Week: 2
Day: 12 (1 week 5 days)The ROYALS
(Star: Capricorn) Christopher: me and Sebastian do not really trust the other members of our alliance to bring us to the merge and eventually to the semi finals and finals so we joined an alliance with... Brice, Carter, Timothy and Antonio being that they have participated in past season I think they have a more.... Good statement on why we should form an alliance with them.
Alliance formed
Name: Unseen
Members: Timothy, Antonio, Brice, Carter, Sebastian and Christopher.
(Unseen: Virgo) Antonio: I feel like the alliance I am in will go far into the game because the members are mostly made up of past contestants from season 1, 2 and 3 who have more experience of this show now I can now plan what I will do when I reach the semi finals.
By the pool
Kori: asher can I talk to you?
Asher: this is very unexpected but yeah I guess since you are already talking to me.
Kori: so I have been hearing some stuff about you and I wanted to ask you myself.
Asher: what kind of stuff?
Kori: I do not see nothing wrong with you just know I like you the way you are.
Asher: yeah yeah just spill it out already.
Kori: because you know.... You are tattooed up with nose piercing they say you do prostitution for a living and you probably a murderer for a living so spent some years in prison tattooing yourself.
(The ROYALS: Aquarius) Asher: Kori coming to tell me that people on our team been talking shit about me..... That is a real friend right there I think I am gonna keep her.
Asher: I appreciate you coming to tell me Kori thanks but a lot of people say shit about my nose piercing and tattoos I ignore the haters but I still wanna know who said it?
Kori: I heard Sara talking with Sebastian and Christopher.
Asher got up from where he was chilling by the pool and went in the house.
Asher: where is Sara? Anybody has seen her?
Everyone said no but she came from upstairs.
Sara: why are you shouting my name.
Asher: b**** do not act all nice with me I know you have been talking behind my back with Sebastian and Christopher about my tattoo and nose piercing.
Sara: who told you that I did not say that?
Asher: it does not matter who what I wanna know is why you have been talking behind my back if you hate then say it to my face-
Sara: I do not know who told you that but I swear I never said anything to anyone.
Christopher: you did so stop lying.
Sebastian hold onto Christopher arm indicating for Christopher not to get into their drama but he did not listen.
Sara: shut your trans ass bitch you are my first target if we go up for eviction tomorrow.
Asher: see Christopher admitted that you said it so why can you not admit it that you are talking behind my back just say it to my face aldo stop being transphobic and a two faced b****.
Sara: I know I did not say anything about anyone someone is framing me and I am gonna prove it.
Asher: do not feel that because I am straight I am not gonna drag you like a f***ing gay guy I do not play b**** get that straight if you wanna say something about me say it to my face. Oh and you are definitely my target when we go up for eviction.
(The ROYALS) Sara: someone played dirty by telling Asher that I do not like his tattoo or whatever they wanted him to expose me Infront of everyone where I will become an easy target for everyone which they succeed at but if our think for one second that I am gonna end up gone without putting up a fight you made a sad mistake.

[S5] The Zodiac Mansion
Romance[Slow Updates] THE ZODIAC MANSION production team have something NEW up their sleeves for SEASON 5. instead of your normal 12 contestants how about we double that to 24.... and split them into 2 teams.... every two days the winning team Wins themsel...