Week: 2
Day: 8 (1 Week 1 Day)Steven, Michelle and Britney was the first ones awake from The TROPICALS team.
Britney: *whispers* we got out who we wanted so who is next.
Steven: *whispers* we do not even know if we will lose the next challenge what we should be doing is getting more people to join us.
Michelle: *whispers* what is our name gonna be.
Steven: *whispers* how about Bliss?
Britney: *whispers* sounds good enough to me I am gonna get more sleep in guys the second challenge starts soon.
Alliance formed
Name: Bliss
Members: Steven, Michelle and BritneyThe ROYALS
Liam: so you are working as a veterinarian that is so cool.
Ace: yeah it is cool but it is not an easy job I am on a break now that is why I was able to audition I watched this show from season 1 and said one day I wanna audition and here I am.
Liam: I wish my life was half as awesome as yours now my parents are going to get a divorce my girlfriend dumped me and left twin kids at my door step saying they are my responsibility.
Ace: well the greatest thing from that I would say is the kids and you seem young to be a father how old are you?
Liam: 19
(The ROYALS: Aries) Ace: hold up back up a meters wait a f***ing minute you wanna tell me I am 23 years old and I had two divorce and never had kids with either of my wives and this 19 years old had kids TWINS at that with his girlfriend who I guess think they were not that serious.
Ace: so where are the kids with now?
Liam: their grandma's house they are the only reason I audition to win it and use the money to take care of them.
Ace: well I will make you a promise I do nkt have experience with being a father but me and you will work together so we can make it to final four together.
Liam: okay but we need to more people to make it four people.
Ace: okay I will go try to talk Asher into joining us you go convince either Sebastian or Christopher or even both because I heard they are hitting it off with each other pretty well.
Liam: they are a couple?
Ace: it is not official yet.
Jake: all contestants should be on the beach right now for your second challenge.
Challenge #2
Jake: me and kïng is the host for this challenge call Total Zodiac Mansion trivia and yes we did not know what to call this challenge don't ask questions 😂.
Kïng: I will be throwing question about past season to The TROPICALS team.
Jake: and I will do the same to The ROYALS team one person from each team will be chosen to answer a question for your team if you answer correctly you earn a point for your team.
Kïng: first team to 10 wins safety from eviction the losing is sending a member home tomorrow night.
Jake: The TROPICALS team is at a disadvantage with one of their members evicted last night so chosen at random... Ace you will be sitting out on today's challenge.
Kïng: Nikky Versus Logan
Question #1: Season 1, which two contestants did kesandro nominate? (+1 point)
A. Marcus and Jake
B. Quinn and MichelleCorrect Answer: A
Nikky: A
Logan: BJake: correct Nikky you have earned a point for your team Carter Versus poppy
Question #2: before Season 2 Episode 5, Who self evicted his/herself? (+2 points)
A. Bella
B. AdrianCorrect Answer: A
Carter: A
Poppy: BKïng: correct Carter, Sebastian Versus Michelle your next.
Christopher: you got this!
Question #3: Season 3, how many episodes are there in total? (+3 points)
A. 14
B. 11Correct Answer: B
Sebastian: A
Michelle: BJake: It is now tied up three to three. Step up Christopher and Luna it is your turn.
Question #4: Season 4, who was evicted first? (+1 point)
A. Carter
B. ChloeCorrect Answer: B
Nobody answered.
Kïng: Antonio Versus Steven here is your question.
Question #5: Season 1, who placed 7th? (+2 points)
A. It was a double eviction between...
B. Sean
Correct Answer: A (between Antonio and kesandro)
Antonio: A it was a double eviction between myself and kesandro.
Steven: A between Antonio and kesandro.
Jake: question number 6 Sara Versus Victoria
Question #6: Season 2, who won the first challenge? (+3 points)
A. Kori, Britney anf Nick
B. Hailey, Stella, YunaCorrect Answer: B
Sara: B
Victoria: AJake: correct sara, next question Asher VS Crystal.
Question #7: In season 3 who self evicted his/herself for the second time in THE ZODIAC MANSION History? (+1 point)
A. Adrian
B. JasonCorrect Answer: A
Asher: B
Crystal: AKïng: Timothy Versus Vanessa your question is...
Question #8: Season 4, how many episodes are there in total? (+2 points)
A. 10
B. 13Correct Answer: B
Timothy: B
Vanessa: BKïng: congrats to The ROYALS team for once again Winning another challenge and avoiding eviction beating The TROPICALS team with a score of 10-8.
Jake: but who will be evicted again from The TROPICALS team?

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...