CHAPTER TWENTY ONE: Official Confession #1-I Suck At Convincing!

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Leah Simpson


I huffed at him, showing him my least puppy dog eyes. Yes, least because I know I’d need it at the top of its limits when my convincing wouldn’t work anymore. Which, by the way is not going to take long to happen. Didn’t I already tell you that I sucked big time at the least job of convincing?

It’s a pretty good thing that I have a good and making-people-fall-from-their-decision pouting face. So what if I can’t convince people at all, my face does a pretty good job at that. But there’s this one thing, it only works when I’m just about to lose the damn thing and then there is no other choice but the puppy dog eyes and the pretty pout.


I know what you’re thinking; I’m not stupid to have not tried the puppy dog eyes and pouts at the starting of the convincing thing.

I did try.

And it didn’t work out.

What actually happened was that they turned around and walked away. “Don’t give me that look, girl! I ain’t looking!” they had said. So yeah, I tried it at times and ended up at nothing.

Sucks, I know.

So, back to where we were. Since the last sixty minutes of my life, I’ve been doing something I never thought I was going to do ever in my life since I’d always avoided it with the best of my ability. And I never really failed at doing my best; it was never a futile attempt. As I told you I had a pretty pout that could possibly make people fall out of whatever they weren’t wanting to fall out of.


Yes, I was convincing Jake.

For what?

Yeah, you’ll see.

“C’mon, you can’t be like this,” I whined. To come to think about this he’d been like this most of the time. Inconvincible. But then again, who am I to say, I suck at the job already, don’t I?


He replied negative, yet again. Never did I hear a positive word come out of his mouth in the last sixty minutes of my life. The sixty minutes of life that I won’t ever get back. If this were a fairy tale, trust me, the convincing wouldn’t had to be needed. That just comes under unnecessary woes.

I knew I had to speak things out differently to him so he’d be confused about them. Just my problem? I didn’t know how.

Isn’t it said, “When you can’t convince them, confuse them.”

Let’s just hope I can make it through the confusing part.

No, that probably won’t happen. I suck at these kinds of things. I suck big time.

“Why are you being so negative?” I asked, irritated. Tilting my head to the side, I put up a frown on my lips to express.

“That’s how I am,” he replied, pulling the tee over his head. It was a white “being human” tee, which was absolutely not failing at the job of making me pass out any moment. He had this nice built up. His abs perfectly lined and he looked…sorry, I ran out of adjectives here.

He straightened the white tee, down his waist, fixing it at all places. “Deal with it,” he said, looking up at me. I instantly snapped out of my reviver and faced his penetrating eyes. Oh, those hazel orbs, I swear, could make people bump into poles.

He was looking at me, waiting for me to say something but I kept mum. Honestly, it wasn’t the eyes that tied my tongue, it was the thing that I couldn’t figure out what I should’ve said.

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