Week: 11
Day: 72 (10 Weeks 2 Days)*Brice and Carter sit in the pool together*
Brice: We're so close to the finale, what do you plan to do after this season is over?
Carter: I might put my career as a social media influencer on pass because I wanna focus more on my real job as a dentist.
Brice: that's cool I wish you success bro.
Carter: thanks bro but on a serious note now.... Who should we vote to evict next because I'm thinking to vote Michelle cause she's def in an alliance with Steven and Britney.
Brice: I agree with you we're this close to the finals we can't have them all go to finale and win... Antonio isn't a threat anymore since his ex boyfriend got evicted we could evict Asher and then make his girlfriend follow him right out lol.
(Confessional: Pisces) Brice: if I don't win this season I want Carter to definitely win he's been my bro since day one and besides he's the only contestant in TZM history to compete in Three different seasons so he definitely deserve it.
*Nikky pace back and forth in the kitchen with Asher watching*
Nikky: what are we going to do? I got evicted... came back and now you're about to get evicted. Those MF are a bunch of fake a**-
*Asher puts his hand on nikky's shoulder cutting her off and stopping her from pacing*
Asher: babe listen I'm not going anywhere I know that for a fact so you need to stop worrying about me and think about our game plan to ensure we make it to the finale okay?
Nikky: fine
*Steven walked into the kitchen ignoring them pouring himself a glass of milk*
Nikky: you!
*Nikky walked up to Steven*
Steven: can I help you?
Nikky: I wanna know what your f***ing problem with me like you've been targeting me this whole a** season, are you that obsessed with me?
Steven: b**** please!! Be f***ing FR I ain't obsessed with you.... You're obsessed with me because the fact that I'm better than you in all aspects that upsets you.
Nikky: B**** I-
*Steven cuts off nikky*
Steven: you mad and that's the truth.
Nikky: b**** I ain't petty like you so i-
Steven: oh! You mad mad?! Lol😂.
Asher: you know what you don't act your age you're just so immature.
Steven- who let this dog off his leash cause the last time I checked this b**** right here got you so rapped around her finger if she said bark you would woof woof.... Be f***ING for real now nikky admit I'm just better than you and you just jelly (jealous).
*soon after Carter, Antonio, Britney, Ace, Michelle and Brice heard the commotion and decided to come to the kitchen to see what it is.... Just in time to see nikky pick up the jug of milk dumping it on Steven as he gasped in shocked as he closed his eyes preventing it from running into his eyes*
(Confessional: Aries) Britney: oh snap! Nikky did not just pour milk on Steven this ain't going to end well (saying to the camera man: Y'all better have the production team on stand by to separate them).
*As if Britney was psychic Steven grab nikky hair starting a huge fight between the two as the other contestant quickly jump in to try an separate the two but soon after Asher jumped Steven*
Asher: fight your own gender you gay b**** being gay doesn't give you the privilege to fight girls it's unfair.
Steven: and you think a 2 on 1 is fair for me oop! Asher being homophobic caught in 4K... Say cheese!!!!!
*Eventually with the help of the production team and the other contestant they were able to separate nikky & Asher from Steven*
(Confessional: Aries) Ace: They've been at each other's throat since last week I'm just surprised they didn't started a huge fight earlier.
*Steven, Michelle and Britney sits on Steven's bed*
Michelle: what she did to you was so uncalled for.
Steven: right?! I don't know what her problem with me is... Like I just went to get myself a glass of milk.
Britney: and you got the whole jug😂.
*Steven and Michelle silently glare at Britney*
Britney: sorry but it was really uncalled for.
Steven: we have to vote out Asher now.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...