Week: 9
Day: 57 (8 weeks 1 day)Jason: your first Challenge starts now, a random object is hidden somewhere around this Mansion you have all gotten a chance to sleep/live here so to make this challenge fair for everyone...
Jake: you will all be searching for a specific item we tell you to look for the first person to bring that item to the dinner table...
Veronica: will be given a night vision goggles and get to choose two other contestants to eliminate from the challenge.
Kïng: and at the end the last contestant remaining will choose Three contestants of their choice to put up for Eviction where two of the chosen nominees will be evicted from the running for the cash prize.
Round 1
Jason: the first item is an heart.
This challenge was definitely not easy because everyone was either running into each other or running into furnitures.
(Confessional: Pieces) Brice : I knew this challenge was going to be difficult but not this difficult I kept on crashing into people and things around the house and the worst part of this challenge I have no idea where to start looking for that stupid heart item, maybe in a bathroom? Ugh! I give up.
The first round took over an 1 and 30 minutes for everyone to come back with something in their hand or nothing at all....
In the Order they sat
1: Logan
Item: Star2: Ace
Item: Heart3: Antonio
Item: Circle4: Grayson
Item: Heart5: Michelle
Item: Circle6: Steven
Item: Diamond7: Britney
Item: Square8: Victoria
Item: Heart9: Brice
Item: Diamond10: Asher
Item: Heart11: Kori
Item: Heart12: Carter:
Item: HeartThe lights came back on as everyone cover their eyes trying to adjust to the blinding lights.
Jason: we forgot mention if you bring back nothing you are automatically eliminated from the challenge and if you are the last one to sit you also will be automatically eliminated.
Jake: so sorry Carter even though you brought the correct item you were the last person to sit with it you are eliminated.
Kïng: on the other hand Logan even though you were the first to sit a star is not the correct item so the winner is...
Veronica: the second to be seated with the correct item... Ace, congrats you get to eliminate two contestants of your choice from this challenge.
Ace: I choose to eliminate... Michelle and.... Steven.
The lights went out as some of the girls screamed at the sudden darkness without a warning.
Kori: you could not warn us first.
Jake: sorry Ace along with eliminating contestants you won a little advantage... A night vision goggles to make the challenge easier for you.
(Confessional: Aries) Ace: from face planting with the floor to hitting in a random wall in the end it was all worth it I just hope I am fast enough to be the first to sit with the correct item.
Jason: your next item is a star.
Round 2 (1 hour later)
In the order they sat
1: Ace
Item: Star2: Asher
Item: Star3: Brice
Item: circle4: Logan
Item: nothing5: Antonio
Item: Diamond6: Victoria
Item: Circle7: Kori
Item: Diamond8: Grayson
Item: Star9: Britney
Item: SquareVeronica: Britney you were the last to sit so you are eliminated from this challenge and Logan you brought back nothing so you are also eliminated from this challenge.
Kïng: again ace you are the first to sit with the correct item so you get to choose two contestants to eliminate from the challenge...
Ace: I choose to eliminate... Kori and Antonio.
Jason: 5 contestants remains... Your next item is a Square.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...