CHAPTER THIRTY SEVEN: Fight if You Can. Escape If It's Possible.

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Fight if You Can. Escape If It's Possible.


The bang had sounded around the wooden room, their souls shook as their eyes fell upon the figure that stood at the doorstep. The man was fuming. He was old. The face had wrinkles all over, though his brutality showed right on there. A scar slid on the side of his wrinkled face. It was a deep scar.

The wrinkled face was red, as the man fumed. His eyes were ablaze with fire, such that his brutality would be shown any moment right there.

"Well, well, isn't it my beloved," he said, as his wrinkled fists clenched tight. "Aiden son, following Diana's footsteps, aren't you?"


"Don't you dare," he hissed, "You betrayed me! Just like him! Fucking TRAITOR!" he said, nodding at Jake.

"You deserve betrayal," Jake said, his voice dangerous, his fists clenched. He was no exception than 'father', he too was furious. Looking at the wrinkled old man, burned the rage inside Jake, like fuel and fire.

"But Aiden son, why aren't I surprised?" he chuckled, bitterly. "You must need another heart pierced before your eyes, don't you?"

"Ryaza!" Jake sneered, as Aiden's, Myra's and Jack's eyes widened in shock and surprise, yet fear crept in. Nobody called 'father' by his name. Ryaza pursed his lips in a thin line, his jaw clenched, his fists tightened, the vein on his forehead popping out. Furious, would be an understatement.

"You wanna know what I wanna see before me?" Jake sneered, "I want to see you fucking dead! And that time won't be too long, I figure," Jake smirked, as he stepped forward, his fists curled into tight balls.

The man, stood there, fearlessly. The spoken words not mattering to him. He stood fearless and confident. His brutality hadn't failed him yet. People ran away with fear from him. They kneeled at his feet because of fear. That had built his confidence, hard and strong.

Ryaza smirked, "You might want to do something Aiden."

Aiden spent no time to Ryaza's words as he stepped in front of Jake and pushed him back. Jake's shirt coiled up into his own fists, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

Jake pushed Aiden back, "Teaching the fucking bastard a lesson," he said, standing strong, "You should too."

"Jake stop!" Jack yelled, pulling at his brother's clenched arm, "This is not the time! We should be running!" he whispered harshly.

"You guys run," Jake whispered, "I'd like my revenge," he said, his voice booming to every ear within range. Jack knew better than to argue with Jake now. Besides, he too wanted his revenge. That man had ruined too many lives.

Jake stood eye to eye with Ryaza, both of them furious. "I've been waiting Jake," he said, his smirk growing with every word.

"I've been waiting too Ryaza," Jake smirked, tightening his grip on the chain wrapped round his fist, a blade attached to the end of the chain, "I've always wanted to do this," he hissed, as he swung his arm, the blade cutting across Ryaza's face. The cut was deep, blood pooling out. Gasps went round the room at Jake's sudden actions. Though, Aiden, Jack and Myra felt a bit of satisfaction.

The cut had started from the right side of Ryaza's forehead, right across his nose, and ended at the left tip of his jaw. Ryaza was not one to be coward, his eyes did not shut when the blade had cut him. Now, his eyes burnt with fury.

"I've always wanted to pierce a heart like yours Jake," Ryaza hissed, as Ella's eyes widened. Jack and Myra pushed everyone out as Aiden had hissed for them to get out of there and out the premises of the place. This was about to get ugly.

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