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Carl Davis

I got my sleep interrupted by the wacky alarm clock blaring out on my right.

"For once, cant people let me sleep soundly?" I thought.

I pushed my hand over the alarm clock in an attempt to switch it off. The alarm stopped but again blared out in another five minutes. I realized that I hadn’t switched it off but just snoozed it. I lifted the pillow from my ears and placed it under my chest for support, in disgust. I glanced at the clock, it read the time of me, getting fired.

"Why is it always me? A little bit of sweet, sound sleep, is that too much to ask for?" I demanded to God.

I quickly turned over the cozy blanket and sat up, my eyes still dozing off. Big yawns made their way out of my mouth. I turned sideways and adjusted my feet into my slippers.

I walked over to the washroom hurriedly so that I wouldn’t get fired for being late at work. I put in a great effort to get the washroom’s door open but then I realized, it was locked from the other side of it.

"Damn it Shawn, get out man." I shouted.

 "What now? Just go back to sleep Carl!" he shouted back.

 "And why would I do that? To get my ass kicked out from work? Nah, I don’t think so. I’ll pass." I screamed back.

He unlocked the door and partially peeked through it

"it’s a day off, man. Clam down!’ he said, now irritated.

‘It is?" I questioned but instantly remembered.

 "Just go get your sleep, you need it pretty bad." He advised and shut the door on my face.

Sleep crept back into me. ‘It’s a day off’ I mumbled joyfully, walked back and climbed up to my bed. I rolled myself back into the cozy blanket and fell asleep.

Shawn David

I turned off the warm shower I had been taking. I knew if I stayed in here for more than half an hour, either, I’d catch a severe cold that might result in me getting my ass kicked at work or Carl lecturing me for another thirty minutes. I rubbed myself with a towel and got dressed. I tried to unlock the door of the washroom and realized that it was locked from the other side of the it, from Carl’s side.

"Carl Davis" I screamed on the top of my lungs. "Open the damn door" I demanded angrily. I heard no sound of reaction from Carl’s side of the room.

"That little, shank, ass! I can’t believe he locked me in here. How could he?"  I mumbled to myself now a lot more irritated.

I walked to the sink on the left conner of the room and grabbed my cell phone which I had left on the shelf hanging above the sink, blaring out my playlist. I stopped the player and punched in Carl’s number on the number pad of my cell phone. I could hear Carl’s cell phone ringing out there. He answered my call after a while,

"Who’s this? It’s seven in the morning. It’s a day off, go back to sleep!" he said in a sleepy tone.

He was about to end the call when I screamed, "What the hell I wrong with you? You locked me in the washroom, for what? Is this some sort of payback?" I enquired angrily.

"I locked you in the washroom? Nah doesn’t ring a bell." He replied.

"Okay so does the throbbing sound of me breaking through your washroom door ring a bell?" I questioned sarcastically.

I heavily thrusted the door to the other side of it. I bet the sound reached Carl’s ears when he screamed and hastily said ‘Hang on! Don’t break it, I’m coming! I’m coming!’ He unlocked the door from his side of the room.

"What is wrong with you?" I shouted at him as I walked out of the door.

 "I swear man, I didn’t even have a clue about locking you in there" he confessed.

 "Although, it was kinda fun. I might do that some other time. I promise you won’t even know, when!" he said and laughed out.

 "Dude seriously? Your sense of humor is so going down." I replied with a stone face.

"C’mon man, you don’t have to get mad, just laugh it off." He advised, still laughing.

"Yea, talk to me about it when someone locks you in such a disgusting place like this." I replied, still with a stone face and walked away.


Carl Davis

"He’s losing it, day by day." I gabbled aloud, apparently loud enough for him to hear it, I guess.

"Hey, c’mon! Let’s go. You don’t wanna miss breakfast, I hope we haven’t done that already." Shawn peeked in through the door and said. ‘His mood swings are…weird.’ I couldn’t find the appropriate adjective.

We walked out of our apartment, closed the door and walked straight through the door exactly opposite to ours. ‘Hey girls!’ we greeted as we saw them.

"Do you guys even know how lucky you are to have us?" taunted Claire.

"Here, we saved you some of the breakfast." Leah handed us our plates that contained bacon and omelet.

We finished up our food in less than fifteen minutes. We thanked the two of them, got to our feet and turned around to leave. "Boys? Aren’t you forgetting something?" the two of them called out. We turned around slowly, knowing what we had to do further. We smiled sheepishly, thinking they’d forget and forgive.

"Guys seriously? It won’t work. We had a deal – we cook, give you your food for the whole day and you tidy up. C’mon now, move your asses!" Claire ordered.

"FINE!" We both agreed, of course not wanting to, but they were the girls, arguing was useless. So we just gave in. we tidied up the place in another thirty minutes. We knew the girls made such a mess every day, on purpose. For us to have a hard time cleaning it up.

We cleaned up the mess and walked back to our apartment. We talked a bit then both our cell phones beeped.

A/N: Okay guys, I know this one sucked, real bad! But I had to update something, right? Please don’t stop reading. This will surely get better, I promise. Guys I need ideas, I’m running short of them. This chapter you guys just read was a recent example of it. I haven’t received any comments yet. Guys, c’mon, please punch in your ideas. I so need them, real bad! Anyway guys, don’t get disappointed, I’m lacking ideas, right now. So this was just a random part of the story. The real story I yet to start. And also guys, I have some requirements- reads, votes and most importantly comments (your ideas)!

Anyway, guys, look into the media. its not the official video of the song but i liked it anyway. hope you do too!

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