Week: 8
Day: 53 (7 weeks 4 days)Night fall (by the beach)
Timothy sees Antonio sitting by himself enjoying the night sky view and the sound of the waves calming him.
Timothy: can I sit with you?
Antonio: sure
Timothy sat beside Antonio looking at the stars.
Timothy: what do you like about the stars?
Antonio: I Know everyone would say their beauty but I am not everyone I like the mystery of them and that we know so little about them and yet they are so important to human life.
Timothy: how are they important to us?
Antonio: they are important because they provide light to anyone dark life showing us there is always a bright side to life even in darkness and they help us cope through that darkness.
Timothy: and that is what I like about you, I just don't like you because you are cute I like you because you help me find the good despite this overwhelming amount of darkness eating away at my soul.
Antonio: i-
Timothy: I like you because you are my star and I don't want you to fade away by sunrise so...
Timothy took the risk and went in for the kiss which Antonio did not push him away.
Antonio: I liked you too I just did not know how tell you.
Timothy shut Antonio up by kissing him again this time more passionate and deep.
Timothy: will you be my boyfriend then?
Antonio: yeah!
Timothy hugged Antonio as a tear escaped it is prison as he took Antonio by the shoulder looking him in the eye.
Timothy: I am so happy thanks to you I promise to be the best boyfriend you've ever had.
Antonio: actually you are my first boyfriend *blushes*.
Timothy: really? *Blushes* I am happy to be your first.
Antonio: *laughs* what's funny is that despite being Bisexual I have never had a boyfriend it has always been girls so please bare with me this experience is all new to me.
Timothy cuddle as Antonio in his arms.
Timothy: do not worry I will treat you special like how I'm special that I am your first boyfriend but it us hard to believe that you have never dated a guy despite being Bisexual.
Antonio: I just wasn't sure if I am ready to come to terms with my sexuality so I dated only girls to reassure myself that I am straight but obviously it did not work because I came here and had feelings for you.
(The ROYALS: Taurus) Timothy: I am so happy right now I could explode I don't know what changed Antonio's mind but I surely will not ask him about it he is now my boyfriend and that is all that matters right now and making it to MERGE then outlasting the others and going on to win this whole thing.
(The TROPICALS: Virgo) Antonio: I am sorry Timothy in advance if you are seeing this you are the key to me winning this and if being your boyfriend gets you to do what I say then so be it I will do anything to win even if it means using you.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...