: Hey Y'all welcome to The Zodiac Mansion Season 5 Finale...

Jake: The Finale lineup is looking sharper than my jawline i can hardly wait to find out who wins.

Jason: For the first time we have two person representing the same zodiac in the finale with us... clap and congratulate Britney and Ace.

*The live audience erupts in applause*

Kïng: Let me be the one to say y'all ate these final looks up especially britney

Britney: Thank you so much

Veronica: as usually we will start off with the top 3 fan favorite... 1st place will walk away with 500k but because we can't have 25 people on the stage at the time we've reserved a spot in the crowd for our returning season 5 contestants

*camera pans to a vip section with every contestants from this season, they all waved smiling to their fans*

Jake: we'll start with third place.... Michelle congrats

*Michelle comes up on stage hugged all the finalist and collected a small boquet of flowers before returning to her spot*

Jason: second place, fan favorite is.... Logan you touched the heart of many fans not only with your handsomeness.

*Logan bowed as soon as he reached on stage showing respect collecting his flowers quickly leaving after*

Kïng: and the moment you guys been waiting for the true fan favorite walking away with 500K is.... Asher

*before the fans could cheer Nikky let out the loudest scream jumping in asher's arms obviously happy for him... Asher gently put her down going on stage collecting a big boquet of flowers and a case containing 500K*

Veronica: we'll take a break and when we come back you'll find out the winner of The zodiac mansion season 5.

*commerial break ends*

Jake: Welcome back to season 5 finale a moment a go we crowned our fan favorite representing Aquarius... Asher and now it's time to find out who takes home the grand prize of $2M.

Jason: but first some questions from your fans.

Q#1: What would you do with the money if you win? (For carter)

Carter: i gotta give back to where i grow up even in the smallest way then i would split it between me and my family.

Q#2: Who would you like to see win if you don't? (for britney)

Britney: Ace duh!!! He also represent the same zodiac as me aries for the win but not gonna lie that prize money sounds good in my pocket if there was no prize money involved maybe i would just let him win.

Q#3: is there anybody in the finale right now that you think shouldn't be here? And who would you replace them with? (For Brice)

Brice: i don't think Britney doesn't deserve to be in the final there's more people deserving of that spot as for who i would put in her spot Logan he should be in the finals.

Q#4:  Marry Me? (For Ace)

*the audience laughs at the final question*

Ace: sure just tell me the date and time so i can fit it into my schedule after i win *winks*

Kïng: let's quickly move on, in 4th place walking away with nothing... Brice.

Veronica: 3rd place also walking away with nothing is.... Carter

Jake: 2 contestants remain but only one can walk away with 2 Million dollars... well one thing for sure is that Aries is our winner no matter who gets chosen, will it be Britney or Ace?

Jason: The Winner of Season 5 is.... Ace Congratulation!!!

*confetti goes off in celebration for the new winner of TZM, the audience goes wild in cheers*

Kïng: The end of a beautiful season, Kïng Signing out see yall in season 6.

[S5] The Zodiac MansionWhere stories live. Discover now