PREVIOUSLY on THE ZODIAC MANSION S5: Christopher and Sebastian betrayed Asher by getting the others and themselves to vote off his girlfriend with the intention to make themselves the ONLY powerful duo with power, Asher was so hurt by their betrayal he started a brawl with Sebastian as the other members managed to separate them before anyone got hurt.
Timothy and Antonio look to rally Kori and Asher in getting out even though they also voted to evict nikky too. At the Nomination ceremony Sebastian, Christopher and Asher was nominated.
Then it was time for the veto competition where Sebastian, Christopher and Asher along with randomly selected Ace, Brice and Kori would have to battle it out to save one of the nominee or discard but Asher came out Victorious using the power of veto to save himself from eviction forcing the team leaders to choose another replacement nominee for eviction and they chose.... Brice.
With Brice now up for eviction will this finally break up the showmance between Sebastian and Christopher or will Brice be backdoored?
Eviction ceremony
End of week 6
Some arrived nervous for their lives while others was very intrigued in how the votes are going to turn out.
Veronica: welcome back to eviction ceremony again The ROYALS team and welcome to The TROPICALS team for coming to watching.
Jake: we will waste no time Sebastian, Christopher or Brice it's up to you guys who you want gone get voting.
Veronica: before we start, does anyone want to use their secret advantage or have any immunity idol they would like to use.
Both Ace and Christopher said "yes".
Jake: okay Christopher you first.
Christopher: I would like to use my immunity idol on Sebastian.
Sebastian: baby you didn't have to do all this...
Christopher: I wanted to.
Ace: *clears throat* I knew you guys would pull something like this with the way you have been sneaking around there was no doubt you guys would found an idol so I came prepared.
Christopher: what are you saying?
Ace: *whispers* just listen and watch. I would like to use my secret advantage Jake.
Jake: should I reveal it or will you?
Ace: I will. I would like to use my immunity nullification on Sebastian.
Asher: dang! That is an awesome move.
Christopher: What?! Jake please tell me it is fake.
Jake: it is very much real and why would he won a fake advantage. Sebastian you are no longer immune and can receive Nominations against you good luck get voting.
Timothy voted Christopher
Antonio voted Sebastian
Kori voted Christopher
Carter voted Christopher
Asher voted Sebastian
Ace voted SebastianVeronica: I have the results and it is sad to say that it is a tie... So here is what will happen Brice you are now safe and as for Sebastian and Christopher you guys are still up for eviction and there will be a re vote.
Re votes
Timothy voted Christopher
Antonio voted Christopher
Kori voted Christopher
Carter voted Christopher
Asher voted Sebastian
Ace voted SebastianJake: and by a vote of 4-2 Christopher you have been evicted from The Zodiac Mansion pack your bags it is time to say your goodbyes.
Christopher: I am going to miss you babe.
Sebastian: I am going to miss you too baby I will get my revenge by winning for you.
Christopher: you better good luck.
Goodbye messages for Christopher
Kori: hey bitch it is Kori I am one person that is definitely not going to miss you *laughs* good riddance just wanted to say your boyfriend is next so you will see him real soon do not miss him too much.
Asher: hi Christopher good luck out there I never wanted you to get evicted I wanted your boyfriend out I think you are genuinely nice but your mind is clouded with your perfect boyfriend if one thing I can promise you is that I will reunite you two once I get him evicted good luck out there.
Antonio: hi Christopher good luck out there I hope we can genuinely be friends again. I am really sorry for betraying you and your boyfriend but it was what's best for our game and for us to make it to MERGE and I hope you do not feel any way that he is our next target.
Episode 12
Original Word Count: 1711
Rounded Off Word Count: (each part of ep.12): 1720
[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Lãng mạn[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...