CHAPTER TEN: My First With Her.

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Shawn David

“You like her, don’t you?”

“I do.” I whispered shortly and also unknowingly.

“Dang it!” I cursed beneath my breath as I had the bad realization of what I had just done. The same mistake. Again. Why do I have to be so lost? Stop day dreaming Shawn! Before you yell out your secrets to the world!

I looked up to see…well, to see what I had been seeing all this time. But with only a short difference this time. Now that’s what I call the widest smile one could put on. An ear to ear smile.

Jake sat there with the widest grin on his face. He did touch the limit, he sure couldn’t expand his grin anymore, coz it already was reaching the end of his face on either side.

“So, you do like her!” he stated the oblivious fact, now that he knew. How stupid of me! Why do I have to be such a douche bag? Why can’t I be attentive to things around me? Stop it Shawn! Hear yourself and listen to it. Don’t you dare put your eyes on her while you’re trying to be attentive to things around you. It’s social suicide! Get that?


“So, what’s the whole story?” he asked.

“Nothing’s the whole story. It’s a one sided thing.” I retorted, disappointed.

“Are you kidding me!” he exclaimed, excitement flicking in his eyes. “It’s evident in her eyes!”

“What’s evident in her eyes, Jake?”

“She likes you back, man!” he said, now a lot more…happy? No! Excited? Or maybe, just irritated. I couldn’t figure out his facial expression this time. “I can’t believe you can be so dumb!” he stated later. “How can you miss the evidence in her eyes?” he continued after a pause.

“Enough of me now, talk about yourself.”

“Like what?” he replied, playing dumb. Maybe he just couldn’t figure out what information to reveal?

What? Doesn’t he trust me with things?

“Like, umm…” I started. “Yeah! Like, you ever been in love?”

He dwelled upon what should’ve been a proper reply for it. Seconds later, what I assumed he did was, confronting his own replies to my simple question, he answered.

“Maybe yes. Maybe no.” he stated, which felt more like a mumble.

Still no definite answer.

Something differed. Something differed in his voice. It was breaking. His eyes saddened at my question. It felt as though he felt dejected. There was an evident, sincere glint of sadness in his hazel brown orbs. Tears were starting to well up in his eyes, flicking pure pain from them. No matter how hard he tried to hold the precious water back, he fell short of his efforts. A single teardrop made its way down his cheek, running over the bruise and I couldn’t let that go unnoticed. How could I?

“You okay?” I rested my hand on his shoulder that was off the pain. He swiped away the teardrop off his cheek immediately, before it could reach down to his lips.

“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” I continued comforting him. I just figured that he needed it.

Well, of course he needed it. The guy had tears in his eyes, which is pretty rare in the case of guys. At least, that’s my observed theory. Isn’t that enough to send some comfort towards him?

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