S5 EP.30| Eviction Cer.😶

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PREVIOUSLY on THE ZODIAC MANSION S5: on The TROPICALS team Grayson, Luna and Logan joined an alliance with each other calling themselves "Triple Threat" as a little showmance blossom between Luna and Logan hell we do not know how long it has been going on. The team leaders then called a meeting because they had something to reveal to the cast.

They revealed that this week they will all compete for an secret advantage and there will be no veto ceremony or competition so the Nomination will remain the same for the eviction ceremony but the most shocking one to them is that BOTH teams would be facing eviction. At the advantage Challenge Logan was leading everyone by a enormous amount of distance dominating this challenge.

Most of the cast got frustrated at the second task of the challenge because it was to make a 8years old boy laugh and even when they had different props to try make him laugh he would not budge so Michelle took a short cut in the challenge by tickling him (the producers didn't seem to have a problem with what she did so she dashed off to press the buzzer) as everyone did the same thing.

Then the unthinkable happened Logan got injured as Carter carried him on his back to the finish and the show had to be cut off immediately after everyone finished the challenge because they had to bring him to the hospital. It was Nomination time for The ROYALS team as they choose to put up Brice and Nikky meanwhile on The TROPICALS team they chose to nominate Crystal and Luna. But the question still remains which contestant from each team will be evicted?

It is now time for the eviction ceremony with both teams losing a member tonight.

Eviction ceremony

End of week 5

Kïng: welcome to the eviction ceremony Brice, Nikky, Crystal and Luna your life hangs in the balance as two of you guys will be evicted tonight.

Jake: now how this will work The ROYALS team will vote to evict who they want first followed by The TROPICALS team.

Kïng: and we will reveal the results after both teams have voted.

Jake: but first if anyone has an immunity idol or an advantage and would like to use it now would be the time to do so?

Everyone remained still indicating that no one has/wanted to use an advantage/idol.

Jake: okay ROYAL team your up first get voting.

The ROYALS team votes

Timothy voted Nikky
Antonio voted Nikky
Carter voted Nikky
Asher voted Brice
Ace voted Brice
Sebastian voted Nikky
Christopher voted Nikky
Kori voted Brice

Kïng: TROPICALS you guys are up.

The TROPICALS team votes

Michelle voted Crystal
Britney voted Crystal
Victoria voted Crystal
Grayson voted Crystal
Steven voted Crystal

Jake: the results are not that surprising.

Kïng: I for once is not surprised by these votes either.

Jake: by a vote of 5-3 Nikky you are being evicted.

Asher: WHAT?! no no no maybe you read the votes wrong.

Jake: I always read the votes right I read it three times to be exact. Anyways kïng continue the eviction.

Kïng: With a vote of 5-0 a unanimous vote The contestant going home is Crystal your time here is up.

Goodbye messages for Nikky

Asher: I swear babe I did not know our alliance would betray us like that and I promise to get revenge for you.

Kori: it was nice knowing you nikky I am being serious you were so nice but I had to vote out who was a threat to my game if you did not have a showmance with Asher i would have kept you and maybe we would be working together right now.

Goodbye messages for Crystal

Victoria: now that you and your lacky poppy and Vanessa is gone I can fully focus on getting to the finals and brag about making it in your face see you on final night.

Britney: I genuinely wish you luck out there crystal and hope you will not show that awful personality of yours and change for hold see you at final night.

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