Week: 6
Day: 36 (5 weeks 1 day)Asher: what the actual f*** guys?! Y'all betrayed me why?
Ace: I did not betray you because I did not vote for you or Nikky and neither did I know of their plan to vote out you or Nikky I voted Brice.
Carter: you voted for who now.
Brice and Carter walked in on ace, Asher, Sebastian and Christopher conversation by the beach.
Brice: I do not know what I did to you but voting me was not cool.
Asher: no offense Brice and Carter but can you talk your problem somewhere else I am trying to have a conversation with Christopher, Sebastian and Ace and it does not concern any of you. Now back to the topic, why did you do it? I at least deserve to know why?
Christopher: we wanted to take out the powerful duo-
Ace: because you and Sebastian wanted to be the only duo in the game with power?
Sebastian and Christopher nodded.
Sebastian: sorry it was what's best for our game I hope we can still remain friends.
Sebastian gave Asher his hand to shake as he looked down at it and back in their faces with a scowl.
Asher: go to hell.
He hit Sebastian hands away punching him in the face. Sebastian stepped back holding his face as blood came from his nose.
Sebastian: my face!
Christopher: let me see baby.
Sebastian: my f***ing face!!! Hell to the f***ing no.
Sebastian pounced on Asher starting a big ass brawl on live TV.
(The ROYALS: Leo) Kori: even though I live for the drama I do not like it to the extent that Sebastian and Asher is taking it now.
Kori: somebody part them they are gonna injury each other.
Timothy and Antonio went to part them from each other.
Sebastian: let me go!
Timothy: sorry Sebastian but you are taking this too far.
Sebastian: he started it Timothy do you see my f***ing face? all because his stupid girlfriend got evicted.
Asher: it was because you guys betray me it really hurt I thought we were all friends.
Christopher: we are literally in a show competing for 2 Million dollars and it is all for the money we are not here to make friends.
Asher: I hate you guys.
Sebastian: the feeling is mutual.
An hour later
Christopher was tending to Sebastian injuries.
Christopher: I do not know how this confrontation will go because everyone will see us as backstabbers and evict us.
Sebastian: we will just have to make sure- ouch!
Christopher: sorry.
Sebastian: - we win the next challenge or if we do not we manipulate our way from being evicted everything will be okay.
Somewhere by the bond fire
Ace: I just nominated you because you are becoming a threat but I do not hate you.
Brice: okay I get it because I am a past season contestant and I am friends with a past contestant makes me a threat if I was in your shoes I would nominate me too.
Carter: but that does not mean we will not nominate you the next Nomination ceremony if we lose the next challenge so watch your back.
Brice: because we will do everything to get you out.
Ace: likewise but I hope we remain friends after the show and not let us taking each other out get in between us.
Brice: totally! May the best man win.
Carter: glad we have mutual feeling towards each other but let's focus on winning the next challenge then we focus on each other.
Ace: I agree

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...