CHAPTER TWELVE: I Kissed Him...Almost.

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Leah Simpson

Now,everything was okay. The argument cum fight was over and done with. Everything eventually jumped back to normal. The boys were all now sorted out. The fight had subsided itself. Now they were just goofing around. And their goofing around, always means a messed up apartment. Which mostly brings up trouble since Claire is a damn clean freak.

“Hey! You’re doing the dishes tonight.” Claire said to me.

“Eh, I just did them yesterday!” I exclaimed back.

“Doesn’t really matter. You made us do them whole of the last month.”


“You might as well start now!”

I tried to retort something back but nothing really came to me. I knew I’d had to do the dishes anyway. No excuse would work. As terrible as Claire was at excuses, she wasn’t the one who you could convince with a number of sweet words. A lot of convincing was to be needed, and hell that’s a tiring job! Especially when you have to convince people like Claire.

I stood up to my feet and dusted off my pants. Please just someone stop me right here. Please. Please. Please?

“I might as well start now.” I said, grabbing some attention.

C’mon people, speak up!

“Okay.” They all responded. Wasn’t really the response I was expecting. I huffed, angrily and started to walk away. Yet, from the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of Jake standing up to his feet. He dusted his pants and clasped his hands together.

“I think I’m gonna get some caffeine. Anyone up for it?”

“I think we’re fine. You go ahead” Carl replied on behalf of all the others.

“Cool! Spares me the work.” He said and then pointed towards the other direction. “Kitchen, that way?”

I nodded and then followed him all the way to the kitchen with a number of plates in my either hands. I swear, I could have broken some of them if I hadn’t kept my gaze low, away from the sight of his body. Damn, he was hawt!

He abruptly stopped in his tracks. As I walked behind him, my head still lowered, I unexpectedly bumped into his back. He turned around, now facing me.

Holy crap!

“Ouch!” I said as I tried to sweep away the strand of hair off my face. Of course, I couldn’t. “Why’d you halt?”

“Because…” his hand swiftly moved up to my face as he gently pushed away the strand of hair behind my ears. The spots on my skin that he touched, I swear; they burnt. I felt my cheeks go all pink as they started heating up. Curse his touch!

“Because?” I shuttered as I looked into his hazel brown, not to forget, beautiful orbs.

“I don’t see a way to go ahead.” He said, softness lingering in his voice. His confident voice.

His voice held so much more than just sound waves. It contained a certain kind of softness. His voice was one that could comfort anyone in their worst of situations. The softness, kindness, the sincerity his voice held could probably melt a heart in matter of just a few seconds.

I looked ahead, past his body. We were standing at the doorway of the kitchen. We had already walked the way up to the room, while I just followed his steps. “Oh.”

Ignoring his flirty smile, I walked past him to the sink. He went in the other direction, towards the slab.

“Let’s just get over with this.” I muttered beneath my breath as I curled up my hair into a messy bun.

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