CHAPTER FIVE: Damn It! She Heard It All!

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Kate Adams

I walked into the door of the girl’s apartment but stopped my steps at the door when I heard Shawn speaking. His confession made me go numb in my senses. ‘Two years? That just can’t be! He fell for me two years ago?’ I couldn’t believe my own ears. The bags I had been carrying all this time itself hit the floor as my grip on it loosened making a sound that caught Claire’s and Leah’s pure attention. Their eyeballs would have popped out if it were a bigger surprise than me. They endlessly gaped at my shock expressioned face.

When the boys noticed that the girls had stopped responding back they followed Claire’s ad Leah’s eyesight

 Shawn David

I slowly followed their gaze and spotted Kate at the door. She was shocked and she wouldn’t move an inch. As soon as my eyes spotted her, I became pale. Blood rushed down my body. My face went white as snow. Watching Kate standing at the doorstep of the apartment became the reason of the formation of sweat beads on my forehead. She looked beautiful, as always. She was gorgeous. But I knew this wasn’t the time for this. Even the best compliment to her right now, wouldn’t work. Her expressions clearly told me that her ears had heard every word I’d spoken in the last five minutes.

As soon as I realized that there was no way out of this situation without hearing her slangs, I quickly made my move and stood up. I went to her and tried to explain things.

"Look, I know you heard everything I said back there.’ I paused for a while to acknowledge the expression on her face." I figured it through your face. It’s still in shock. She instantly changed her expression from shock to fury. She waited for me to speak further.

"And all of it was true, every word spoken was the truth, but, this wasn’t suppose to come out this way. Not at least for you. Trust me; I would have kept it within me if these idiots wouldn’t have forced me to speak up." I looked at them, with anger in my eyes. It was because of them, I spoke. "And you don’t have to feel the same way...if you don’t want to. I don’t wanna force you to love me or to be in a relationship with me cause even if I do, I know, I wouldn’t be happy with it. Its better if it comes naturally." I explained.

"And don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Actually the truth be spoken, I wasn’t even expecting this happening in a year or so. But the situation apart, I’m kinda glad that at least you know how it has been for me since the last two years." I said fiddling with my fingers. Having spoken all of it, I lowered my head and migrated to my apartment.

I dumped myself on the couch and covered my face in my palms. ‘How could I do this? It was wrong. She shouldn’t have known about it, yet. She wasn’t suppose to.’

I dug my face out of my hard palms when I heard the door of the apartment open. I wished or rather I wanted it not to be Kate. I looked up at the door and saw Carl enter.

"Is she mad?"

"I can’t realy tell, she wouldn’t say a word."

He slapped my back thrice. "Dont worry, you’ll know when you see her next."

I didn’t know if there was a next. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t go anywhere near Kate and certainly not in the range of her eyesight.

Kate Adams

It was dark. I hadn’t bothered to switch on the lights. I knew it’d highlight the reality of life. Things were very much messed up; at least they were in my head. I hadn’t even had a notion about Shawn’s feelings.

"Why would he lie low with his feelings?" I questioned myself, hoping to find an answer from within. "Why wouldn’t he just straight away tell me?" My mind stood at sixes and sevens. I couldn’t find the answers from within. Somewhere deep down, I knew I wouldn’t but yet my brain just wouldn’t stop fiddling with the situation or rather with the recently created mess in my head.

I caught a knocking sound on the door. I abruptly looked towards it and saw a silhouette. As I said, it was all dark in the room. I identified the figure when she spoke. It was Claire. Of course it was Claire; Leah had a waist more bony than the two of us. ‘Everything okay?’ she asked out of concern. I glared at her with the Don’t- you- know look on my face. ‘Okay.’ She mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

"So... I know everything just turned upside down, but how are you?" she spoke louder. "I don’t know." I replied as casually as I could.

"Why wouldn’t he just tell me everything? Why would he keep it from me for two years? C’mon!" I was frustrated now. "Well…." Claire started to speak.

"Considering what happened when Mark made his confession to you, I wouldn’t doubt Shawn’s choice of decision"

"Mark was a stranger!"

"You worked with him for an entire year!"

"Absolutely Claire, just a year. I worked with him for just a year. But Shawn, he’s been there for like…three years now." I sat up, my legs crossed, striving to win the argument going on. She glazed at me with her right brow raised up.

"Hey, there’s nothing I can do. It takes more time for me to know people, certainly more than normal people do." She continued glaring at me now both her brows highly curved upwards.

"What can I say, I’m an exception!" I raised both my hands to my shoulder level and said as a matter of factly. She crossed her hands over her breast, "Okay, if that’s what you think!" She replied and walked out of the room.

Claire Evans

"So, how is she doing?" Leah asked as she eyed me walking out of Kate’s room. "I don’t know, she wouldn’t say anything….Clearly." I paused in between.

"Guess she just needs time to figure things out" suggested Leah.

We crashed on the couch. "She thinks she’s an exception!" I spoke first, breaking the silence. She quietly listened. We fell into a boff.

A/N: Okay guys, so here's another chapter of the story. i don't know if you guys are enjoying this story anymore, cz well, you guys dont let me know things. you see - no comments and no votes. Anyway, enjoy!


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