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Jake Ryder

Two hours had passed by since my life had turned itself entirely upside down or rather I might say, I turned it. Two hours passed since I boarded a flight I wasn't suppose to board.

Will this one decision ruin the rest of my life or is it a new start for my life? I thought to myself. Will my life be ever worth living now, will I be able to live my life with full freedom now? Will they let me live it with peace? such questions echoed in my mind right from the time I boarded the flight. Damn it!

Honestly, right now I don't even know where I'm going to land. Okay, I know this sounds stupid!

Don't judge!

I thought of asking people around me about it but then again they'd probably think I'm stupidly moronic! The thought just sounded weird. Totally weird!

I was drowned deep in my thoughts. My head was throbbing from whatever was happening and I was finding it real tough to lessen the pain. I attempted many things. I tried massaging my head, it didn't work. Then I tried to sleep. Nope! Didn't work either. But I did try to get some sleep numerous times but when I didn't get any after almost an hour full of attempts, I gave up. So now here I was in a flight to where, I don't know with my head throbbing and I couldn't do anything about it. My bad! I know, right?

"Anna?" the lady sitting beside me tried to wake up her daughter. She opened her eyes; her pupils dilated causing her to blink her eyes repeatedly. She rubbed her eyes with her soft, almost pink hands. Adorable.

"Mommy, are we there yet?" She asked in a cranky voice.

"Not yet, honey but we will be soon." The lady next to me assured her daughter.

"Now go back to sleep, okay? I bet you're tired." She said and started to pat her daughter's back.

"Mommy, how much more time do we need to be here? I wanna see daddy!" Anna said excitedly. No wonder she was excited. Who wouldn't be? it was so clear, evident in her deep ocean blue eyes. I swear one could drown in them.

Her eyes lit up as she let out the sentence out of her mouth. "Soon honey, you'll see daddy soon." Her mother assured her. She smiled.

Having parents? Is this what it feels like? Having parents to sit beside you or at least be around you? I wondered. The love and the affection children get from their parents, does it really help them go through life. Prepare them for the worst? I doubt it, because I never felt the need of it, at least not up till now. Again. Don't judge!

I saw the women beside me caressing her child, looking at her, she smiled a gorgeous smile. She patted the back of her daughter.

I uninterruptedly kept looking at the mother and the daughter, the bond they shared. The depths of their bond came nearer as I sunk deep In their loving bond. But I was brought to reality by the announcement by the speaker. She informed us about the plane landing and asked us to check if the seatbelts were fastened properly.

The plane landed. Everyone moved out of the airplane and I followed. I saw people rushing towards the luggage belt to take on their belongings but I started walking towards the exit of the airport.

"Excuse me, Mr. Black jacket?"

I heard some female familiar voice calling out from behind. I turned around and recognized the face at once; it was the lady that was sitting beside me. She carried her daughter in her arms, her daughter was still sound asleep. The lady came walking towards me.

"Hi, I'm Lola. We sat next to each other in the flight?"

I nodded but kept mum and waited for her to continue her talk.

"Actually, I kinda noticed you in the flight, you never talked, you just kept staring and...." She trailed off.

Oh my holy hell! She noticed me staring? What excuse do I need to fake now? She continued, "I felt weird, like you wanted to say something but you couldn't and besides, everyone says that I'm a curious girl and I think I'm starting to accept it now, so I just couldn't hold back."

"Oh! Don't worry about it, I won't stalk you. I just have this constant affection towards small children. Your daughter, she's beautiful. I just kept admiring her since I saw her, that's all."

I half lied in a way. Nothing else came to my mind; I wanted time to think, to figure things out, to solve the mess of life I've recently created. I wanted to get out of this place, sit alone and think. The female voice again broke my thoughts. She's been doing this since I got on the flight and lost myself in the deep love bond between the mother and the daughter. Damn women!

"So you didn't take up your luggage from the belt? Are you waiting for it to be stolen?" She enquired.

"I have none" I replied. A mild shock explored on her face.

"You mean to say that you boarded a flight without any luggage?" She interrogated.

"Ummm...Does my wallet count?" I asked her back. Her lips curved into a smile and then broke into a laugh, "You're funny!" she freely complimented.

"Well, yea maybe!" I acted to be normal.

"Lola?" Someone tapped on her shoulder.

"Oh, hey! I missed you." She turned around and greeted. She stood up to her heels giving her 5'5 height a bit boast and pecked the man. As far as I could assume he was he who she had lost her heart to, living a happily ever after.

I turned around and started to walk away. I stopped and turned around when she called out to me again. "I guess I'll leave." I stated before she could say anything further.

"Ummm...Well then let's see if we ever meet again, New York's a big, vast city." She explained then waved a hand at me saying goodbye and left.

"New York? I landed in New York? Out of all the places in the entire world I had to land in New York? Damn it! It's going to be a tough living." I mumbled beneath my breath and walked out of the airport.

I stepped out; the sunrays directly hit my eye lens. I tried to shield my eyes with my hand as I lifted it up to my eye level piercing the air between my eye and the sun. I took a couple of steps forward and stood under the shed. I stopped at the spur of my movement. In front of my eyes stood an entirely different world. I knew this meant an entirely new life awaited.

A/N: Okay guys, I know it's short and all mystery! Where did the guy come from? What was his life all about before? And all that stuff. PS the guy in the story isn't an alien! ;) Besides it's just the start right? I'm sorry if the chapter sucked, do punch it in the comments below. Even if it did suck please hold on to me! It's my first, but I promise you it will get interesting!

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